Conversations about Spirituality, High Vibration, Healthy Habits, Mental Health, Awakening of Consciousness, Positive Thoughts, Business, Coaching, Human Resources, motherhood, you named it! As well as guests who contribute to your vision and purpose in life. Yes, what I would like is to make a visual proposal adding or modifying the color green, added to the yellow. To give it a refresh and complement the bran Support this podcast:
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Are you ready to become a 𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗢 (𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐄ager to 𝐑each 𝐎𝐛𝐣𝐞c𝐭𝐢𝐯e𝐬)? CONQUER all 𝟒 𝐏𝐢𝐥l𝐚𝐫𝐬 to Success: 🧠Mind 💪🏻Body 💰Money 👫Relationships 🔥LEARN HERE HOW!👇🏻 - This is the show where we’ll help you to improve as a Human each and every day. To overcome your own limits must be your main goal and with each episode we’ll take you one step closer to your GOALS. Physical, financial, mental or relationship goals that you’ll achieve thanks to a enmentality re-program.
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Kuskalla: Juntos-Together is a tri-lingual podcast (Quechua-Spanish-English) brought to you by Kuskalla Abya Yala, a diasporic community organization dedicated to preserving and promoting Andean worldviews and Indigenous languages, such as Quechua, the most spoken Indigenous language in the Americas, with about 8 to 10 million speakers, some living in the diaspora. Your hosts, Yojana Miraya Oscco (@OsccoMiraya) and Renzo Aroni Sulca (@renzoaronis) are Quechua scholars-activists who bring aca ...
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Intermediate English podcast for Spanish speakers who want to improve their listening comprehension of American English. Two American brothers give relaxed, humorous examples of American culture, vocabulary, and personal stories. ¡Inglés para hispanohablantes! Si eres un estudiante intermedio de inglés, prueba a nuestro show para escuchar conversaciones auténticas dadas para una audiencia latina. Nuestro canal: Nuestras Aplicaciones Andr ...
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67 - SPECIAL HALLOWEEN EPISODE for hispanohablantes - Witches and ghosts from the old South, USA
Americans love a scary story, and there is plenty of tragedy in the history of some of its towns to promote spirits and phantoms. Where Goyo lives, in Marietta, Georgia, hundreds and hundreds of Union and Rebel bodies lay in the town square, waiting for funerals. Listen to one ghost story based in local folklore about a young married couple doomed …
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Episode 66: The language of employee evaluation - como los jefes miden el desempeño y describen la retroalimentación en inglés en EEUU a los trabajadores
In this episode, Gabo y Goyo talk about the language of "employee evaluation" in American English, as well as some of the factors that affect evaluation, such as taking breaks and requesting leave. Support the showPor Greg and Gabriel Sanchez
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En este episodio, damos la bienvenida a Yesenia Montes Ñaupa (@yesenia.montess), quechua-hablante ayacuchana, psicóloga de profesión y escritora de cuentos en quechua para niños y niñas. Yesenia nos guía por el mundo de la niñez a través de su iniciativa Puriq Cartonera (@puriqcartonera), una editorial que publica libros en quechua desde el 2021, q…
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65 - Customer Service English, part 3 - spelling and giving phone customers concrete choices
To access Milena's guide to spelling using the NATO phonetic alphabet: or visit her website at In today's episode, Gabo y Goyo teach two ways to make oneself more clear in English to customers. Support the showPor Greg and Gabriel Sanchez
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64 - Mistakes in English that you will hear from NATIVE SPEAKERS -- errores comunes que cometen los nativos del inglés
The most important habit you can have in moving through Intermediate proficiency in a language is to listen to natives who speak it. However, what happens when native speakers "break" the rules of their own language? We talk about this issue with humor, examples, and a wide variety of voices, in today's episode. We discuss: had went I seen There's …
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Episode 20: Cine indígena kichwa con Joshi Espinosa y Citlali Andrango
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En este episodio, Renzo Aroni Sulca (@renzoaronis) entrevista a dos jóvenes cineastas kichwas ecuatorianos, quienes cuentan su trayectoria artística como cineastas indígenas y lo que implica hacer cine indígena en un contexto de represión cultural contra los pueblos indígenas y originarias. Joshi Espinoza es director de cine de la comunidad de Otav…
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63, Intermediate English - Compare these American words with their Australian counterparts! Interview with Milena of English Made Simple! Aprender cómo baño, carrito, quejarse y otros conceptos son diferentes ...
Please listen to to hear Milena's podcast about English in Australia! In this episode, we discuss in depth with humor, examples, and "matíces" the following concepts: AUS -- USA Bloke — guy Bushwalk/bushwalking — hike/hiking Chemist shop — drug store Dunny - bathroom Footpath or pavement — sidewalk Holiday -- vacation - holida…
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62 - Intermediate English - Olympics 2024 - We discuss Americans Simone Biles, Ilona Maher, sprinter Steven Sobino, and boxer Imane Khelif - Enseñamos inglés mientras hablamos de nuestras perspectivas ...
Gabo and Goyo discuss the hottest issues this week in the Paris Olympics, including Gabo's analysis of the Algerian-Italian boxing fiasco, Simone Biles' changing of the narrative in the US about mental and physical health, even outside of gymnastics, and Goyo's opinion if his sons were to date Ilona Mayer, the rugby player with the huge Instagram f…
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Episode 19: Perros y promos: Memoria, violencia y afecto en el Perú posconflicto con Lurgio Gavilán Sánchez
PERROS Y PROMOS: MEMORIA, VIOLENCIA Y AFECTO EN EL PERÚ POSCONFLICTO (Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2023) es la historia de diez soldados del Ejército peruano que lucharon contra la insurgencia de Sendero Luminoso (1980-1992). Estos soldados eran principalmente reclutas de origen andino, muchos quechua hablantes, pero no de Ayacucho, al menos has…
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61 - Intermediate English - does your pareja emotionally twist you backwards, upside down, or inside out? - al revés, con boca abajo, y con el lado interior hacia afuera
These three concepts can be confusing in English for learners. Goyo y Gabo ofrecen ejemplos ricos de cada concepto, y contestar estas preguntas: What happens when you put your ballcap on **backwards**? What goes wrong when a husband gets dressed in the morning and leaves the light off? Will he get dressed with his shirt on **upside down** or **insi…
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60 - Intermediate English - Does he "make chores" or "do chores"? We commemorate number 60 with a re-broadcast of our most downloaded episode, about the word "do."
Spanish speakers can become frustrated when learning which English expressions use "do" and which use "make" for the verb "hacer" in Spanish. This episode focuses on frequently used expressions using the word "do" such as "doing well," "doing housework," "doing paperwork," and many others. Learn who does the most chores (los quehaceres) in Greg's h…
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59 - Intermediate English - La Velada del Año 4 - Our thoughts as two Americans about Streamers who box
Ibai Llanos' annual event was just yesterday! Listen as Goyo y Gabo draw comparisons with YouTubers who box and their own experiences with the fighting arts. Along the way, they will give you a useful English lesson about key concepts like "headgear," "shed light on," "riveted," "far cry," and others! We also answer the questions from our perspecti…
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Bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio del podcast Kuskalla. En esta ocasión les traemos una conversación de nuestro host Renzo Aroni Sulca con la socióloga boliviana y activista de ascendencia aymara Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui durante su visita reciente al campus de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, en Lima, donde dio una conferencia sobre las m…
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58, Intermediate English: "Does she play tuba?" or "**Do** she play tuba?" Which one sounds good? How we use "do" in English questions and answers - Como utilizamos el verbo "do" para hacer preguntas ...
In Spanish, one can ask a question by simply changing the vocal pitch: "Beto practica el piano" becomes "¿Beto practica el piano?" In English, it is extremely common to require a form of "do" to make a statement into a question. The answer to the question, then, will **also** utilize the word "do." Wow! I read two books a week. --> **Do** you read …
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57 - Intermediate English: "You don't eat meat, don't you?" -- Expert English, or a rookie error? Como hacer preguntas en inglés de una manera nativa, parte uno
Don't sound foolish when you ask questions in English! Haz un clic en el episodio para aprender como los angloparlantes producen preguntas de comprobación. She works after school, **doesn't** she? He is a fine example of the benefits of a hobby, **isn't** he? She doesn't tolerate bad behavior, **does** she? Listen as Goyo and Gabo both explain how …
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Episode 17: La trayectoria musical y activista de Picaflor de Umamarca
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Imaynallam, allinllachu hermanos y hermanas. Bienvenidos a Kuskalla podcast. En esta oportunidad estamos en Andahuaylas, Apurímac en la casa del Tayta Lurdio Flores, más conocido como el Picaflor de Umamarca. También nos acompaña su hijo Liberato Kani y Lu Ramos, estudiante de Antropología de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Tayta Lurdi…
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56, Intermediate English - Does "We don't have some milk" sound clumsy or silly in English? Cuando se usan "some," "few," "a little" en inglés
Click the link to play our suite of Intermediate English games! Google Play store apps... In this episode, Gabo and Goyo show how to listen for the difference between positive, negative, and interrogative uses of English. These affect when you use terms like some, any, and few. Also, they illustrate with examples and gentle humor the difference bet…
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Nos encontramos en la comunidad campesina de Zurite, ubicado en la provincia de Anta, Cusco. En esta oportunidad conversamos con Tomás Ruiz López, quien es comunero activo de Zurite y director del colegio Cnel. Francisco Bolognesi de Ccolccabamba, Ancahuasi. Nos cuenta la historia de la comunidad de Zurite en el tiempo de los hacendados y las llama…
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55 - Intermediate English - What are 3 issues related to buying a house in the USA? Concepts in English related to real estate and loans! Como hablar de préstamos hipotecarios en inglés
Click the link to play our suite of Intermediate English games! Google Play store apps... Entrevistamos al Sr. Ángel Del Valle, un experto en el campo de los préstamos hipotecarios en los EEUU. Él explica en inglés y español: 1. La tasa de interés actual 2. El nivel usual del abono inicial 3. El periodo usual de tiempo para pagar los préstamos y mu…
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54 - Intermediate English - Do you survive **in** the wild or **on** the wild? - El vocabulario básico sobre la supervivencia si te estás perdido en el bosque
Click the link to play our suite of Intermediate English games! Google Play store apps... Do you enjoy watching shows or videos about people surviving in the wild with few resources? In English, some of the most famous shows are "Survivorman," "Alone," and "Naked and Afraid." Si te gusta este tema pero intentas a disfrutar estos programas en inglés…
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Esta entrevista es realizada en el centro poblado de Huancabamba, provincia de Andahuaylas, Apurímac. La comunidad de Huancabamba es caracterizada por su organización comunal y su presencia activa en las últimas protestas nacionales e incluso muchos comuneros se desplazaron hasta la ciudad de Lima para reclamar sus derechos políticos. Llegué a la c…
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Episode 53, Intermediate English - We ask our Mexican friends if "norteamericanos" are warm or cold people! Episodio bilingüe con Mextalki que compara los de EEUU y Canadá con mexicanos
--> Visita a nuestros invitados -- Two of our favorite Mexican Spanish teachers, Efra and Diego, have spent considerable time in the US and Canada. We talk to them in English and Spanish about how "anglos" make others (or don't make others) feel welcome, say goodbye, make friends, and use space in public places such as on t…
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Episode 52, Bilingual Episode -- Entrevistamos a Sara de HandySpanish -- Comparamos la cultura de Valencia, España con la de El Sur de EEUU
Escucha a nuestra invitada por y Insta @HandySpanish Como americanos, ¿cómo somos diferentes que los hispanohablantes que no viven acá? Hoy, escuchamos la perspectiva de Sara, una excelente profesora de español, de Valencia, España. Ella checa sus suposiciones que ha desarrarollado por ver películas de Hollywood y nos pregunta si n…
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51 - Intermediate English -- Is she my **older** sister or my **oldest** sister? Hablamos de cómo comparar las edades de personas y también de objetos
Click the link to play our suite of Intermediate English games! Google Play store apps In this episode, Gabo and Goyo answer questions like these: How do you compare ages in English? What's the difference between "older" and "elder?" What's the difference between an "older man" and an "old man?" Who is your "old lady" versus who is your "old man?" …
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Desde el Centro Poblado de Pampacancha que pertenece al distrito de Ocongate, provincia de Quispicanchi, Cusco, Flor Karina Yupa Quispe, una niña de 10 años, nos va a contar su historia y un cuento. También nos canta una canción en quechua. Flor Karina a diario camina más de 35 minutos para llegar a su colegio y en las tardes tiene que ayudar a sus…
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¡Allinllachu! Hello everyone! Welcome to the Kuskalla Podcast; our second season will take you on a journey to Andean communities! You will be listening to different experiences of community members and activists, including youth, women, and elderly people, who will be sharing their life experiences and political struggles in their own community an…
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Episode 50, Intermediate English - Bro Stories: The snacks, desserts, and breakfast treats of our childhood. Vocabulario acerca de las botanas, los postres y las delicias de desayuno de nuestra niñez
Click the link to play our suite of Intermediate English games! Google Play store apps In this episode, you will hear about the sugar-filled portion of the American diet, as Gabo and Goyo discuss growing up and eating sweets for breakfast, snacks, and dessert. Vocabulary included in this episode: Filling, sugary, cobbler, and icing. Escucha este ep…
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Episode 49, Intermediate English -- Our thoughts on Gringo Greetings! Saludos que vas a escuchar en EEUU
Click the link to play our suite of Intermediate English games! Google Play store apps Sometimes there is a moment of confusion when someone is speaking your new language to you and they use a different kind of expression than what you have studied. En este episodio, usamos varios ejemplos, el humor, y la actuación del nivel de cinco estrellas para…
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Desde la ciudad andina de Ayacucho, Perú, el joven músico y cantante de rap en quechua Wari Willka (@wariwillka) nos cuenta sobre el contenido temático de dos de sus canciones musicales, “Fiestapaq” y “Tusuriy”, producido por el productor ayacuchano KAYFEX (@kayfex). También relata la importancia de los saberes, prácticas y rituales andinos, como l…
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Episode 48, Intermediate English: Idioms with "run," part 2! Más modismos que utilizan "run"
We have a new name...¡No Te Rindas! Intermediate English Click the link to play our suite of Intermediate English games! Google Play store apps Please leave us a review! In this episode, Gabo and Goyo discuss uses of phrases like "to run around," "to run over," and "to get the runaround." Two of these expressions have multiple meanings, with one me…
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En el último episodio del año 2023, compartimos contigo porqué estuvimos en pausa, y proponemos algunos "rituales" que sugerimos hacer en estos últimos días, hacia la bienvenida del nuevo año. --- Support this podcast:
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Episode 47, Intermediate English - Bro Stories: Our favorite toys from Santa Claus! Dos hermanos se hablan de sus recuerdos navideños
We have a new name....¡No Te Rindas! Intermediate English You can watch this episode as well as listen to it on our new YouTube channel: Click the link to play our suite of Intermediate English games! Google Play store apps In this special episode, brothers Greg and Gabe fondly recall their fav…
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Episode 46, Intermediate English - Idioms that use the word "run," part 1 - Modismos que emplean "run" que significan "encontrarse con," "quedarse sin," y más
We have a new name....¡No Te Rindas! Intermediate English Click the link to play our suite of Intermediate English games! Google Play store apps You know that "run" translates to "correr" in Spanish, but you may encounter some difficulty when "run" adds a preposition and no longer means "to move one's legs rapidly, such as when being chased by a be…
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Episode 45, Intermediate English: How to pronounce the most common verbs in the simple past -- como pronunciar estos verbos comunes y regulares en el pretérito simple
Visit our page to play our suite of Intermediate English applications! Play-store-apps As you advance in your English, you will begin to feel more and more ready to describe actions in the past. In English, regular past tense forms end in "-ed." There are THREE ways to pronounce this suffix in English, however: -d, -t, and -id. In this episode, we …
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Episode 11: Atuq Sisa: Andinizando el Rock y el Blues
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En este episodio, Renzo Aroni Sulca (@renzo.aroni) conversa con Jorge "Koki" Solier Córdova, compositor y productor musical del Rock Andino, “Atuq Sisa” (El zorro que florece), una banda de rock fusión de Ayacucho. Desde esta ciudad musical, bajo el sol andino y cielo azul, Koki cuenta la historia de la banda y la cosmovisión andina que da sustento…
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Episode 44, Intermediate English: Ways that Americans say good bye! Frases que usan los gringos para despedirse
Visit our page to play our suite of Intermediate English applications! Play-store-apps It's frustrating to have a successful English conversation with someone but miss the slang or idiom that the other person uses to end the conversation and leave. Gabo and Goyo provide explanations and rich examples for these and other expressions: I've got to get…
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Episode 43, Intermediate English: Pronounce these common English words like a native! Pronunciar estas palabras como si fueras de EEUU
Visit our page to play our suite of Intermediate English applications! Play-store-apps In this episode, Gabe and Greg demonstrate several words that often get overpronounced by those learning English. In many cases the words have lost vowel sounds over the centuries (a process called syncope) and thus are not pronounced as they are spelled. Words i…
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Episode 42, Intermediate English: Keep, part 1. Keep going, keep my motorcycle, keep warm, etc. La palabra "keep" - almacenar y aun más!
Visit our page to play our suite of Intermediate English applications! Play-store-apps Some words in English have layers and layers of meaning, and "keep" is one such word. This episode begins our journey to explain those many meanings, with rich, humorous examples that will "keep" you listening. Today's episode focuses on these meanings of "keep":…
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En este episodio, Yojana Miraya Oscco (@OsccoMiraya) conversa con Carmen Valdivia (@CarmenKValdivia), quien es Profesora del Departamento de Lenguas y Estudios Literarios en Lafayette College, Estados Unidos, y Kaína Mendoza-Price (@youlovekaina), estudiante de religión y de estudios urbanos en la Universidad de Toronto, Canadá, sobre sus experienc…
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Episodio 9: Asinakuy/Humor en quechua y otras historias de la comunidad de Calcauso con el Yachachiq Toribio Paniura
En este episodio # 9 el profesor quechua Toribio Paniura Silvestre nos comparte el humor, poesía, adivinanza e insultos en quechua. Toribio nació y creció en la comunidad de Calcauso, provincia Antabamba, Apurímac. Reflexiona también sobre la poesía y la literatura en quechua, especialmente sobre el escritor y clérigo Juan Espinoza Medrado, conocid…
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Episode 41, Intermediate English: Expressions that use the word "hand" in English -- Unos modismos en inglés con "mano"
Visit our page to play our suite of Intermediate English applications! Play-store-apps In English there are several expressions that use the word "hand" or "hands" that are not intuitive to those who know that "hand" quiere decir "mano." Gabo y Goyo intentan a explicar y dar ejemplos útiles (¿mañosos? jeje) de frases como "handy," "handily," "hands…
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Episode 40, Intermediate English: Bro Stories - Toys from our childhood -- Los juguetes de nuestra niñez (los 80 y 90)
Visit our page to play our suite of Intermediate English applications! Play-store-apps When discussing the past, English speakers frequently use the expressions "used to" and "would ____" to talk about actions that were a regular part of life, referred to as the "imperfect" tense. In this episode, Gabo and Goyo talk about four kinds of toys and gam…
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Karina eligió emigrar a los Estados Unidos con su familia sin saber todo lo que le esperaba y que sigue descubriendo. Desde el choque de culturas, creencias, estilos de vidas y lo positivo y retador que ha sido este cambio. #emigraralextranjero #emigrar #crecimientopersonal #crisisexistencial #emigrarenfamilia #familia --- Support this podcast: htt…
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Conversamos con Eileen Glass, quien nos cuenta su transformación hacia una crianza respetuosa con intencionalidad. ¿Desde dónde estamos gestionando la crianza de nuestros hijos? La ruta y los retos que ha transitado en su camino, y algunos tips para madres reales que están pasando por momentos similares al de su historia de vida. --- Support this p…
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Episode 39, Intermediate English: The vowels of an American accent - Hear the difference! Comparar la pronunciación de ti con la de nosotros
Is American pronunciation confusing to you? Why do words get pronounced like that?? Would you like to sound more native when you speak English? In this episode, Gabo and Goyo demonstrate how vowels in English are often pronounced in a combination, despite a simple spelling. Words like "go," "program," and "milk" are often pronounced with an extra v…
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Kay rimaynimpi Renzo Aroni (@renzo.aroni) Yojana Miraya (@OsccoMiraya) runa simipi rimanku Elva Ambía wan. Paymi qallarirqa Colectivo Quechua Nueva York suyupi (@quechuacollective). Mama Elva willakun llaqtamanta. Paymi paqarisqa Huancavelica suyupi. Wiñakusqa Apurimac suyupi. Lima llaqtakunapi huq kutin tiyakusqa chaykunamanta willakunqa hinallata…
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Conversamos con Gabriella, sobre su cantaleta del tapón, el buzón de quejas y sugerencias que nadie lee pero que por algo existe, y también nos contó de su paso desde la oscuridad, la depresión, la lejanía de su país hacia el lugar donde se encuentra hoy (la luz). --- Support this podcast:…
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Conversamos con Clau, quien nos cuenta su historia en la búsqueda de su propósito de vida, el camino recorrido hasta ese momento en que el brillo de sus ojos le hicieron saber que llegó donde buscaba. --- Support this podcast:
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Entre un ataque de risas, conversamos sobre algunos secretos de las cosas que las personas mentalmente fuertes hacen cada día. --- Support this podcast:
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Episode 38, Intermediate English: Idioms that are very similar between English and Spanish - Algunos modismos que o son iguales o muy, pero muy semejantes entre español e inglés
Todos nosotros pasamos mucho tiempo estudiando un segundo idioma preocupándonos que nuestros instintos no serán correctos en el nuevo idioma (Ejemplo: "Tomar el pelo" no existe en inglés, como ya sabes). En el caso de estos siete modismos, tus conocimientos te prepararán muy bien para los sus correspondientes en inglés. Los modismos son: The Big Ap…
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