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To demonstrate the scope of wisdom's potential. "Lady Wisdom" appeals to creation itself as the evident and super-abundant fruit of wisdom applied. Furtherrnore she appeals to her relationship to Yahweh to illustrate the indispensable necessity ofwisdon1 for any successful endeavor. lfwisdo1n is intrinsic to the works of God Hi1nself, ho.vc ould an…
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JUDGES | Three Follies | Judges 8:22-27 | David Lopez by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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As we have recently noted, the teaching of Proverbs regarding wisdom presumes the proper relationship between the spiritual and the material. We note as the chapter continues that legitimate political authority is established on wisdom. Even creation itself is established on wisdom, as is all enduring hope of human flourishing. Properly ordered aff…
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JUDGES | God's Glory & Our Good | Judges 7:19-22 | Eric Rokohl by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Psalm 137 is A song of lament, oath, & oracle. This is a Psalm acknowledging situations where it is excruciating to sing. The psalmist is in exile but his heart is in Zion. This is a song Nehemiah could sing as he wept in the courts of Artaxerxes’ Persian controlled Babylon. Nehemiah was a respected official who had the ear and the favor of an empe…
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JUDGES | Call of Gideon | Judges 6:1-40 | Erik Ripley by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Paul’s instructions continue according to the purpose statement of 1 Corinthians 7:35 to benefit the church, to promote good order, and to secure undivided devotion to the Lord…Referencing the letter he had received from the Corinthians, Paul addresses another issue of the day of spiritual & practical concern. What should a Christian do when the gr…
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JUDGES | Why We Sing | Judges 5:1-31 by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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LADY WISDOM’S MINISTRY – Proverbs 8:1-13 – 2-23-25
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1:00:20Unless you think femininity is appropriated exclusively to portray seductive temptation in the wisdom literature of Proverbs… Remember chapter 1:20-33 has introduced us to a different woman entirely and here again in chapter 8, we behold the female personification of wisdom. Lady Wisdom is the counterpart to the forbidden woman of chapter 7 and the…
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JUDGES | Deborah's Story | Judges 4 by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Solomon's instructions continue to unfold in the dramatic framework of chapter 7. We'veimagined our young man seated for a man-to-man talk across the mahogany desk in his wise father's 5th floorstudy. They have observed the busy streets of worldliness from their window vantage point. These two scenesare then followed by two more illustrating the oc…
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JUDGES | Ehud & Shamgar | Judges 3:12-31 by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Dear Church | Fatherly Instruction | 1 Corinthians 16:5-18 | Kort Marley by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Dear Church | Giving Church | 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 | Kort Marley by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Dear Church | Final Greetings | 1 Corinthians 16:19-24 | Ty Gaston by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Zeal | A Life of Zeal | John 2:13-22 | Kort Marley by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Zeal | Christian Love | 1 John 5:1-5 | Kort Marley by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Advent | Peacemaking Pt. I | Matthew 5:9 | Eric Rokohl by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Dear Church | Christian Hope | 1 Corinthians 15:35-49 | Erik Ripley by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Zeal | Faith & Hope | Hebrews 12:1-2 | Kort Marley by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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JUDGES | Othniel | Judges 3:7-11 | Eric Rokohl by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Zeal | Hopeful Zeal | Romans 15:4-13 | Kort Marley by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Stand Alone | A Reoriented Heart | Jonah 4:1-4 | Ty Gaston by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Advent | Peacemaking Pt. II | 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 | Kort Marley by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Advent | Peace with God and Man | Romans 5:1 | Kort Marley by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Advent | Prince of Peace | Isaiah 9:6-7 | Kort Marley by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Dear Church | Mysterious, Victorious Resurrection | 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 | Kort Marley by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Judges | The Fatal Flaw | Judges 1:1-3 | Ty Gaston by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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ASTRONOMICAL LOVE – 2-9-2025 – Psalm 136
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1:01:11This Psalm's responsive refrain is echoed 26 times. With every verse we are reminded and called to confess:" His (Yahweh's steadfast love endures forever". Perhaps the most obvious message from Ps 136 is ironically the most often discounted: the relationship between the sovereignty of God demonstrated in His awesome acts and His eternal steadfast l…
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GOSPEL RECONSTRUCTION – 2-2-2025 – I Corinthians 7:17-35
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1:00:56The vision for Gospel Reconstruction in Corinth continues with blueprints equipping thechurch for the Christian life in greater society. We understand from Paul's teaching that Christ bas come to rebuildand reconcile individuals and institutions in his image and Christians are called to faithfully, patiently endeavor todo the same. Paul's letters i…
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We might consider chapter 7 of Proverbs from the perspective of four scenes in a movie. The first, I imagine unfolding in a 5th floor study of a man whose wisdom has increased with age. The devoted father sits across a mahogany desk from his son with well worn spines of his library books standing at attention on the shelves behind him. “As you grow…
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A useful device in case-law literature is sometimes called “citing the minimal case”. The idea is to demonstrate the application of the law in a situation of minor significance. By implication then the reader understands that this law would surely apply in principle to any situation of greater importance. The purpose of this device is to efficientl…
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Psalm 135 publishes a command to worship Yahweh and chronicles occasions for worship from nature, history, and covenant. Echoing themes from Ps 134, Ps 135 opens reprising a call to worship extending firstly to those with priestly duties commissioned to serve the Lord in His house (temple). The song continues by recounting & extolling works of the …
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The Reign of the Lord’s Annointed: Christ Over All – Psalm 2 – 1-5-25
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1:05:43Por Reggie Fredricks
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In Philippians chapter 2, Paul encourages the church to be united in the faith. He instructs the church to remain humble, using Christ as his primary example. He then encourages the church to work out their salvation, without grumbling, but with joy amidst a crooked and twisted generation.Por Gene Engisch
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CHRISTMAS TESTIMONIES – John 1:19-37 – 12-22-24
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1:00:48John's gospel introduces Jesus by way of His pre-incarnate glory in the first 18 verses typicallyreferred to as "The Prologue of John". (This was our text for last week's sermon entitled: "Introducing Jesus"). Theintroduction of Jesus in John continues by way of testimony in verses that follow. The message of the book and John'sintentions in writin…
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How do the Gospel writers introduce Jesus? The question of where to begin recounting the world's greatest narrative with an eternal back story would be a daunting task indeed. All 4 gospels begin in different ways providing a multi-faceted perspective on the greatest eventsI n history. The Gospel authors were keenly aware of the significance of the…
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In Romans chapter 5, verses 6-11, the apostle Paul expounds on the atonement. The condition we were in, how we are reconciled, and justified through Christ. Gods love for us is such that while we were still enemies of God, he sent his Son to take the punishment we deserve, that we might be reconciled to him.…
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In I Cor chapter 7, Paul continues with his teaching strategy introduced in chapter 6. Adding to the phrases: All things are lawful for me• & the phrase: -Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food', Paul addresses a 3rd popular notion of the day denoted by the phrase 'It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman· (7: …
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Our passage today introduces another unique feature which will resurface later in the book of Proverbs. The ascending numerical device of verse 16 is a feature of Wisdom Literature & Hebrew poetry. The 6 followed by 7 reference is designed to emphasize that the author's point Is strengthened by the frequency of examples, the number of which exceeds…
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The first half of Proverbs chapter 6 contrasts the ambitions of the wise with the efforts of the wicked. The student of wisdom will work to reinforce a stable and virtuous vision for life while the fool uses corruption as leverage to benefit himself at the expense of others and God's design for relationships. Proverbs 6 contains perhaps the 10th 'M…
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Ps 134 is a fitting conclusion & crescendo to the Songs of Ascent summarizing central themes of this catalogue in the Psalter. In the context of temple worship at the time of authorship, Psalm 134 serves as an appropriate salutation and benediction. In its historical context, the people wave “goodbye” to the priests returning to their various vocat…
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In I Cor 6:12-13, Paul cites several general statements that are context dependent. In light of what the Apostle has addressed thus far and what he proceeds to cover in this chapter, Paul provides categorical qualifications to equip the church with discernment pertaining to matters of moral order within their community given the norms of society ar…
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In Titus chapter 2, Paul lays out the qualities and characteristics of the biblical woman. He gives instruction on how they are to conduct themselves, as well as instruction relevant to their God given role. Although men and women have different roles in God's plan for the church and the family, they are equally as important, and it is essential fo…
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Dear Church | The Reality of the Resurrection | 1 Corinthians 15:12-34 by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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We have noted how the entire book of Proverbs by design is an exposition of the 5th commandment (Ex20:12) “Honor your father & your mother...”. Properly applied within the covenant home, Solomon demonstrates that to obey this commandment is to obey them all. In this way, the framework of Proverbs presents an exhortation to all parties in society. I…
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The poetic imagery of this song evokes the beauty and blessings of condescension. Anointing oil poured from above, dew falling, as it were, from on high and appearing at the mountain of God where heaven touches earth. Ps 133 expounds in metaphor the precious gift of the God-glorifying communion of the saints. David compares the gift of brotherly lo…
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Dear Church | Of First Importance | 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Dear Church | Decently and in Order | 1 Corinthians 14:26-40 by Providence Community ChurchPor Providence Community Church
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Yet today, despite the moral degradation of our society, in a court room the judge is referred to as “Your Honor”, to acknowledge the solemn duty and sacred authority of justice. If order breaks down at any point in the court proceedings, what does the judge do? He takes up the gavel (symbolic of his authority) and strikes the desk, reminding the c…
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