Inspirational messages from The River Christian Church
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Church is more than something we do once a week. We gather on purpose with a purpose to be with Jesus, become like Jesus and do the things Jesus did. Ps Claire takes the word GATHER and explores what we do and why at The River and how God uses our gathering for His purposes and our transformation.
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How do we find our place in the Church? Why is it important to connect? Pastor Annika brings a challenging message on recognising our piece of the puzzle.
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Pastor Judy Dawson talks about the Kingdom we belong to and the threefold work of the Church. We all have an assignment to represent our King and the Kingdom of heaven here on earth well.
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How do we find our place in the church? Why is it important to connect? Pastor Annika brings a challenging message on recognizing our piece of the puzzle.
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Gathering together as the church can be more challenging that it seems! Ps Peter Morton shares three obstacles that we face as we look priorities meeting together, and remind us of the big reason why the gathering of the Church matters.
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There has been a shift, a disconnect, a parting. Never before in human history has the differences been the older and generation been so sparse. However, we find the perfect example of two wildly different generations gathering together in the true life account of Ruth and her mother in law Naomi. In the book of Ruth, Pastor Lyall will look at thei…
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Pastor Judy Dawson shares the importance of gathering as a family of God. The different ways we are equipped to impact our generation and the next, the impact we can make here on earth and are called for the eternal impact.
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Ps Stephen Miller from Manukau New Life church brings a timely word on what God's priority is for the church in 2025 - to purify us and prepare us to carry His glory
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Andrew from Creation ministries speaks about Creation and the evidence for design, and how to defend our faith to the world around us.
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As we start our new 'Gather' series - Ps Peter Morton speaks into this common question - with a surprising answer!
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Pastor Judy Dawson brings the biblical reasons why we come to Church each Sunday and what are the truths and the benefits of coming together.
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Ps Peter Morton shares vision for the coming year for The River and some key highlights ahead.
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Things that are coming up in 2025.
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Pastor Judy Dawson shares from Eze 47, the different levels of depth that each of us need to grow into to move from one level of faith to another.
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Pastor Annika calls us to focus on the mission and call of Jesus from Luke 4. To see the gospel preached, the brokenhearted healed and those caught in dark places set free.
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There is a season for everything, and things that didn’t work in a previous season are what God is calling us to do in this one. Ps Peter Morton shares from Luke 5 about the importance of listening to God’s call over our personal experience.
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Ps Peter Morton shares from the story of the rich young ruler, about why we make the sacrifices we do as Christians and how vital it is in that process that we 'get' who Jesus is.
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Whether we're succeeding or feeling stuck, we can trust that God's presence and guidance are always available to help us through life's challenges.
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Ps Judy Dawson brings a message on the importance of moving on from past achievements and not staying on past bad experiences. There is a greater glory that God wants to release through us when we choose to change the way we see ourselves.
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Ps Chris Dawson shares about the miracle that happened in unexpected places and at unexpected times in two different people’s lives. When we step into God’s spotlight miracles happen.
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For our first church meeting of 2025, Ps Peter Morton shares from Luke 24 about finding motivation, and the powerful effect that Jesus' presence and words have on our lives.
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Ps Judy Dawson brings a challenging message at the start of the year about the wells of Isaac and the awareness for us to step into the blessings that the enemy has come to shut down in our lives.
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Ps Chris Dawson shares on how God has commanded us to be a beacon of light to those who are far from Him & step up to the occasion of carrying Jesus no matter what ability you have.
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Ps Peter Morton finishes up our Imago Dei series looking at how through the Trinity God IS community - and so as people made in His image, we've been designed for community too.
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Pastor Annika brings insights on how we have been created in His image, by God and for God. Also how we will live differently, when we grasp what our identity is as a child of God, carrying His DNA and reflecting His nature and image.
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Pastor Annika brings insights on how we have been created in His image, by God and for God. Also how we will live differently, when we grasp what our identity is as a child of God, carrying His DNA and reflecting His nature and image.
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Ps Peter Morton brings a challenging message on the importance of work, and God has a pattern for how we work and there is a blessing in His pattern of work.
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On Sunday, we were blessed to hear a powerful message from our guest speaker Ps Paul Saunders (Hope Centre, Wellington) on the "Builder's Anointing." He encouraged us to embrace the anointing to build, reminding us that we are blessed with everything we need to overcome the battles that come with the work of ministry. Through faith, we are equipped…
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As part of the Imago Dei series, Pastor Judy Dawson speaks on the importance of staying connected to one another as we are made to live in community to go beyond and farther to fulfil God's purpose in our lives.
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Pastor Judy Dawson starts the series on Imago Dei, responding to the question “Who Am I”. Each one of us are a gift from God and we are all His Image bearers, and how that shape the way we see ourselves and interact with others.
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Ps Claire McLean continues our Imago Dei series by exploring how we are made in the image of God - God who works and says work is "good" and invites us to have a renewed perspective on work - embracing it as God's greater plan to make His invisible kingdom visible through us.
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Prophetic words spoken by Pastor Wayne on 17th Nov 2024.
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Pastor Wayne Peat brings an encouraging word on the importance of focusing on the spiritual matters to have a break-through in every other areas of our lives.
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Ps Peter Morton begins our new series 'Imago Dei' - looking at what it means to have been made in God's image and how it creates a solid foundation of worth and value in our lives that can never be taken away.
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Pastor Judy Dawson talks about the progressive spiritual growth that happens in every believer, that we should be willing to have the desire to be transformed to the image of Christ.
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What does it mean to be part of the Kingdom of God? We are called to be living in this world but not formed by it, to be formed instead by God through The Way, The Truth and The Life of Jesus, prioritizing His Presence, His Purposes and His People.
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Ps Peter Morton talks about creating space that God can land - not just in our personal lives, but also what it means for us as Church fellowship.
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Does having faith for something mean we have to stay completely focussed on it? Ps Peter Morton gives keys to staying in faith and holding on to God's promises when our prayers aren't answered quickly.
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Pastor Judy Dawson brings a challenging message on persistence, and how not to let limitations and unknown stop us from growing on the inside to step up to greater things that God has prepared for us.
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Ps Peter Morton kicks off our new series on relationships and looks at how building a buffer in our relationships can help us raise the threshold at which our negative reactions kick in.
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Ps Annika mentioned the different types of relationships we encounter, and the 4 areas of our lives that we need to be ready to sacrifice if we want to sustain and prioritise relationships.
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We often pray and seek God for our areas of need or weakness, but what about the areas where we're 'good'? Ps Peter Morton shares a vital key for breaking the endless cycle of seeking God in times of need, then forgetting God in times of plenty.
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Pastor Judy Dawson shares about the need for reverential fear of God that keep us stay within the parameters of His word motivated by love.
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Ps Kevin Forlong shares on the vital components of the gospel, and what it practically means for us to hold on to the promises of God in our day to day lives.
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Pastor Judy Dawson speaks about the healthy way to handle conflict in relationships and steps to get out of the trap of offence.
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Ps Lyall Carter explores the impact forgiveness and reconciliation have on our relationships and families and communities, as we continue our RELATABLE series.
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Pastor Chris Dawson speaks about principles and blessings behind Commitment and Sacrifice from the life of Ruth.
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Pastor Judy Dawson continues with the Relationship series, sharing practical ways to get unstuck from repeated negative patterns in relationships and how to keep our heart from building callus.
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Pastor Judy Dawson starts the Relatable series on the fundamentals of relationships starting with us, by choosing to live a life of love through the help of the Holy Spirit as we all have inadequacies in our relationships.
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Our Fiji mission team share stories and testimonies from the recent mission trip, and Ps Peter Morton brings a message on how we can be disciple-makers everyday in our sphere of influence.
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