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Jabbed at your own Risk Coronavirus vaccine manufacturers to be EXEMPT from liability claims in most countries
Jabbed at your own Risk Coronavirus vaccine manufacturers to be EXEMPT from liability claims in most countries.Por The Eric Erb Show Live
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Censorship and Social Media AlternativesPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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We’ve been scammed – WHO now says “no evidence” of asymptomatic coronavirus transmission, no need for restrictions if you’re not sick
We’ve been scammed – WHO now says “no evidence” of asymptomatic coronavirus transmission, no need for restrictions if you’re not sickPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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Anti-Christian Left calls for toppling of Jesus statuesPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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Minneapolis City Council fast tracks proposal to abolish police department, hopes to get initiative on the ballot in November
Minneapolis City Council fast tracks proposal to abolish police department, hopes to get initiative on the ballot in NovemberPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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Escape from New York or is it “Escape from Seattle” New Democrat “Autonomous Zone” resembles scenes from fiction movies
Escape from New York or is it “Escape from Seattle?” New Democrat “Autonomous Zone” resembles scenes from fiction moviesPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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Why do black lives ‘matter’? Not because they’re black, but because they’re humanPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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Coronavirus will not be stopped by summer heat, study saysPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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Twitter welcomes left-wing terrorists, but conservatives not allowedPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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SHUT THEM DOWN: It’s time to end the tyranny of Big Tech censorship in AmericaPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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Liberty and Freedom are at Stake in MichiganPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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Washington DC is Fucked Up totally, unemployment near 20% and all we get as Americans is $1200 are you fucking kidding me?Por The Eric Erb Show Live
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We’re risking a backslide Public health experts concerned that emerging from lockdown can bring on a second wave of coronavirus infections
We’re risking a backslide”: Public health experts concerned that emerging from lockdown can bring on a second wave of coronavirus infectionsPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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Study proves that corona virus vaccine would never work; might actually create MORE new viruses through recombination in human hostsPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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The lockdowns are WORKING: Daily deaths begin to fall in the US after four weeks of social distance; two million deaths avertedPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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We must all demand a sensible end to the corona virus lockdowns, or we will lose our liberties forever.Por The Eric Erb Show Live
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Intelligence officials were secretly warning of the coronavirus crisis as far back as November
Intelligence officials were secretly warning of the corona virus crisis as far back as NovemberPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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Bill Gates REFUSES to recommend nutrition (zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C) and instead focuses entirely on vaccines and police state trackingPor The Eric Erb Show Live
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