TOUCH HEAVEN MINISTRIES is commissioned by the Spirit of God as an outreach to the world to help to Prepare The Way for The Coming of Our Lord. Jesus is indeed returning, the time is short, and ALL of us have much to do.
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12/29/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaWaiting on the Rain.Apostle Frank left us with a word last week. “Remember Noah.” The Prepare The Way anointing is about to pour out. Noah was ready for the rain. Noah built when there was no rain, Noah continued building, when there was no rain. But, by God, when it rained, Noah was ready! We will be ready t…
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A Child is born, a Son is given
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12/22/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaOh, how the Father loves us. “A Child is born, a Son is given.” Oh, the cost of Family.We will look at the meaning and cost of Salvation and therefore, the reason we have this celebration of Christmas.Isaiah 9:6-76) For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoul…
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12/15/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaYou are Family at Touch Heaven and you are loved. There is a song that sings, "Love will keep us together." This time of year, use every resource the Father gives you to "keep it together," and realize to someone else, that it is your text, your call, your voice, your touch, your love, that helps them "Keep I…
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12/08/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaRomans 6:5-6 explains this,“5) For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection,6) knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin.”Sin…
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12/01/24 message from Pastor Patty ScahillPor Touch Heaven Ministries
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11/24/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaWe will entertain one or more special guests this Sunday, and we look forward to it.To entertain means to provide enjoyment or amusement to someone. It can also mean to spend our “treasures,” (TOTAL), Time, Opportunity, Talent, Attention, and Life towards an idea, feeling, or request.Whether we know/like it o…
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11/17/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaThis is Worship Warfare Sunday. 2025 Vision. Bring your best seed. The Lord is Good and His, His, His, mercy endures forever. His Grace is your strength, your provision, your deliverance, your confidence. Your restoration. On the board we will put. Touch Heaven Won't Stop Praising" "The Spirit is Moving"https…
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11/10/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaIf you think you’re there, think again.Why then would we need new mercy every day?1 Kings 17:14b “nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the LORD sends rain on the earth.”Ps 105:41 “He opened the rock, and water gushed out; It ran in the dry places like a river.” Apostle Frank has instructed us that …
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11/3/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaBrief description of show/service topic—You Knit ‘T’—UnityDavid was a man after God’s heart. A ruddy shepherd, faithful to his father’s sheep, somehow, he caught and or captured the attention and heart of Father God. It was not David’s personality, publicity, or prominence that got him noticed, but likely his …
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10/27/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaSpam likely,Should I take this call?So many times times we pick up the phone when it rings. We may or may not look at the caller ID first. If it says spam, maybe we ignore the call or maybe we don’t.I want to EXPOSE the calls that are SPAM in our lives.Too often, a number is spoofed and gets through only to f…
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10/20/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaAre we there yet?Where is there?Seriously, where is the place you/we are going, heading, hopeful to arrive at one day?As Christians, Disciples, and Witnesses, or in Touch Heaven language, as Warriors, Worshippers, and Watchmen, we are required to have an answer to this question.Let us seek the answer together…
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10/13/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaWe really need Jesus!The Father Revealed 7) “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” 8) Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.” 9) Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not know…
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9/29/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaSunday we asked the question,“What Came First?”Abraham and the testimony of his life will guide us as we go.A clue: The Father’s Math Works!Then I took your father Abraham from the other side of the River, led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his descendants and gave him Isaac. Joshua 24:3…
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9/22/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaWe no longer exist, We have our life in Christ,we live and move and have our being in Him.John 10 tells us that He came to give us life and life more abundantly, not just so that we survive but that we thrive, multiply, and increase in every area of our lives.https://www.thcanfield.com…
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8/25/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaSudden Streams of SuccessProverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.”We have been working through the Word not returning to the Father void. We know that Jesus is the Word and was and now is with the Father. The Holy Spirit, working with and through us, …
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8/18/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaCome in thirsty with expectationMade clean in the crimson flow, in the Father's sight, we're white as snow.Not measured by the work we've done, But the finished work of Christ His Son.Come to drink, come in thirsty. Expecting to never thirst again.- Pastor Ralph"but whoever drinks of the water that I shall giv…
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8/11/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaDo you pray based on the way you see yourself? What if you started to pray based on the way God sees you and the Father sees you?Join us as we discuss Zech 3- Pastor Ralphhttps://www.touchheaven.com…
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8/4/24 message from Pastor Ralph Royeahttps://www.touchheaven.com Touch Heaven Ministries
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7/28/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaHave you been asking yourself, “Where is the joy?” Wondering where God is and why it seems like He’s with you, but He’s not “with” you.Come, let us reason together this Sunday at 9:45 AM for church.Come, find joy in the bond of fellowship, the sacrifice of praise, and in the hearing of the word. We will rejoic…
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7/21/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaYou've heard of "peace that surpasses," but do you have it, do you want it?Philippines 4:7 "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." https://www.touchheaven.comPor Touch Heaven Ministries
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7/14/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaJohn 15:4"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me."Join us as we discuss“Peace and Joy and where they come from,and what manifests in the believer”https://www.touchheaven.com…
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6/30/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaOn this journey from “Not Mere Men,” “Knew, Known and Knowing God,” “Chronos and Kairos Time” with Pastor Patty, and the “Fountains of David Open and PTW Anointing Released” from our Apostle Frank.The bond of love that brings about perfection in our livesPor Touch Heaven Ministries
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6/23/24 message from Pastor Patty ScahillKronos and Kairos Time1 Corinthians 4:20"For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God's power."His power to overcome is "His Presence!"Not only within but properly interpreted "among" us! Join us as we minister this truth with activation and revelation! https://www.touchheaven.comhtt…
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6/16/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaGod said let there be light and there was light.Light happens when life happens.Let's spend Father's Day togetherand together we will reada Father's Letter to us.John 17:6 "I have manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours, You gave them to Me, and they have kept Y…
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Ready for the Anointing? - Pastor Ralph
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6/2/24 message from Pastor Ralph RoyeaReady for the Anointing?Are you thankful for what you have, where you’re at and what you’re going through?Philippians 4:13 “I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me[I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficiency in Christ’s suf…
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Does the Lord Test us?
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5/26/24 message from Pastor Patty ScahillDoes the Lord "test" us? Yes, He does!The "test" is always about our heart and obedience!Love is an emotion- faith a deposited gift - obedience a necessity!Exodus 16:4- paraphrased... "I am testing them, to see - will they follow my instruction."https://www.touchheaven.com…
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2024 Pentecost Sunday
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5/19/24 message from Pastor Frank AmediaPentecost Sundayhttps://www.touchheaven.com Touch Heaven Ministries
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Mothers Day Service 2024
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5 Powerful mothers share encouraging words and experiences.Por Touch Heaven Ministries
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5/5/24 message from Pastor Frank AmediaPart IV of the Moses SeriesMoses: A profound conflict between God's Sovereignty and FreewillHow is the life of Moses relevant today?How is the injustice of terror and antisemitismstirring up the God of Moses NOW! Are deliverers rising up with power to withstand the darkness that is covering the earth? How long…
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Moshe Found His Mojo
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4/28/24 message from Pastor Frank AmediaMoshe saw a burning bush, but it just kept burning,it did not burn out...So he moseyed on over to get a closer look,oh, OH - are you kidding me?The Lord was in the bush, but that's not all...La voce del Signore called Moshe by name!!!Join Pastor Frank forPart III of the series:Moshe found his mojo!Moses: Let’…
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4/24/24 message from Pastor Patty ScahillThe Lord our Delivererhttps://www.touchheaven.com Touch Heaven Ministries
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When & How Did Moses Find His Mojo - PT2
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4/14/24 message from Pastor Frank AmediaThe Hall of Faith in Hebrews is a collection of famous heroes...and MOSES is the only one who is revealed frombeginning to end of his days on earth...Join Pastor Frank for Part II of...When & How did Moses find his Mojo?By faith Moses when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daught…
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When & How Did Moses Find His Mojo part 1
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4/7/24 message from Pastor Frank AmediaThe Hall of Faith in Hebrews is a collection of famous heroes...and MOSES is the only one who is revealed frombeginning to end of his days on earth...Join Pastor Frank for insight into...When & How did Moses find his Mojo?By faith Moses when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daugh…
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Resurrection Sunday 2024
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3/31/24 message from Pastor Frank AmediaCelebrate Resurrection SundayMatthew 28:5-75 The angel said to the women, “Don’t be afraid. I know that you are looking for Jesus, who has been crucified. 6 He is not here. He has risen from the dead as he said he would. Come and see the place where his body was. 7 And go quickly and tell his followers, ‘Jesu…
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Prescient In The Present Movement
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3/24/24 message from Pastor Frank AmediaIt is possible to be smack in the midst of the Sudden Momentof the emergence of a significant Kingdom Movement and not even know it.Sadly, the history of the relationship of God and Man reveals this is a prevalent failure of not being present in the moment.JOIN PASTOR FRANKMessage: Prescient in the Present Mo…
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The Deposit Of Eternity Within
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3/17/24 message from Pastor Patty Scahill The Deposit of eternity within -Demands a return without!In each of us resides "Seeds" bringing forth "PTW Anointing" growth and expansion!3 John 1:2"Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your SOUL prospers"https://www.touchheaven.com…
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Struggling with negative thoughts that go against God's truth? In this video, we'll discuss how you can overcome these thoughts and find freedom in Jesus. Stop beating yourself up and start speaking life to yourself. This is a MUST-WATCH!Hey sis! Welcome to New Creation Woman, where we chat all things beautiful and ugly about womanhood through the …
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In this powerful testimony, Mandi Baird shares her journey of healing and deliverance from the wounds of abuse. Through the power of Jesus' love and grace, she overcame her past and found freedom from the pain. Watch as she shares her story and find hope for your own healing journey.Hey sis! Welcome to New Creation Woman, where we chat all things b…
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3/03/24 message from Pastor Frank AmediaREALLY? Is it possible that there's a revelation of blessings in the LAW that survives the NEW Covenant? OK, right. Jesus goes way out of His way to affirm, even promote, the authority of the Law. But what he said about fulfilling the Law & the Prophets, not abolishing it... in this single statement there is …
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2/25/24 message from Pastor Frank AmediaHere is a PROPHETIC RIDDLE 4 YOUWhat happens when you merge…Moving from GLORY to GORYandTHE PERPETUAL SEEDING DYNAMIC??Here are a few hints:When a seed lies dormant, is it stagnant?When an instrument of Glory is not on the Move is it stagnant?Can Glory not move? Can A seed really be DEAD?Join Pastor Frank for…
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As Christian parents, it's important to understand the difference between Godly pride and unhealthy pride. In this video, we'll discuss what pride means, the role it plays in parenting, and how to foster Godly pride in your children. Join us for a unique and insightful Christian perspective on the topic of pride.Hey sis! Welcome to New Creation Wom…
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2/18/24 message from Pastor Patty ScahillGalatians 4:19 AMP"My little children, for whom I am again in [the pains of] labor until Christ is [completely and permanently] formed within you..."His Presence alone forms and transforms!Now is the time of revelation, expectation, worship,expansion, increase; growth, and transformation!But FIRST HIS PRESEN…
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2/11/24 message from Pastor Frank AmediaThe Creator spoke and released the Perpetual Seeding dynamic The previous message laid the foundation for this Spiritual Truth Essentially, the fruit whose Seed is in itself that seeds itself, over, and over and over ... nowwe go deeper into your spirit if you will to activate the first fruit of the Spirit, a…
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The Perpetual Seeding Dynamic
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2/4/24 message from Pastor Frank AmediaThe Creator set forth the Perpetual Seeding dynamic.He created the fruit tree to bear fruit whose seed is in itself. If you are in Jesus, then you have the first fruit of the Spirit, And you bear fruit whose seed is in itself. The fruit-bearing seed NOW is sowing the PTW anointing. So then neither is he that p…
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1/28/24 message from Pastor Frank AmediaA Fresh Fountain is opening andThe Spirit is pouring out andBrooding over the Wildernessand thisto Prepare The Way (PTW) of the Lord andThere are identifiable functions of the growing Movement that are Empowering those who Answer the Callto beAnointed to serve HIS Plans & Purposes to PTW! JOIN Pastor Frank As…
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Cloak Of Humility - Be Bold
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1/14/24 message from Pastor Frank AmediaThe Spirit of God is moving at Touch Heaven REVIVALMIRACLESDELIVERANCEWORSHIPDECLARATIONSWho knows What The Lord Shall do! Come, Join us, and Taste of the Goodness of GOD.Por Touch Heaven Ministries
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12/31/23 message from Pastor Frank AmediaYours is The Power of an Endless LifeSome say "Auld Lang Syne"Some say "It was a good year"Some say "Good riddance"Some anticipate the future with hopeSome despair the unknown with fearBUTWe are the people of GodWe are learning to unlock TimeWe are learning to rest in TimeWe are settled in EternityWe are in …
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In this NCW Christmas Special with Pastors Lorilee, Patty, and Nida. East Meets West in this very intriguing episode of NCW. Pastor Nida shares how Christmas is celebrated in Pakistan and how the spirit of love and forgiveness dominates the season.Hey sis! Welcome to New Creation Woman, where we chat all things beautiful and ugly about womanhood th…
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Bring ON The PTW Oil - Pt 2
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12/17/23 message from Pastor Frank AmediaOh Yeh! Bring on the PTW Oil...OPEN WINDOWS IN HEAVEN are TRICKLINGSHOWERS of latter-day PTW ANOINTING&FOUNTAINS from the deep ARE OPENING WITHLIVING WATER rivers of PTW ANOINTINGJOIN PASTOR FRANK for the continuationof "The PTW Anointing"Part 2: "Bring ON the PTW Oil"“In that day a fountain shall be opened …
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A New Creation Woman throwback where Pastors Lorilee and Patty sit down with Michal Russo and discuss the ability to have peace in the midst of any chaos, trouble, turmoil, or whatever it may be. The peace that passes all understandingHey sis! Welcome to New Creation Woman, where we chat all things beautiful and ugly about womanhood through the fai…
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