Ever felt like nobodys listening, not here, i want your stories on WHATEVER.politics to bigfoot.
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Monsanto. need i say morePor zeestan101
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zimmerwoman is gonna be a punching bag in the joint and rightfuuly soPor zeestan101
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It's been a long time out at sea just getting back in the groove but there's so much to talk about where do i beginPor zeestan101
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bad as usualPor zeestan101
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with a good point and some big newsPor zeestan101
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no ww3 ,no n.w.o, no more politicsPor zeestan101
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or i'm gonna put my hand through my compPor zeestan101
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and other assorted newsPor zeestan101
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winging the newsPor zeestan101
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sorry messed up lasdt night.Por zeestan101
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when can you let the past go. it should be soonerPor zeestan101
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top weekly story's unfoldedPor zeestan101
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9-11 rememberencePor zeestan101
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everybody wines about the stupidPor zeestan101
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the media is lying again,Por zeestan101
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weely bitch sessionPor zeestan101
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they say the whole world is watchng.......i havnt met one who even caresPor zeestan101
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of connon sence questionsPor zeestan101
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even if just for a week, so lets talk oh yeahPor zeestan101
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I'm heading up to Norfolk to go to work,Por zeestan101
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did you hearv the speach todayPor zeestan101
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as the two pinchers close what are we doing,Por zeestan101
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Obama didn't disappoint , another 4 years of making us paupers while Israel's G.D.P. is 15%. All on our dimePor zeestan101
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North Korea yes Iran no can you imagine if iran set one off never mind 3. welcome to ww3Por zeestan101
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as the money dries up and our kids die, the news today spent more time on grammys than anything elsePor zeestan101
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every day we seem to get more and more wierdPor zeestan101
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theres the news then theirs the real newsPor zeestan101
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And I got some serious bitchin to do....oh yeahPor zeestan101
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picture a herd of sheep going down that shoot to slaughter. welcome to America.Por zeestan101
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Por zeestan101
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theres things going on that need splaininPor zeestan101
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of what their up to nowPor zeestan101
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wow i guess that was worth 900 gazillion dollarsPor zeestan101
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So by 7pm i was welllllllll Tonight we take a look back and see if we learn or notPor zeestan101
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Once a month i have a 911 show to keep it in peoples minds and maybe someday see the guilty partys hanged bush/cheney and the mossad agents caught but released by the deserter bushPor zeestan101
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aint it wierd how such a pagen, outright lie of a holiday can mess things up so bad.Por zeestan101
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review of another week of boogeryPor zeestan101
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my thoughts on this weeks stuff (nicer word) so farPor zeestan101
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3 days left until the end everybodyPor zeestan101
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I'll tell you tonight oh yeah but you may not like it ....truth sucks sometimesPor zeestan101
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how does it feel to be liar of the yearPor zeestan101
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were getting closer things are getting wierder hmmmmmmmmPor zeestan101
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what gems are we gonna get dumped on us todayPor zeestan101
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When the israelis drop white phosphorus and clusterbombs(both banned by every country except Israel and us) on women and children from miles away its defending themselves. When a suicide bomber kills himself and people who have been subjecting them to a 50 year holocaust he's a coward. How does that make sence to anybody.…
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sorry everyone still having comp problems(mostley me) lol anyhow gonna try again tonight i think i got it downPor zeestan101
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Computer blew hard drive, lets talk about what the stinking yellow journalism wont.Por zeestan101
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dont take your weekend for granted we dont know what the polititions are up toPor zeestan101
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what would our founding fathers say if they could see us nowPor zeestan101
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facts that prove we are in a matrix being controlled by the heathens in office and israel by way of al-c.i.adaPor zeestan101
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what would you risk right nowPor zeestan101
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