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Mercy triumphs over judgment!Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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God's second chance grace is calling...pick up!Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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God's mercy is available to all.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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God wants me to live like I matter to Him; and like my neighbor matters to Him.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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The mission of the book of Jonah is to declare the greatness of our merciful, compassionate & gracious God.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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When we follow the Spirit's influence, we receive power to influence for Christ.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Your story of how Christ influenced your life has the power to influence other lives for Him.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Jesus calls us to influence our world so that it gives glory to God.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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In Christ, we are children of our heavenly Father; we must do the business of our heavenly Father!Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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No more waiting: Savior. Christ. Lord. He's here!Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Bear fruit in keeping with repentance and rejoice in knowing the Mighty One is coming!Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Mercy can change your life even when you've known God your whole life; for mercy comes from the manger.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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The Son of Man showed up and will one day show up - so you stand up, lift up, and look up. One the day Jesus appears, He wants you on your feet!Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Jesus wants us to worship Him together; praising Him thankfully and obeying Him completely.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Gratitude is not mere etiquette; it is a reflex response of praise to God's rescuing activity.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Resting in Our Fortress GodPor Windsor Road Christian Church
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Seeking the Good of Your NeighborPor Windsor Road Christian Church
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Exercising the King's Love in Matters of ConsciencePor Windsor Road Christian Church
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There is no refuge from Christ; there is only refuge in Christ.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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The weakness you think keeps you from serving God is the very weakness God uses for his glory!Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Be strong. Work. Do not fear. I am with you.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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When we hurt, we have hope that Christ will appear, which fuels loving service for His glory.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Press on as prepared believers who feel compassionate outrage; find common ground; speak with grace & truth; and expect different responses.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Our God is the King - Press on! Praise on! Pass on!Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Adoration becomes confession becomes forgiveness becomes mission.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Focused prayer will transform a wilderness into an oasis.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Life is a race. Christ is the prize. Press on.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Bible not written to us, but for us.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Love God with your entire being and your neighbor as yourself.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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When Satan closes in, Christ is greater stillPor Windsor Road Christian Church
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joy amid trialsPor Windsor Road Christian Church
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In your decision anxiety, seek the provisions of God! Look to God's presence & God's Word.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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The prescription for our political anxiety is not our preferred politician, but our praise of our omnipotent God.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Trust your Father, not your anxiety.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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When your anxieties speak, don't reply. Instead speak to God.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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God will give bad things good effects in your life - if you love Him.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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God uses anxiety so that we will rest in Him and live in peace with others.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Be tranquil,God is faithful.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Pentecost promises Christ's presence with us and Christ's power through us so we can be His witnesses to a lost world.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Abigail is her father's joy. She teaches us to speak wisdom in the land of folly and to speak mercy in the land of law.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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As saints in Christ, let's see each other and share Christ's grace wherever we go.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Christ is our contentment because Christ is our supply.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Your spiritual formation belongs to God, but the posture of your heart can make all the difference.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Pray, think and act; the peace of God protects because the God of peace is present.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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See conflict from God's view, not earth's view.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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In the Word of God we see the Son of God who opens our eyes to the Truth of God.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Christ comes to inspect my expectations that I would receive Hin as HE IS, not as I would have Him.Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Our growing mind awaits our coming King!Por Windsor Road Christian Church
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Christ plus anything equals Christ-less ChristianityPor Windsor Road Christian Church
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Imitate those who imitate ChristPor Windsor Road Christian Church
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