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“Whoever said that they don't enjoy reading didn't have the right book.” -Blair Waldorf (not really) Join Laura Matías, o Lala para los amigos, as she recommends, analyzes, fangirls, and rants about books from many different genres and flavors. If you need help developing a reading habit or you just can’t get enough of talking about books, you’re in the right place! New episodes every Friday!
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Si entre amigos nos vamos a mentir ¡Mejor que cada quien se quede en su casa! Martha Debayle no tiene tiempo para juegos, ella apuesta por la honestidad brutal y la vulnerabilidad total. ¿Qué tan honesta? Bueno, tan honesta como para contarte que pierde la paciencia cuando no es ella quien maneja, o para compartir los detalles de la colonoscopía de Juan, su esposo, o cuándo estuvo a punto de morir después de dos martinis. ¡Sí, así de cruda es la cosa! Pero también está dispuesta a revelarte ...
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Lucha HSP

Lucha HSP

🔥 Are you ready to step into the electrifying world of professional wrestling? Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey every week as we dive into the heart-pounding, action-packed universe of Lucha HSP! 🌎 Join us as we travel the globe to bring you the latest and greatest from the world of pro-wrestling. From the titans of WWE to the trailblazers of AEW and beyond, we’ll keep you in the know about all the epic showdowns, gripping storylines, and jaw-dropping manoeuvres that leave us all i ...
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show series 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to…
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If you enjoyed, subscribe, comment, and review the show. Love to hear from you! my social media: Dios te bendiga, Jesús te ama. References https://open.spotif…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to…
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En el gran final de temporada, Martha Debayle abre la sala a Facundo para una conversación como nunca antes. Descubre el lado más inesperado del conductor y cómo ha tomado decisiones valientes que han marcado su vida. Platican sobre cambios, reinvención y soltar el pasado para escribir un nuevo capítulo. Un episodio lleno de anécdotas, humor y refl…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to…
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Porque sabemos que disfrutaron increíblemente los episodios de Off The Record de Martha Debayle con Juan “Spiderman” en los que tuvieron a parejas de amigos como Eugenio Derbez y Alessandra Rosaldo, Sissi Cancino y Leo Kourchenko, Omar Chaparro y Lucy la Mojarrita e Ilan Katz y Gina Avilés, decidimos juntar los mejores momentos de las conversacione…
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En esta parte 2, Eugenia y Martha Debayle nos cuentan si eran idénticas de chiquitas o si han cambiado con el tiempo, así como lo que más admiran la una de la otra. Además, reviven sus momentos más difíciles y las reflexiones después de despedirse de su mamá, a quien dedican este episodio con todo su amor y admiración.…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to…
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Por fin en OFF THE RECORD, Martha y Eugenia Debayle en un episodio íntimo y emotivo. Desde la infancia, hasta la adultez, distintas pero idénticas, lo que aman y odian de la otra, como todas las hermanas. Disfruten de las anécdotas y las carcajadas en esta conversación como nunca antes lo habían visto y escuchado.…
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Y como lo prometido es deuda, no podía faltar una parte 2 de la conversación entre Martha y sus BFFs: Ilan Katz y Leo Kourchenko. Una plática relajada, sincera, honesta y en veces seria, sobre las expectativas que tenemos de nosotros mismos y nuestros roles como papás, como esposos y como hijos. Además revelaciones sobre aquello que los hombres bus…
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Mentioned Links Becoming Something Podcast Espresso Epilogues Podcast If you enjoyed, subscribe, comment, and review the show. Love to hear fromyou! My social media Dios te bendiga, Jesús te ama.…
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¿Cómo es el detrás de cámaras de una sesión de fotos o una grabación con Martha Debayle? En este episodio de Off The Record presentamos a su Glam Squad: su maquillista Vicente Montoya y su hairstylist Gerardo Pinto. Ellos cuentan todo lo que pasa antes de encender los flashes: brochazos, accidentes, pleitos y muchas carcajadas.…
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¿Qué pasa cuando te enfrentas a la muerte de tu pareja? ¿Cómo ayudas a tu mejor amiga o amigo mientras está pasando por esto? En este episodio de Off The Record, Martha Debayle recibe a una de sus más grandes amigas, Charo Fernández para platicar de su historia en la radio juntas, las aventuras que han vivido y los momentos más difíciles que han pa…
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¿Cómo es la relación de Martha Debayle con la productora y co-host de su programa Rebeca Mangas en la vida real? Todos tenemos esa amiga con la que nos peleamos a muerte, nos reímos sin parar, con quien tenemos las mejores anécdotas, con la que nos entendemos solo con una mirada. En este episodio de Off The Record van a entender por qué estas dos m…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to…
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Looking for the perfect gift for the reader in your life (or in some cases, yourself)? En este episodio navideño, I´ve selected some of fantastic books to gift to your bookworm this Christmas. Whether they’re into fiction, non-fiction, whether they´re young or old-er, I´ve got you covered. Merry Christmas! ¡Feliz Navidad! Mentioned Links The World …
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to…
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Ustedes la pidieron and she´s back back back again! Una de las besties de Martha Debayle, Victoria Santaella está de vuelta en OFF THE RECORD para darnos más consejos de vida, hablar de cómo educamos a nuestras hijas, qué de nuestros padres venimos cargando y carcajadas miles. Si quieren saber qué hay detrás de una financiera picudísima, quédense a…
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This episode has everything: book wrap-up, TBR, book haul, and bookish storytime. What isn’t there to love? In this episode of Laura Reads her Way Out, I share with you my adventures en la Feria Internacional del Libro, my NANOWRIMO experience, and what’s coming up next in the show. Mentioned Links Llama Llama Red Pajama Willow and Wonder Smeldis P…
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Ahora sí nos pusimos serios, bueno un poco nada más, pues además de carcajadas y albures, en este episodio Estaca y Videgaray confiesan en Off The Record (ya que son como papás), lo que aprendieron después de dejar las drogas y uno que otro malviaje. También Martha Debayle y Eduardo Videgaray recuerdan su paso por la televisión juntos, tanto la épo…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestlingenthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, shareour favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks oflife. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favouritewrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to mis…
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When reading a book, and you aren’t enjoying it, should you: a) soldier on and keep reading the book b) leave it for a more oportune time c) set the book on fire and roast some marshmallows Leave answers in comments, while I tell you about all the books I have Did Not Finished (at least the ones I recorded on Goodreads). Links Mentioned: The World …
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestlingenthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, shareour favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks oflife. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favouritewrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to mis…
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En este Off The Record nos pasamos de Corneta. A ver quién aguanta al menos 5 minutos sin carcajearse hasta morir con este par de idiotas (dicho por ellos mismos jajaja) Eduardo Videgaray y José Ramón Sancristobal "El Estaca". ¿Cuándo y cómo conocieron a Martha Debayle? ¿Por qué le deben su éxito a ella y Charo Fernández? En este episodio habrá fue…
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Better late than never. In this episode I do the End of the Year Book Tag and tag anyone who is interested in doing. Cause technically it’s still the end of the year, therefore still on time.End of the Year Book Tag QuestionsAre there any books you started this year that you need to finish?Do you have an autumnal book to transition into the end of …
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¿Cómo es trabajar con Martha Debayle? En este episodio de Off The Record, sus colaboradores más cercanos cuentan todos los secretos detrás de cámaras. Carcajadas, fuertes revelaciones y anécdotas sobre las revistas, las fotos, los videos, las juntas y todo lo que pasa en los Debayle Headquarters. Invitados: Julio Luis García, Director General, Bego…
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"Flor sin olor, no es completa esa flor." Parece que los personajes de la novela Pefume: Historia de un Asesino de Patrick Süskind se tomaron ese refrán muy apecho. In this episode, I review and analysis this gothic thriller, sobre un hombre con un sentido del olfato super desarrollado y los crímenes que comete para crear el perfume más poderoso de…
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¿Qué es lo que hace que estas dos parejas funcionen cuando aparentemente son polos opuestos? Con ustedes la Parte 2 de la conversación entre Omar Chaparro y "La Mojarrita" y, Martha Debayle y Spiderman. Este episodio está cargado de confesiones, reflexiones profundas y reveladoras, y una que otra carcajada que disfrutarán enormemente, sobre todo en…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant #community of #wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want …
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How wonderful it is to live in a world with books and Octobers. In this episode of Laura Reads Her Way Out, we’re chatting about all two books I read this month! From childhood classics, cozy japanese fiction, and a very depressing book. Also, if you wanna hear about an accidentally long book haul, a slightly less ambitious TBR, and fun bookish new…
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Los aprendizajes y consejos de un matrimonio duradero llegan a Off The Record en voz de Omar Chaparro y Lucy “La Mojarrita”. ¿Qué le confesaron a Martha Debayle y a Juan, su esposo, en este episodio? Además, ¿qué tienen en común y cuál es la historia de terror entre Omar y Juan? Todas las anécdotas y carcajadas en este conmovedor episodio. **Bonus*…
  continue reading 🚨Get ready for an epic conversation as we bring you none other than Max Ramirez and Juan "The Voice of Gods". These two legends have insights, stories, and powerful perspectives you won’t want to miss. From behind-the-scenes moments to career highlights, they’re bringing it all to the table. So hit that like button, sub…
  continue reading 📣 Join our vibrant #community of #wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want …
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⁠⁠ 📣 Join our vibrant #community of #wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't wan…
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Welcome to Laura Reads Her Way Out! Después de durar casi un año diciendo que volvería, ya estamos de vuelta (por fin). Thank you so much for your patience and suppport. This new epoch (not gonna use the word era, ya la quemamos) has a bunch of amazing changes that you´ll totally enjoy. In this episode we discuss… Life Updates Shout out to everyone…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestling enthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, share our favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks of life. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favourite wrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss! Whether you're a seaso…
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Los reyes de la radio de México reunidos en un episodio histórico de Off The Record. Mariano Osorio, Toño Esquinca y Yordi Rosado comparten con Martha Debayle todo lo que hay que saber de lo que sucede detrás de los micrófonos: los errores, los aciertos, las risas, las entrevistas, las anécdotas y el cariño que se tienen desde hace años.…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestlingenthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, shareour favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks oflife. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favouritewrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss!Whether you're a seasoned w…
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Cuando pensamos en las amigas de Martha Debayle pensamos en mujeres exitosas, poderosas y de una gran vocación de servicio. Lo que nadie sabe es que Gina Diez Barroso es todo lo anterior, además de tener un sentido del humor espectacular. Un episodio de Off The Record donde, entre amigas, se habla de divorcio, miedos compartidos y empoderamiento.…
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📣 Join our vibrant community of wrestlingenthusiasts as we come together on social media to discuss fan theories, shareour favourite moments, and connect with like-minded fans from all walks oflife. 🎉 So, lace up your boots and don your favouritewrestling merch because Enter the Ring is the podcast you don't want to miss!Whether you're a seasoned w…
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