Sí, más WWDC
Manage episode 366335003 series 2916150
AFTER × E103 • S04E15
It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this:
Sony, because reasons
- Vision Pro display resolution shown off in Sony video | ↗ 9to5Mac 🗄
- SXRD | ↗ Sony 🗄
- Sony Launches World’s First OLED TV | ↗ Sony News Releases 🗄 • ↗ Wikipedia 🗄
- SONY ANNOUNCES 2013 BRAVIA TVS | ↗ Sony Press Room @ The Wayback Machine
WWDC, Parte 2
- Planes originales: Apple Readies MacBook Pro, MacBook Air Revamps | ↗ Bloomberg 🗄
- John Siracusa—Presenting Jade-C: The building block for Pro Mac SoCs | ↗ Twitter 🗄
- Gurman: Apple cancels plans for high-end ‘M2 Extreme’ chip | ↗ 9to5Mac 🗄
- Semiconductor device fabrication → Device yield | ↗ Wikipedia 🗄
- Apple Executive Discusses New Mac Pro’s Lack of Graphics Card Support | ↗ Macrumors 🗄
- Asahi Linux—Will you be able to use GPUs on the PCIe slots of the new Mac Pro? | ↗ Treehouse Systems 🗄
- Apple 8TB SSD Upgrade Kit for Mac Pro | ↗ Apple 🗄
- Intel Intros Next-Gen Thunderbolt, Meets DisplayPort 2.1 & USB4 v2 Specifications | ↗ WCCFTech 🗄
- Apple technologies for game developers | ↗ Apple Developer 🗄
- Bring your game to Mac, Part 1: Make a game plan | ↗ Apple Developer 🗄
- Apple’s Secret Weapon to Getting PC Games on Mac | ↗ Inverse 🗄
- N¹ ▸ Breaking Taps—Silicon Wafer to Microlens Array: an Accidental Journey | ↗ YouTube
- N² ▸ Breaking Taps—Cutting Metal inside an Electron Microscope | ↗ YouTube
- F¹ ▸ La Máquina de Hacer Pájaros—Películas | ↗ Songwhip
- F² ▸ Mac Power Users—#691: Workflows with David Rosenthal | ↗ Relay FM • ↗ pod.link
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113 episodios