Podcast with Patrick Little - Transformation Coach & PQ Mental Fitness Trainer
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Podcast with Patrick Little - Transformation Coach & PQ Mental Fitness Trainer
English: Transformation Coach & PQ Mental Fitness Trainer
Website: https://www.soberoasis.org/
PQ Landing Page: https://www.pq-mental-fitness.com/
Academy: https://www.marraffatrainingacademy.de
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Geman Video: https://youtu.be/Xf1skgP87nA
German Audio: https://shows.acast.com/cosimo/episodes/podcast-mit-patrick-little-transformation-coach-pq-mental-fi
Welcome everybody, this is Cosimo Marraffa, Marraffa Training Academy and this morning we are all together with Patrick Little.
Patrick, we are very honored that you took some time out of your busy schedule and uhm are here with us.
and depth. Can you introduce yourself for the listeners? Yeah, thank you very much for the invitation My name is Patrick Little, I am speaking to you from Cologne in Germany where I live.
I grew up in Ireland as the fifth of ten children in the sixties and seventies. And then I came to Germany as a student for six weeks and forty years later I am still in Germany, now living in the Rhineland, previously living in southern Germany in Franconia for many many years where my children grew
up. I am very delighted to be with you here today. I am a transformation coach and a mental fitness trainer and I train people in both areas of personal development and professional development.
Love it. Thank you for sharing. If you look back on the past and uhm maybe take a challenge you had, what is one of the challenges you wanna tell us right now and how you overcame this?
Okay, so I can remember my father who left us far too early, 40 years ago, but his ethos was to leave the world in a slightly better condition than that in which we found it.
So there was always this family ethos of somehow improving the love of humanity and that is something that I absorbed very early and as part of that process I think a second aspect is uhm learning from our mistakes.
So as human beings we all make mistakes, the mistake is only really of value if we are willing and able to learn from, from it.
And so that is a skill that I have been developing over the years in my own life of course. And helping other people around me.
So I think those are the two things. This gradual improvement and learning from mistakes. Sounds good and sounds like an experience that you will use effectively to honor your fathers.
Mission statement, if we want to say it like this. If you want to share with the listeners one desire you have for the future.
And by the way, for everyone who today is the first time here, this is the 6D podcast. We go through 6Ds from the You Are Here map to the girl.
And 6Ds are basically uhm 6 words starting with DESIRE...
For the whole transcript write to marraffa@web.de
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72 episodios