Hello! I'm Katherine Montero (@Queith) and this is my podcast. I am a smiley human. I consider my podcast as a frequent place to record what I'm building in my life and it could potentially help you to build yours. Thanks for being here! Join my NewsLetter: http://VIP.Queith.net/profile 💙
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Behave like the person you want to become. Actions are over numbers and words. Become the person by behaving like the person. Enjoy the path, do not just think in the end goal. Work on your mission everyday. Your mission is not a destiny, it is an every day decision. Create systems for now to increase the probability of success in the future, don't…
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"Whatever you think it is, it can be a totally different thing years later for you and mean so much more".Lock in. Focus on your mission. Develop your goals. Build a project. Create tasks. You have to at least test your thesis.By working every day towards your project, you're getting closer to your mission. Lock in. Make a commitment with yourself …
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To respect your energy levels you have to understand yourself and study yourself. You'll notice there are certain hours when you're more awake than others. You'll feel more active certain days than others. Remember the structure I shared on the "Expectations are stopping your mission"'s video? If you followed that, you might have 3 projects (if not…
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Permits needed to build There was a project of 3D printing houses that never came here. The project was done with concrete blocks instead. Projects might change because of lack of money, lack of permits or lack of importation. In 2022, I questioned the lack of reinforcement steel for the 3D printed house, since this is a seismic country, we can't b…
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Publishing a video every day has its complication but it's not impossible.If the edition is minimum and done in the phone, it's doable.I've been able to publish videos everyday 3 times: 1. Veda August 2022 (1 minute horizontal videos). 2. Veda April 2024 (vertical shorts). 3. YouTube 75 Hard Challenge (15 minute horizontal videos).The videos are ed…
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This is what I've learned with home workouts for a year.Devotion is better than discipline.Action : reaction. If you put in the work, you'll know exactly what you're getting in return.Workoing out is like praying. First you feel it and then you see it.Once you engage your core, the limbs work easier.To make it a challenge, you'll need to progressiv…
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This is what I've learned 1.5 years after I graduated from my Architecture studies.It's so much more than drawing plans. It's about mergint your needs, your wants, your shoulds and your haven't imagined just yet with the available space and the gifts nature gave you (wind, sun, trees, river, etc) in a beautiful way so you can live comfortably for t…
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"And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey". Mathew 25:15.Expectations are stopping your missionExpectation is the strong belief that something will happen or something will be the case in the future.All action has a reaction. Until it has p…
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"There's a little game Jose and I play sometimes, where we trace back through everything that had to happen in order for us to meet. The kobs we did or didn't get. The trips we did or didn't take. The other loves that didn't workout so that ours could". Dandelion Seed. Goodbye to closed doors. Every relationship ends in breakup, divorce or death. A…
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"As long as the Earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease". Gen 8:22 It will happen again. Life is a cycle. It has chapters and seasons. Design your days to enjoy the cycles and routines. Make sure to invest energy into your life. Eventually all planets align, again and you'll face the sam…
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En este episodio te comparto la verdadera identidad de un blog y el porqué no puedes monetizarlo. Pero también te cuento las únicas dos formas de ganar dinero que existen y las 7 formas en las que puedes monetizar tus habilidades y conocimientos. ¡Espero que te guste! K.
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