InfoTecarios Podcast 210: Encyclopedia of Libraries, Librarianship, and Information Science
Manage episode 451694336 series 3202471
🎙️ En esta edición de InfoTecarios Podcast contamos con la participación especial de David Baker y Lucy Ellis, destacados expertos en el campo de la bibliotecología, la gestión de la información y la investigación académica. David Baker, con más de 30 años de experiencia en educación superior, ha liderado importantes iniciativas tecnológicas y proyectos en el sector de bibliotecas digitales e híbridas, además de ser autor de 20 monografías y más de 100 artículos especializados. Lucy Ellis, investigadora y consultora, combina su experiencia como docente y científica para transformar instituciones educativas y promover la innovación en la gestión de la información. En este episodio, exploramos: 📚 La creación y el impacto de la *Encyclopedia of Libraries, Librarianship, and Information Science*. 🌐 La importancia de la gestión del conocimiento en la era digital. 🤝 Cómo la colaboración global puede enriquecer el futuro de las bibliotecas y centros de información. 🧠 Herramientas clave para los profesionales de la información en un mundo cambiante. ¡Descubre cómo estas mentes brillantes están moldeando el presente y el futuro de las bibliotecas y la información! 🔔 **No olvides suscribirte y activar las notificaciones para no perderte este y otros episodios llenos de contenido valioso.** 📌 **Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales y únete a la conversación!** 📽️ Disponible en: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts y más. #InfoTecariosPodcast #Bibliotecología #DavidBaker #LucyEllis #GestiónDeInformación #InnovaciónBibliotecaria David Baker has over 30 years’ experience in higher education, including as Principal and Chief Executive of Plymouth Marjon University, UK, and as Deputy Chair of the UK’s Joint Information Systems Committee (Jisc). He holds a Chair in Strategic Information Management and is the Director of David Baker Consulting. His degrees include an MLS, a PhD and an MBA. He also holds UK fellowships from the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, the Chartered Management Institute and the Royal Society of Arts. He has written widely in the field of library and information management with 20 monographs and over 100 articles to his credit. He has spoken at numerous conferences, led workshops and seminars and has undertaken consultancy work in most countries in the European Union, along with work in Ethiopia, Kuwait, Nigeria, South Africa and the Sudan, and has led a number of large technology-based projects in the LIS sector, both in relation to digital and hybrid library development and content creation for teaching and learning. He is Chair of the Board of Governors at the Institute of Contemporary Music Performance, UK. His other key professional interest and expertise has been in the field of human resources, where he has been active in major national projects. Lucy Ellis is a Senior Associate of David Baker Consulting and Honorary Research Fellow at Exeter University. She is currently working as a consultant with a number of higher and further education institutions to transform their governance, research and scholarly activity. Along with David Baker she is Series Editor for two Chandos-Elsevier book series, namely, Digital Information Review and the Advances in Information. Recent published books include Benchmarking Library, Information and Education Services, Libraries, Digital Information and COVID and Future Directions in Digital Information. Her background is as a lecturer, research scientist and project development consultant. Following a PhD in Instrumental Phonetics in 2000 she was a senior lecturer at Plymouth Marjon University, UK teaching phonetics, phonology, sociolinguistics and Old English. She is a reviewer for various journals including Curator: The Museum Journal (Wiley), Information and Learning Sciences Journal (Emerald Insight), Advances in Speech-Language Pathology, Asia Pacific Journal of Speech Language and Hearing, Journal of the International Phonetic Association and the Journal of British Institute of Organ Studies.
216 episodios