節目名稱:Actors on Actors Cate Blanchett on Michelle Yeoh: I felt you before I saw you... not in an inappropriate way, but there's something about your presence... you just have this aura, and I turned around, and there was Michelle Yeoh. I was quite overwhelmed. Michelle Yeoh on Cate Blanchett: But you, my God, just looking at you, you're like, luminous. There's a certain glow like someone follows you behind with a light. Bounce board = 反光板 推薦大家讀我的相關短文: Facebook IG -- 兩位演員的訪談連結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QHvWpy2Nxc&fbclid=IwAR0Psd-lwIapeNu4F1K2gxngkQBiC6faSVFPrDaWQxviovCmQCfUppIo7NI 歡迎訂閱我的 免費電子報 ! 看我的資歷: 關於英文教練 Abby FB https://www.facebook.com/English2life IG @englishcoach 跟我一起重新打好英文基礎! Square One 英文基礎課程 我還有一個與健美女大生合作的 podcast 喔! Talk Shop 誠實商殿 我們跨界聊工作、永無止境的學習、自我成長、等等…