Bob Stobener , a seasoned leader celebrated for his adept communication skills, has a unique perspective on improving communication as a means to foster understanding and collaboration. Drawing from his creative background in cartooning and strategic advertising at a successful comedy club, Stobener believes that effective communication is essential not only for resolving conflicts but also for enhancing personal and professional growth. He emphasizes the importance of listening and forming genuine connections, demonstrating how these practices can lead to positive outcomes, as seen in his ability to guide team members toward fulfilling career paths. By advocating for open and honest dialogue, Stobener illustrates how strong communication skills can support individual success and organizational excellence across various industries. (00:01:52) Communication Skills: Comedy Club to Corporate Success (00:14:21) Transparent Interactions: The Foundation of Leadership Success (00:14:21) Transformative Impact of Transparent Leadership Communication (00:19:41) Mastering Communication Skills for Multifaceted Success Hosted by Larry Wilson Produced by: Verbal Ninja Productions Producer: R. Scott Edwards Sponsored by: The Wilson Method **Check out NEW upgraded website with FREE offer !! Visit: Link:…
Podcasts que vale la pena escuchar
我是Jessie。今年27歲,喜歡閱讀,閱讀開闊了我學習的視野。我喜歡探究事情的本質,思考與學習。 我在上英文課時會跟孩子們分享課外的內容,因為我不希望孩子們的學習只拘泥于課本上的知識。 我開了各個平台是因為我想讓孩子們知意識到語言學習是可以充滿樂趣的。 一個語言會有現在的樣子是透過了幾千年文化的累積,當我們看到他的本質,學習將變得不再枯燥。 Jessie老師會不定期分享英文諺語故事與,片語和流行用語。 喜歡聽故事的你或是在準備考試的你,老師都希望我的節目可以對你有所幫助。 老師沒有很好的錄音設備,所以有些雜訊。希望各位學子們多多包涵。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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這一句成語是從南北戰爭期間發展出來的! AWOL 是absent without leave的意思 我自己也蠻意外的,竟然會有人聽我的podcast!! 我會繼續錄下去,擠出時間每週至少分享一個成語吧! 最近Jessie老師開始上華語師資課程了...要準備考研究所還有華語教師證照之後也許會比較忙碌一點。 大家祝福我可以順利唷!🥰🥰 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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今天我突然發現可以加音樂進來耶!好酷,Jessie老師get新技能了! 今天介紹的這個成語to beat the air的起源跟決鬥定勝負有關~想知道是什麼嗎?點進來聽看看 今天的例句 You should be more practical. Don't beat the air. 最後,祝大家週六上班還是能夠有好心情🥰 我自己是不怎麼開心就是了😂😂 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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落井下石;雪上加霜;二度傷害 這是一個跟禿子與蒼蠅有關的故事😂 莫名的覺得可愛 例句 The report added insult to injury to the woman who was abused by her husband. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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這句話跟驗金有很大的關係~ I ask him to do some difficult tasks as an acid test to see his loyalty to me. 我不知道女生們會不會跟我一樣,想要叫男生做一些困難的事情來表達對自己的真心或忠誠(比如摘下⭐⭐給我當項鍊這種) 好吧!我沒有男朋友可以做acid test💔 雖然單身但是我有光棍節呀!🥰 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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阿基里斯是特洛伊戰爭中的一個大英雄 他出生不久他老媽就把他泡在冥河(River Styx)讓他全身刀槍不入,除了她抓著的腳踝 我想,她其實是有辦法讓他連腳踝都泡進去的,但anyway,這是神話故事嘛~ 額外補充一個成語 Feet of clay 唯一的弱點 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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前一段時間工作量暴增,有點消受不了,完全沒動力找資料繼續發布。好在暑期線上課程都平安順利告一段落。我會繼續更新唷! 錄音中提到的片語 to come within an ace of 差點 She came within an ace of being killed. 她死裡逃生。 第一次世界大戰期間打下五架飛機的空戰英雄會被戰友封上``Ace``的尊號 to have an ace up in his sleeve 表示能出奇致勝的狠角色 底牌--in the hole Ace in the hole-底牌中有王牌 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Above board字面意思是在檯面上,這個片語的起源跟紙牌遊戲、賭博有關。想知道為什麼嗎?點進來聽聽Jessie老師的解析你會更了解喔🥰😚 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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be taken aback 等同於形容詞shocked 和surprise。 他的由來跟船的航行有很大的關係喔!想知道背後有什麼小故事嗎? 趕快來收聽喔! 如果你喜歡我的內容請留言給我唷! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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