“The Strident Conservative” is a two minute daily commentary focusing on the news and issues relevant to Conservatives and the Constitution. With a focus on holding our political and spiritual leaders accountable for the decline of American greatness, we are an equal-opportunity critic, holding members of every political stripe accountable.
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One thing is clear about Donald Trump: He is and always will be an enemy of liberty and the ConstitutionPor StridentConservative
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Recent events involving Ukraine prove how Donald Trump and the Republican Party are having a love affair with Vladimir Putin.Por StridentConservative
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One thing to remember as Trump and Republicans work on the budget is this: When they promise to address government spending, they're lying.Por StridentConservative
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The ignorance and/or indifference of the Constitution by the next generation of leaders prove that the demise of liberty is much closer than we think.Por StridentConservative
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Trump believes he could address problems more effectively if he didn’t have to worry about the Constitution.Por StridentConservative
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Donald Trump continues to destroy Christian constitutional conservatism, and the only way to stop him is to choose to fight for our values.Por StridentConservative
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The presidency of Donald Trump has all the markings of a constitutional crisis. Can America and the rule of law survive his presidency?Por StridentConservative
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Nearly ten years after the Obergefell v. Hodges decision, the LGBT agenda has turned its attention toward the legalization of polyamory.Por StridentConservative
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Government is teaming up with private businesses to create digital IDs as required by the World Health Organization's Global Health Treaty.Por StridentConservative
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The Deep State is about to go turbocharged in its destruction of liberty.Por StridentConservative
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With Donald Trump and the GOP running the show for the next two years, the assault on liberty will intensify and reach new levels of tyranny.Por StridentConservative
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How is it that Donald Trump can still claim to be God's divinely appointed man? We need look no further than the evangelicals who make up the base of his cult.Por StridentConservative
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From AI to FISA 702, Republicans keep coming up with new ways to illegally spy on us.Por StridentConservative
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The trade war policies of Donald Trump will do serious harm to the economy once he imposes 25 percent tariffs on Canada and Mexico.Por StridentConservative
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In confirmation hearings for several Trump nominees, Republicans demanded that they support FISA 702 and the mass surveillance of Americans.Por StridentConservative
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Donald Trump's war on Freedom of the Press has been going on since 2016 and continues today.Por StridentConservative
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Orwellian facial recognition technology is being adopted by law enforcement agencies across America at an alarming rate.Por StridentConservative
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With his reelection, Donald Trump has completed his trifecta of destruction of the conservative movement started in 2016.Por StridentConservative
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Al Gore's "inconvenient truth" about global warming is a lie but it has been and soon will be again embraced as truth by Trump and Republicans.Por StridentConservative
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To restore liberty, we need a revolution that rejects the faux conservative movement of Donald Trump and the Republican Party.Por StridentConservative
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We won't save liberty and the Constitution with resolutions. In 2025, we need to prepare for a revolution.Por StridentConservative
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We should all be like Ebenezer Scrooge in the movie 'A Christmas Carol' because his story reminds us of God's gift of redemption and reclamation.Por StridentConservative
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Donald Trump began building a police state during his first term in office. Will his second term see a revival of his plans?Por StridentConservative
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233 years ago, the Bill of Rights was born, but tyrants in Washington make me wonder how much longer before it is destroyed.Por StridentConservative
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In the fiction book 1984, George Orwell wrote about the day when liberty is destroyed by "The Party." Today, his vision is no longer fiction.Por StridentConservative
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Trump was elected to fix the illegal immigration problem, but like Obama, he will save DACA, DREAMers, amnesty, and a pathway to citizenship.Por StridentConservative
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COVID lockdowns and mandates were merely a trial run for how government intends to deal with future "crises" and destroy liberty.Por StridentConservative
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One of the ways that deep state tyrants try to terminate the Constitution is by creating an economic crisis.Por StridentConservative
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Trump's tariffs and trade wars failed during his first term, and history shows us that they are guaranteed to fail again.Por StridentConservative
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America finds herself in great turmoil and division at home and around the world, making it important that we remember the words of Lincoln.Por StridentConservative
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Trump's appointments prove conclusively that he and the GOP have always been pro-gun control and anti-Second Amendment.Por StridentConservative
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Trump's fake news spiel is modeled after the propaganda principles used by Joseph Goebbels during the rise of Nazi Germany.Por StridentConservative
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With each passing day, Donald Trump takes another adds another piece to his tyrannical puzzle and "conservative" Republicans are OK with it.Por StridentConservative
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As our government grows ever more tyrannical, we need to realize that the only way to defeat tyranny is with a little rebellion.Por StridentConservative
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Why do so-called conservatives continue to defend Donald Trump's endless assault on the Constitution?Por StridentConservative
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It’s because of the fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters who serve or have served in the military that we are free to exercise our God-given rights.Por StridentConservative
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Now that the 2024 election is in the history books, we need to consider the likelihood that we have just witnessed the beginning of the end of liberty.Por StridentConservative
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When it comes to Donald Trump, so-called conservatives have confused compromise with capitulation.Por StridentConservative
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Using the politics of fear, politicians in both parties are laying the groundwork for the spread of fascism and tyranny.Por StridentConservative
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Donald Trump continues his disregard of the Constitution, making him one of the greatest threats to liberty in modern history.Por StridentConservative
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The heart of a fascist beats within Donald Trump's chest, and he will destroy liberty in America if he wins the 2024 election.Por StridentConservative
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There's simply no difference between Trump and Harris, nor is there any difference between Republicans and Democrats. This is why I'm still Never Trump and Never GOP.Por StridentConservative
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It's not uncommon for the Trump cult to disagree with me, but it is uncommon to be told that I’m wrong about him because I’m simply too conservative or that conservatism is dead.Por StridentConservative
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With the 2024 election approaching, so-called evangelical Christians are desperately working on ways to defend their sellout to Trump.Por StridentConservative
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The right to criticize and speak out against government is freedom. Disinformation isn’t the problem. Government coverups and censorship are.Por StridentConservative
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Jesus told us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. To save liberty, Christian conservatives need more serpent and less dove in the 2024 Election.Por StridentConservative
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It's still true: COVID tyranny laid the foundation for the destruction of liberty and the creation of the New World Order.Por StridentConservative
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John Kerry called the First Amendment a “major block” to ending "disinformation." But he's not the only politician who holds that view.Por StridentConservative
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The UN is working to advance a plan that gives them global control via digital IDs -- a plan that already enjoys the full support of the US Government.Por StridentConservative
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Government wants to destroy our current monetary system and replace it with a Central Bank Digital Currency, a move that will destroy liberty.Por StridentConservative
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