Hear a passage, understand the passage, apply it to your life, all in about 10 minutes a day with ADDBIBLE®, Audio Daily Devotion from The Ezra Project.
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1 Samuel is the story of Israel’s transition from a theocracy, a kingdom ruled by God, to a monarchy, a kingdom ruled by kings. It is the end of the era of the judges and the beginning of the era of Israel ruled like other nations, by kings. It is thirty-one chapters, probably written by Samuel, but probably not entirely. The book was written about…
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Today, we conclude the Book of Ruth with a happy ending. Naomi returned to Bethlehem in bitterness. God turned her bitterness into joy. Are you bitter? Let God turn your bitterness into joy.Por Allen J. Huth
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In Ruth 3, Ruth takes a big risk. Have you taken a risk? Will it work out for Ruth? Did it work out for you?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Ruth 2, Ruth gets right to work providing for her and her mother-in-law. She happens to end up working in the field of Boaz. Is your life dumb luck, or orchestrated by God?Por Allen J. Huth
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Ruth turns our focus on the family of the Messiah within the nation.Por Allen J. Huth
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Today, we reach Job 42, the last chapter of the Book of Job. In the last day of our thirty-day adventure through this book, we will see Job respond to God one more time. We will see God speak, and we will see God restore everything to Job. Have you suffered? Do you believe in God’s restoration?Por Allen J. Huth
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Today is day twenty-eight in our thirty-day journey through the Book of Job. After thirty-seven chapters of Job and his friends conversing with each other, God is going to speak. Do you wish to plead your case before God? Are you really ready if He says, “Yes”?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 40, God calls Job a faultfinder. He invites Job to respond. Job wisely chooses silence, and God continues to speak. Do you desire to plead your case before God? Do you have a few things to say to God about life?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 36 and 37, the young man Elihu extols God’s greatness and proclaims God’s majesty. These are his final words before the Lord Himself speaks in chapter 38. We can’t wait. Do you praise the majesty of God?Por Allen J. Huth
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Yesterday, we were introduced to the young man, Elihu. Today in Job 34-35, we hear more from him. In chapter 34, Elihu asserts God’s justice. In chapter 35, he condemns Job. Have you been condemned; falsely accused?Por Allen J. Huth
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Today, we cover Job 32 and 33. Though Job’s words ended in chapter 31, and his friends have no more to say, there is a fourth young man who has been listening to all this. He has plenty to say, for the next six chapters! Do you listen to the old, the young, or both?Por Allen J. Huth
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Job 31 contains Job’s final words. In fact, he does not speak again until the last chapter of this book. This is his final appeal. How do you defend yourself? Can you? Are you blameless before God?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 29 and 30, Job has been speaking since chapter 26. He continues his discourse summarizing his defense in these two chapters. Do you long for the good old days? Were they really that good?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 28, Job continues his discourse after Bildad’s last argument in chapter 25. This time, Job asks where is wisdom? Are you wise? Where do you search for wisdom?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 27, Job begins speaking, saying he will maintain his integrity. How is your personal integrity?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 25 and 26, Bildad has something to say to Job concerning righteousness. Job gives his reply that God’s majesty is unsearchable. Man cannot be righteousbefore a God who is majestic and unsearchable. Do you comprehend God?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 23 and 24, Job responds to Eliphaz’s accusation that he is exceedingly wicked. Job’s response covers two chapters. Do you have the freedom in Christ to argue before God?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 22, Eliphaz declares Job’s wickedness must be great! “Can a man be profitable to God?” (v. 2). Do you think God needs you?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 21, Job responds to Zophar’s argument that the wicked suffer. Job argues the wicked also prosper. Do you see the wicked prosper? Do you curse God as they do?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 20, Zophar speaks. He talks about how the wicked will suffer. Yet, we see wickedness prosper all around us. Do you get judgmental, or do you trust the justice of God?Por Allen J. Huth
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Today, we reach Job 19, the half-way point of our journey through the Book of Job. We are taking Job in thirty days, and this is day fifteen. Job 19 is Job’s response to Bildad that his Redeemer lives. In the midst of your trials, do you hang on to God?Por Allen J. Huth
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In chapter 18 of the Book of Job, Bildad speaks, reminding Job God punishes the wicked. These three friends are supposedly counseling Job, but much of it is hurtful. Are you helpful or hurtful when counseling your friends?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 16 and 17, Job responds to Eliphaz’s accusation that he did not fear God. He has a pity party, poor me. Are you in the midst of a pity party?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 15, his friend, Eliphaz, accuses Job of not fearing God. Do you fear God? Does anybody know you do? Can you defend your faith?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 13 and 14, Job continues to respond to Zophar. He wants to plead his case to God, not his friends. He wants to know why this is happening to him. You too may want to plead your case to God. You too may want to know why.Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 12, Job responds to Zophar’s accusations in Job 11. He ridicules his counsel. Surely you have given advice, but how much did you really know about the circumstances? Zophar had no knowledge of the deal God and Satan made in heaven. Are you careful as you counsel others based on your limited information?…
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In Job 11, Job’s third friend, Zophar, speaks. He says Job deserves worse. Sometimes the help we seek from our friends is no help at all. Where is your help in time of need?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 10, Job continues his response to Bildad’s arguments with a plea to God Himself. The suffering accumulates, the pain is deep, and the separation from him and God is more than he can handle. Have you been there? At some point in your life, did it turn so far south you could not see a way of escape? Did you cry out to God and get no answer?…
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In Job 9, we will hear Job’s response to Bildad’s arguments about how God would not judge a blameless man. Was Job blameless? Are you blameless?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 8, another friend, Bildad, speaks to Job. He argues God rewards good and cannot pervert justice. If so, why do we seemingly suffer false accusations when we are innocent?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 6 and 7, Job responds to the accusations from Eliphaz in chapters 4 and 5. Do you suffer the weariness of life: months of emptiness, nights of misery, the terrors of God arrayed against you?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 4 and 5, the discussions begin between Job and his three friends. Friend number one, Eliphaz, counsels Job that the innocent prosper. Are you innocent before your Maker? Is anyone pure before a Holy God?Por Allen J. Huth
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At the end of Job 2, there were seven days of silence. In chapter 3, Job is going to speak. Let’s see what Job has to say after all the suffering he has been through. Have you been pushed to your limit? How did you respond? Did you curse your very existence?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Job 2, as if what Satan did to Job in chapter 1 was not enough, he is going to further attack Job in this chapter. From time to time, do you feel attacks from the enemy? Do those attacks sometimes feel a bit overwhelming?Por Allen J. Huth
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Job questions God even while demonstrating unshakable faith. We will find out if God answers Job’s questions. We will observe a frank discussion among friends about why God allows bad things to happen to good people, an amazing demonstration of faith, and the willingness of God to allow Job to suffer in order to ultimately bless him.…
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Today, we conclude the Book of Revelation, the final chapter, chapter 22. Jesus says He is coming back. Do you believe Him?Por Allen J. Huth
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Today, we are in the second to the last chapter of the last book of the Bible, Revelation 21. We will learn about the new heaven and the new earth, hallelujah! Do you wonder what heaven will look like, what it will be like?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Revelation 20, we are going to look at the 1,000-year reign and the final defeat of Satan. Can you believe after being with Jesus 1,000 years, people will still turn from Him to Satan?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Revelation 19, after spending a lot of time on the last days on earth, we are going to go to heaven. Throughout the Book of Revelation, there have been chances to pause and praise the Lord. Here is another opportunity. Will you pause and praise the Lord?Por Allen J. Huth
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Revelation 18 is the continuation of the wrath of God on earth, the final days, and the fall of Babylon. Are you serving the world’s economic system, or are you serving the Lord’s economic system? Which one gets more of your time and resources?Por Allen J. Huth
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Revelation 17 is the continuation of the wrath of God poured out on the earth. Are you caught up in the ways of the world or the ways of the Word? Please read or listen to Revelation 17.Por Allen J. Huth
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In Revelation 16, the seven bowls of the wrath of God are poured out. Armageddon is more than a Hollywood movie; it is a real place in Israel where a future battle will be fought. Do you wonder how life on earth will end?Por Allen J. Huth
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In our journey through the Book of Revelation, we arrive at chapter 15 today. We are going to learn about seven angels and seven plagues. Do you wonder what heaven is like?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Revelation 14, we are going to read about the Lamb and the harvest on earth. There will be a last harvest. The question is, are you ready? Are you ready if your personal harvest is today?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Revelation 13, we are going to read about a couple of beasts and the number 666. Will we recognize the mark of the beast? Will you withstand the pressure to take it?Por Allen J. Huth
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Today, we are in Revelation 12, which means we cross the half-way point of this book. There are twenty-two chapters in the Book of Revelation. This chapter features the dragon, the woman, Satan, and more. Have you ever wondered how Satan came to earth? Do you wonder why there is so much sin and evil in our world?…
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In Revelation 11, we will look at the two witnesses and the seventh trumpet. What does it take for some to believe in Jesus? What did it take for you to believe in Jesus?Por Allen J. Huth
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In Revelation 10, John is told to eat a scroll. Do you need to be told to eat the Word of God daily, or is it a natural habit?Por Allen J. Huth
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Revelation 9 is a continuation of Revelation 8. There, we saw seven angels with seven trumpets, blowing the trumpets of judgment. Chapter 8 was the first four angels. Chapter 9 continues with angels and trumpets of judgment. Things are going to get so bad, people will seek death but not find it. When things get that bad, what will you do?…
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