Exploring human microbiome research.
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Re-thinking the theory of autoimmunity in the era of the microbiome by Amy ProalPor Amy Proal
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Today I’ll discuss two more factors that can debilitate the human immune system (allowing the microbiome to better cause disease). They are antibiotics (when used too frequently) and immunosuppressive drugs: two of the most common medical interventions of our time.Por Amy Proal
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The power of intracellular pathogens: how they “take down” the immune system by Amy ProalPor Amy Proal
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Towards a more nuanced view of the human microbiome: pathogens and evolution by Amy ProalPor Amy Proal
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Gürol Süel is a Professor of Molecular Biology and the Associate Director of the San Diego Center for Systems Biology. His research team integrates quantitative biology approaches with mathematical modeling to identify principles of bacterial organization and coordination. Most recently, the team discovered a new form of bacterial communication tha…
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More thoughts on a possible brain microbiome by Amy ProalPor Amy Proal
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