Conectando Mujeres, Género y Filantropía
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Una investigación en curso sobre Mujeres, Género y Filantropía en América Latina y el Caribe está por comunicar sus resultados acerca del mapeo sobre donantes y organizaciones civiles. Conoce a dos de las investigadoras que aportaron a este proyecto, desde Uruguay labora Inés Pousadela representando países del Cono Sur y desde Puerto Rico, Mariely Rivera-Hernández liderando la región del Caribe. Ambas dialogan sobre sus experiencias investigativas durante la jornada. Conecta con ellas a través de [email protected] y [email protected].
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Connecting with Women, Gender and Philanthropist- An investigation on Women, Gender and Philanthropy in Latin America and the Caribbean is still in progress and soon will reveal important results in relation of the mapping of donors and civil organizations. Meet two of the investigators in charge of this project, Inés Pousadela from Uruguay representing countries from the Southern Cone and Mariely Rivera-Hernández from Puerto Rico, leader of the Caribbean Region. Both researchers talk about their experiences during the investigation process. Connect with them via [email protected] and [email protected].172 episodios