This is a podcast where I discuss real topics with real people. Let's cut through the fluff and just be transparent. I want to showcase authenticity since we live in a world where everything needs to be prim and proper from filters to audio tune, etc. On a mission to Educate, Inspire, and Motivate others since we ALL have powerful stories to share to continue to make an impact.
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Want to know what successful power parenting looks like? In this segment, Dr. John Chanaca shares bits and pieces fornurturing successful students in the modern world. All of which help build trust and respect for authority figures. WHO IS DR. JOHN CHANACA? Dr. John Chanaca, founder of MJChanacapublishing LLC, hasover 42 years of experience in teac…
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Have you ever felt confined pumping or felt the need to seekout help to keep your milk supply up? Being a pumping and/or nursing mom can be extremely hard,but with the right support you can truly thrive and flourish. In this segment, Ece Filiz shares her journey and how she went about unlocking freedom for pumping moms to ensure you are equipped wi…
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Want to learn how to change your life with just one thoughtat a time? In this segment, Mark Collins shares how to tap into thattransformational truth that will change your life forever. Once you unpack your identity, realize your character is calling, then you will see you are more than where you are at. Lots of GEMS were shared throughout this con…
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Ep. 814 - Have you heard of spontaneous remissions in terminal cancers? Danny Carroll teaches us to do it
Have you heard of spontaneous remissions in terminalcancers? In this segment, Danny Carroll teaches us to do it consciously. He is the author of Terminal Cancer is a Misdiagnosis. WHO IS DANNY CARROLL? Danny has spent the last 20 years searching and testingbetter solutions to health challenges and has spent the last decade helping people with chron…
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What are you doing to ensure your baby is sleeping safely?Wish you had a product that ensured safe sleep while also letting you get in some much-needed Zs. In this segment, the founder of Marsu Baby, Trinetta Bryanshares how she came up with the idea for The Wrap Sheet out of a need to solve her own problems. This then took off and started helping …
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What does happiness look like and feel like for you? How dohappy people think and what does resilient look like? In this segment, Andrew Matthews shares seven tips to being resilient which goes along with being happy and bouncing back. In order to be happy you have to shift your mindset and perspective, do some internal work, live in the present an…
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Did you know that their is no right or wrong to parenting?Parenting Isn't a cake walk and it is definitely not for the faint at heart. Our precious bundles will try our patience, we will lose our cool, we may say words we do not mean, we ask for forgiveness, and sometimes we may get down on ourselves.Well I want to encourage you to give yourself gr…
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Want to know how best to support a new or seasoned mom?Sometimes moms have a special way of juggling or wearing a superhuman / superhero cape instead of reaching out for help.With this in mind it is best to not make any assumptions on what that mom may need and just ask how you can best support them on their motherhood journey. Each mom has a speci…
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Ep. 809 - Build Your Emotional Strength and Resilience With Mental Freedom along with Kim Olver
When it comes Mental Health and Mental Freedom® what comes to mind? In this segment, Kim Olver shares how to create your strength and resilience before you need it. We also go over Mental Freedom® high level and learn the six principles you need to integrate in your life to find the mental freedom you crave. WHO IS KIM OLVER?Kim Olver, LCPC, NCC, B…
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GEMS RADIO SEGMENT - All Things Relationships with Jason & Tina Marie Scott
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1:43:53In this segment you will hear from Jason and Tina Marie Scott discuss all things relationships and how to manifest a joy filled relationship. You will also hear live callers sharing their input on the subject. WHO IS JASON & TINA MARIE SCOTT? Certified Life and Relationship Coaches Jason and Tina Marie Scott have been married for thirty-three years…
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Do not allow the cover of the book to deter you from opening and learning from the contents. In this segment, Tiffany Obeng shares why black books are for everyone. We hear about the inspiration of her author career intersecting with her corporate career as a Lawyer and DEO professional. WHO IS TIFFANY OBENG? Tiffany is a lawyer and DEO professiona…
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For Those Exhausted Parents...Can You Relate?Have you ever felt so burnt out you wanted to throw in the towel? Then you realize that it is just a mere season and phase that is going to pass.You literally feel worn out from all the hats you are juggling and just wish, pray, and hope for some help. Your body is tired, your mind is going a million mil…
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GEMS RADIO SEGMENT - The Art of Writing with Andreana Binder
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1:31:26During this radio segment you will hear Andreana Binder discuss the Art of Writing, Embracing your Creativity, how she got into the Technical Writing space etc. Live callers dial in to share their views and ask questions. ANDREANA'S CONTACT INFO CALL TO ACTION Subscribe / Follow GEMS with Genes…
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When it comes to your life are you struggling to reclaim or gain control of certain areas? In this segment, Scott Allan discusses how to relaunch your life by breaking the cycle of self-defeat, destroy negative emotions, and reclaim your personal power. Along with some other powerful GEMS that will help you shift your mindset and change your perspe…
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How do you deal with the lows and highs of life? Think aboutyour own story of going from desolation to epiphany, light to darkness, and struggle bus to new perspective. In this segment you will hear James W.A. get into themeaning behind desolation to epiphany. WHO IS JAMES W.A.? James W. A. was born, raised, and lives in the Tampa Bayarea in Florid…
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GEMS RADIO SEGMENT - Are You a Planner? Let's Dive In and Explore ALL Angles
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1:49:52GEMS RADIO SEGMENT Our show theme is Are You a Planner? Let's Dive in and explore all angles, plans related...we can always establish plans but what do we do if it doesn't work out? I am joined by two co-hosts during this segment and live callers who dialed in. GUEST INFO Angela Fishman Niche / SME: pregnant and postpartum moms Tagline / Phrase: A …
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GEMS RADIO SEGMENT - What do you do when life throws you a curveball?
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1:38:43GEMS RADIO SEGMENT TOPIC: What do you do when life throws you a curveball? - Are you reactive? or - Are you proactive? In this segment, you will hear my co-hosts Lucy Todd,CPC a Career Discovery Coach and Chelsea Fan a Professor share some of their experiences. Along with live callers who dialed in to share their thoughts around this topic. CALL TO…
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Want to champion the power of awareness and level up withmeditation? In this segment, Lucie Ptasznik shares valuable GEMS around rewiring the subconscious mind, how to consciously elevate your state, and overall tips to get you started on your transformation. WHO IS LUCIE PTASZNIK? Lucie is a national speaker, coach & entrepreneur whoquit corporate…
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Are you feeling unfulfilled, exhausted, burnt out, and stuckin your career? Want to know how to shift from that to understanding your wants and needs, identifying a more fulfilling career path, and building an exit plan? In this segment, Lucy Todd, CPC gives us the blueprint ofhow she made the shift in her life and how she is helping others do the …
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Do you want to see sustainability results while working out? If so, listen to Steve Grogan shared how you can get resultsin just two 30-minute workouts. Science-based fitness is similar to HIIT without all the interval and high intensity. Steve's method is geared towards low impact, repetition, and form. Various GEMS were shared to get you moving. …
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Do you have enough saved for retirement to enjoy the quality lifestyle you desire? In this segment, Steve Selengut shares some valuable GEMS on retirement money secrets. Like the goal to become income independence, the four great financial risk minimizers, the oldest income producing investments, etc. WHO IS STEVE SELENGUT? I’m a 40+ year professio…
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What does your intersection point between the real world and your spiritual path? In this segment, John Lawyer shares her personal journeyfrom war (being in the army) to his awakening. We discuss higher purpose (Dharma) and how we find it and then live it in our lives so we can be our best self, mind body and soul alignment, and spiritual path. WHO…
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Have you ever tried to meditate but felt as if you mind still wandered? In this segment, Ann Swanson, MS shares how meditation for busy people with busy minds can work with the right tools and modalities. Ann shares how you can incorporate 1-minute meditations in your day. Key takeaways about how to apply the 3 Science-backed keys to happiness. WHO…
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What does aging in today's society look like? In this segment Dr. Soma Mandal discusses various aspects of aging from preventative care, nutrition, being a woman in a sandwich generation, and overall staying healthy. WHO IS DR. SOMA? Dr. Soma Mandal is a board-certified internist and a women's health and wellness expert, who has been practicing at …
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Ep. 797 - Mysteries of the Universe Journeying Through Color Spirituality and Self-Discovery with Heather Eck
When you think about color how has it shaped your energy andmood? In this segment, Heather Eck shares some really insightful GEMS on the healing power of color and chakras, art as a spiritual journey, synesthesia: seeing the unseen and etc. WHO IS HEATHER? HEATHER ECK is a multimedia abstract artist and writer. Anintuitive artist and painter, Heath…
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Do you want to learn how to be free of fear and anxiety? In this segment, Daniel Packard shares a brief insight into how he went from a constant panic state to total calmness. After years andmillion dollars in research he now has key steps to free you in 6 weeks. WHO IS DANIEL? Daniel is a U.C. Berkeley Mechanical Engineer and CEO ofPermanent Anxie…
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Have you ever heard of Scalar Energy or Scalar Light? In this segment, Tom Paladino explains what Scalar Energy is and why he has been drawn to it. It supports humanity, longevity, and healthy aging. It also has many other benefits. WHO IS TOM? Tom Paladino is a Holistic Medical Expert, Scalar Energy Researcher & Humanitarian based in Florida. He h…
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Have you ever felt that you weren't creative or artistic? In this segment, Nancy Dillingham Marks shares what led her down her artistic and creative tracks after she thought she wasn't. Going from a corporate career to being free to create memorable pieces of fused glass art. WHO IS NANCY? Nancy Dillingham Marks, a Fused Glass Artist. After a 35-ye…
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Do you want to learn the fastest way to stop stress andworry? In this segment, Joanna Armstrong shares how you can calm the mind in 23 seconds using various tactics. We discuss liberating science-based technique, combining EFT-tapping, EMDR, etc. So many powerful GEMS dropped throughout to help you free yourself. WHO IS JOANNA? For the past 15 year…
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Are you having effective communication? Are you struggling with any mindset limitations? In this segment, Sanal Bhanu Rajan gives some practical tips on how to transform your mind in a beginner friendly way. WHO IS SANAL BHANU RAJAN? Sanal, a spiritual thought leader from India, has been on a transformative journey to create the best method for tak…
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How to use marketing for business growth? Here some marketing tips and strategies for business acceleration. In this segment, Robert Brill shares some of his best marketing strategies to get you to level up in your business for ultimate growth. WHO IS ROBERT? Robert Brill has worked in advertising for 20 years, and is the CEO of Brill Media, a digi…
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"The plants have enough spirit to transform our limited vision."This is a quote from Rosemary Gladstar. I want you to take some time to reflect on this and see how it speaks to you.
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Want to know 3 Secrets To Dating Your Ideal Woman? In this segment, Ege Reynolds shares what to do if you want a fulfilling relationship and how to make it last. WHO IS EGE? Ege Reynolds is a former software engineer who is now thefounder & CEO of the Charming Man, helping genuine, analytical men attract & date women authentically. He's passionate …
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When you think of endurance racing what comes to mind? As itrelates to personal growth. In this segment, Adrian Knight shares how personal growthcan be a byproduct of endurance race as it pertains to mind, body, and soul. - Discover your purpose - Use momentum as your superpower - Be mindful of routines WHO IS ADRIAN? Adrian Knight is an accomplish…
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Have you thought about selling on Amazon? If not, what is your biggest blocker that is holding you back. In this segment, Lesley Hensell shares how you can find financial freedom selling on Amazon by various means. Helping people turn their side hobby into a lucrative Amazon-focused business. WHO IS LESLEY? Lesley Hensell is a partner with Riverben…
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What is Psychological Safety and what does it look like to you? In this segment, Juan Taveras gives us the playbook on how to leverage psychological safety in order to enhance a DEI strategy. WHO IS JUAN? Juan Taveras is a people-oriented Human Resources and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) consultant and leader coach with 17+ years of experi…
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Ep. 785 - How to regain your health by treating the root cause even Cancer with Philip Bresnahan
Are you tired of taking prescription medicines that only cause you to feel worse with more side effects? If so, in this segment Philip Bresnahan shares how you can regain your health by treating the root causes even overcome Cancer. This is no gimmick and hydrogen molecular water will be your friend. WHO IS PHILIP? A Clinical Research Analyst. 18yr…
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Are you doing and walking out something you are passionate about? In this segment, we go behind and beyond the big screen with Diamond Simmons-James. Hearing how she got into acting, following her passion, finding roles. and honestly just living and enjoying life to the fullest. WHO IS DIAMOND? She is 24 years old. Working as an actress and a part …
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Sober people can have FUN too...How long have you been sober? In this segment, Katie Tomaszewski shares her sober journey,explains what got her started, and Sobercuriousity- how to use sobriety as your "secret weapon". WHO IS KATIE? A 15-year advocate for holistic health and transformativewellness. In 2018, she introduced "DryNamics," a highly effe…
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How do you understand your soul? How are you nourishing your soul? In this segment, Cory Rosenke shares the relevance of the soul, the proof that mankind does have souls, and understanding human behavior. WHO IS CORY? As an author, pastor, presenter, and a tenacious pursuer of truth, Cory Rosenke is both the concept pioneer and foremost authority o…
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What comes to your mind when you hear and see Efficiency BITCH? In this segment, Melissa Leon shares how she branded the term Efficiency BITCH. How ambitious women can have it all without doing it all. Then BITCH turned into an acronym as time progressed. B - BankI - InboxT - TimeC - ConnectionH - Harmony WHO IS MELISSA?Melissa Leon is a twenty-yea…
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How did you find your voice? Are you really embracing your freedom? In this segment, Kamal X shares how he managed to find his voice and freedom. All by shifting his perspective, expanding his mind, and thought processes. Finding his way against all odds to create an impact. WHO IS KAMAL? Kamal X is self-taught documentary photographer currentlybas…
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Do you know anyone who had to overcome the crack generation? In this segment, K-Rahn Vallatine discusses moving culture beyond the crack generation. By overcoming self-sabotage and limiting beliefs you can beat the odds. WHO IS K-RAHN? K-Rahn Vallatine is a successful author, curriculum/coursedeveloper and training consultant. The depth of his know…
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Have you ever lost it ALL only to make a strong comeback? In this episode, Robert White shares how he lost the love of his life and his business but still prospered. It was definitely not easy and lots of lessons learned. WHO IS ROBERT? Robert White pioneered personal transformational growth in the U.S.A and Asia with 1.3 million graduates from com…
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Are you thinking about writing a book? Not sure where to start when it comes to telling and sharing your story with the world? If that is you, then listen to Andrew Dupy share GEMS on how this can be achieved. Who's going to tell your story better than YOU! WHO IS ANDREW? Andrew Dupy is an experienced CSO for Leaders Press with a demonstrated histo…
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Do you know the difference between money and currency? When you think of inflation today what comes to mind? "No one cares more about YOUR MONEY than YOU DO!" In this segment, Joe Myers shares what cause the boom-and-bust cycles in our economy. As well as the difference between money vs. currency plus what inflation really is. WHO IS JOE? An entrep…
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Ep. 775 - Turn Trials and Tribulations into Opportunities and Preparation with Marcellous Curtis
Have you turned your trials and tribulations into stories of triumph? In this segment, Marcellous Curtis shares how he turned his trials and tribulations into opportunities with preparation along the way. He also shares inspiration, power of forgiveness, and power of gratefulness. Which leads you to enlighten, awake, and alive...the success already…
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Would you hire yourself? Hear from Charles S. Price, one of the five most influential commercial litigators in Arizona share valuable GEMS on rewiring the white-collar mind. WHO IS CHARLES S. PRICE? Charles is a civil litigator with the law firm Dickinson Wright in Phoenix, as well as what he calls a “Rewiring Coach” for lawyers and other professio…
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What limiting beliefs do you need to get rid of? In this segment, Isabelle "Izzy" Fortin shares how she helps people eliminate their limiting beliefs and align what they do (both professionally and personally) with who they truly are so they can feel fulfilled with their lives. WHO IS IZZY? Isabelle Fortin, a dedicated mindset facilitator, entrepre…
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Ep. 772 - Beyond Cliche: Diversity Equity & Inclusion that's beyond Color, Gender or Orientation with Dr Ravi Iyer
What do you think about diversity, equity, and inclusion? How do you feel about what is going on currently? In this segment, Dr. Ravi Iyer discusses going beyond the cliche which is typically around color, gender, or orientation. Which allows DEI as metric of Health in a Society. WHO IS DR. RAVI? Physician-scientist, inventor, author, and entrepren…
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