Sailing uncharted waters, we bring you the last voices of Gaia. Through this portal we will be exploring the evolving consciousness of humanity, we will have discussions with visionaries, ecologists, travellers, indigenous people, shamans, healers, artists, writers & creative individuals from all walks of life around the world. SBK radio is dedicated to uncovering suppressed science & knowledge to empower humanity. We bring you people who want to share valuable insights to navigating through ...
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Episode 61: Episode 61 - Ancient Aliens Are Among Us
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1:45:25After facing many challenges, Carlita is back on SBK Radio. This episode is a Roamcast, so there will be a lot of street sounds in the background in some parts of the podcast. Today, Carlita speaks to you from the streets of Central Mexico. She begins by reflecting on the last three years, then dives into the Harvard paper on the presence of aliens…
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Episode 60: Episode 60- Hawaii Special Interview with Dr Three Rivers on the Lahaina Disaster
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1:47:52Please go to Call of the Drum, Awakening the First Nations Blog for more detailed credits including Hawaiian music credits Carlita interviews Dr Three Rivers from Hawaii, a Doctor of the Law and Medicine, who talks about his observations at Lahaina ground zero and mission to help the original native Hawaiian people and victims from the unusual fire…
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Episode 59: Episode 59- Dr Patrick Moore on the original Greenpeace, Climate science and other topics
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1:42:22Carlita interviews Dr Patrick Moore on his story of how he and his colleagues founded the original Greenpeace, looking back on some memories. (Go here for the Video version of this podcast). We discuss the climate debate, CO2 as plant food real science and other topics such as geoengineering, plastic oceans and more. Patrick Moore, Ph.D. The Sensib…
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Carlita discusses the reality of Surveillance Capitalism and was going to be interviewing a special guest today whose pioneering work has helped restore privacy, freedom of information and fighting censorship, the creator of, a brand new censorship free search engine that has access to the largest data searches since the beginning o…
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Episode 57: Episode 57- Transcending Trauma
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1:32:08Carlita gives an update on fringe news and shares an interview with Dimple Bindra who helps people heal from deep trauma. Go to to keep in touch with our latest articles especially on recent developments in health freedom. We also have a free classified section highlighting alternative communities around the world. Dimple Bindra…
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Episode 56: Episode 56- Ecocommunities in Mexico
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1:34:30Thanks to Derek Broze for organizing The Greater Reset not to be confused with ''The Great Reset'' of which the original mainstream version came from the oligarchs and World Economic Forum as an excuse to take control of global resources riding the wave of panic and fear over the pandemic. Meanwhile, ''The Greater Reset'' is a way to explore some a…
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Episode 55: Sailing Beyond Knowledge Radio - Episode 55- Spring Equinox Return
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1:51:14Carlita reconnects to continue sailing beyond knowledge and share some information and support to facilitate self healing as it is the time for more work to be done here. Last hour devoted to healing the past and connecting to your inner healing strength to heal the present. For good intel useful channels on Telegram and other good …
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Carlita shares her recent discoveries as an antidote to the last podcast. Thanks to SBK friends and listeners Bo Atkinson from the States for forwarding Neville Goddard's books and whom also connected Carlita to the work of the most talented photographer and painter Abe Goodale whom will be appearing on Sailing Beyond Knowledge at the end of 2014 t…
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Sailing Beyond Knowledges first Solar Powered Show! Carlita returns with a new episode broadcasting from rainy rural England on a classic wooden boat with her two Latin dogs by her side. She still has to go on land to find an internet connection and electricity when her batteries are flat at some obscure pub or cafe to deliver your trusty SBK updat…
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Episode 52- People Unite over Bilderberg & Monsanto
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1:53:00Carlita returns with a new show explaining why she has been away. Carlita dedicates this episode to the growing movement of resistence to the Bilderberg Meeting which has taken place this weekend from the 6th to the 9th of June with the accompanying protest outside the Grove Hotel where the meeting takes place is the newly emerging Bilderberg Fring…
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Episode 51-Voices from the Deep Amazon Part 1
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1:21:44This Episode is in Spanish, Shiwiar, English and Spanglish. Many thanks to Veronica Suquiland Timias the voice of Shiwiar radio, whom is now our new Shiwiar representative collaborating with Evolve to Ecology and our only connection to the Shiwiar Territory in Juyintsia, Also to Gustavo Timias and Castana Gaulinga for taking such great care of us d…
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Episode 50-Evolve to Ecology on Radio Ecuador
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1:48:17Carlita has the tables turned and is interviewed by Michel Blanchard and Ashley Rogers of Radio Ecuador. Topics discussed are Conservation in the Ecuadorian Amazon, How Carlita met Pascual Kunchicuy and was inspired to set up the foundation Evolve to Ecology to support the Shiwiar people, the most recently discovered indigenous people of the rainfo…
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Sailing Beyond Knowledge is back in full swing from our new location operating from South America with our first ground breaking episode for 2012, the year of Truth and Prophecies. Some may find it hard to believe that the problem is not that a cure for cancer has not been found, there are many cures that have been purposely surpressed for over 150…
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Episode 47- Freedom
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2:24:50Carlita introduces an audio version of the worldwide banned documentary on the now much limited & monitored Youtube called "The Freedom Movie 2". What makes this audio version especially unique is that Carlita quotes the written texts that could be read on the visual format throughout the two hour documentary that were shown in the video. "Whether …
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Episode 46-Nassim Haramein's Earth Shattering Equations on the Unification of All Things-Part 2
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2:06:36PART TWO Carlita attends a ground breaking four hour presentation entitled "Rise to the Equation" by Nassim Haramein on the 19th of July, a talk on his latest discoveries to be released in his latest physics paper after the The Schwarzchild Proton paper, his recent discoveries are going to create even bigger tidal waves through the world of mainstr…
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Episode 46- Nassim Haramein's Earth Shattering Equations on the Unification of All Things-Part 1
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2:05:59Carlita attends a ground breaking four hour presentation entitled "Rise to the Equation" by Nassim Haramein on the 19th of July, a talk on his latest discoveries to be released in his latest physics paper after the The Schwarzchild Proton paper, his recent discoveries are going to create even bigger tidal waves through the world of mainstream physi…
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Episode 45-Speaking with the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest Part 2
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1:17:43in Spanish, English, Spanglish and Kichwa. Carlita like you have never seen or heard her! In this show Carlita takes you on a journey sharing a real conversation with the Rainforest guided by Shaman Patricio Gualiga and Pascual Kunchikuy, the whole process of finding, preparing , cooking and drinking Ayahuasca is shared and condensed from 6 hours t…
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Episode 45-Speaking with the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest Part 1
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1:38:18In Spanish, English, Spanglish and Kichwa. Carlita like you have never seen or heard her! In this show, Carlita Shaw takes you on a journey to meet Pascual Kunchicuy, a Shiwiar Warrior for the Rainforest of Ecuador and Director of IKIAM. Pascual talks with Carlita about the work he has done with the Shiwar people where he was born deep in the Ecuad…
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Episode 44- The Truth is Stranger than Fiction
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2:21:10Carlita and James Horak engage in debate on recent cosmic activity of the EMVs/Sunships, further conversations about the field of exopolitics and what some are saying in the ufology circles about the EMVs, disinformation and how it is manipulated due to financial strains, fragmentation of human society, the energy monopoly, surviving the nuclear ag…
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Episode 43- Sterling Allan on the Top Ten New Energy Inventions
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1:51:42Carlita returns with an introduction on current events, contemplations on revolution or rebellion and consciousness with a brief chat with Adam Lane on Social Engineering verses Evolving Consciousness and humans destroying themselves in the nuclear age and the concept of 'Thrivelism'. Followed by a presentation by Sterling Allan whom founded Peswik…
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Episode 42- The John Searl Effect & Solution
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1:48:58Carlita is very honored and graced with the presence of Sir John Roy Robert Searl, a new energy inventor and Bradley Lockerman, the director and producer of "The John Searl Story". Professor Searl has devoted his life to The Searl Effect Generator, which could address so many of humanity's energy demands in addition to planet earth's ecological iss…
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Episode 41- Exopolitics & the Multiverse with Alfred Lambremont Webre-Part 2
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1:25:12Special guest Alfred Webre, J.D., M.Ed. The founding Exopolitics expert returns to SBK radio to continue talking with podcast host Carlita about Exopolitics & the Multiverse and his latest book 'Dimensions', of which he reads an excerpt. Alfred Lambremont Webre was interviewed on SBK radio earlier this year, listen to Part 1 of Exopolitics & the Mu…
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Episode 40-Machiavellian Politics with James Horak
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2:04:09Carlita is once again joined by James Horak to discuss current events, including the many deaths of Osama bin Laden, there are various links below that point to earlier deaths announced before this one and the convenient burial of the alleged body at Sea. The news media in the UK are already spinning news stories connected to the most recent announ…
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Episode 39-Relationship Renaissance with Olivia & Douglas Rosestone
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2:15:06Carlita attends a talk hosted by Janis Ericson of Lightwork International, for Douglas and Olivia Rosestone of Relationship Renaissance, Olivia and Douglas have created a unique system for empowering people to grow together via use of the Enneagram, a tool that creates a better understanding of the self, personality types, as explained in this podc…
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Episode 38- Be the Change, Reclaim your Mind
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3:10:14Carlita returns to host another informative discussion with James Horak & Torz Baron Copley, (who joins us on SBK at 1.26 minutes into the show), to discuss an array of cutting edge subjects such as where AIDS really came from, Africa as an experimental field for pharmaceutical companies, mind control, hypnosis,female intuition, the subconscious mi…
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Episode 37-Planting Seeds of Change with 3-Force
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1:37:38Carlita gets down to some ecological projects and collaboration with two impressive ecological entrepreneurs, Fabiola Benavente and Téo Corthout who run a European (Belgium based) organization called 3-Force. The concept and objective of 3-Force is to plant trees worldwide, to offset carbon emmissions and the restoration of forests, Teo and Fabiola…
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Episode 36-Invisible Wars & Sustainablity verses Corporate Fascism with James Horak
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2:31:38James Horak returns to SBK and with Carlita discusses a wide scope of topics relating the epic tragedies that have befallen the people of Japan, along with an interwoven journey of discussions that relate to this event and the unfolding of further earth changes, sustainability, the shadow government, the corporate war on humanity and human consciou…
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Episode 35-Returning to Community & Simplicity
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1:45:12Carlita hosts a dynamic conversation between Nexus, Jarett Sanchez & herself, they talk about many subjects including Terrence McKenna and William Blake as a visionary and revolutionary thinker of his time, other inspirational podcasters and reasons for podcasting, philosophy, weather wars & technologies, Space weather, human complacency, the earth…
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Carlita introduces the audio version of a talk by James Gilliland, a Southern California native, he is an author, teacher, ufologist, spiritual counselor, energetic healer, and the founder of the Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ECETI) organization. Other SBK links Sailing Beyond Knowledge at wordpress Sailing Beyond Knowledg…
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Episode 33- Exploring the Mysteries of the Universe with James Horak
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2:01:36Carlita hosts an interview with James Horak. James has helped bring awareness of 'Electromagnetic Vehicles' (EMVs), an object phenomena, within the Sun's Corona, each one the size of planet earth; first studied by Dr Norman Bergrun who wrote the book "The Ringmakers of Saturn". James shares with listeners his experiences with UFOs, his research and…
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Episode 32-What in the World are they Spraying?
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1:45:48This Episode is dedicated to World Chemtrail Awareness Day and Week, thanks to Mike Murphy (who made this documentary) and all those who are actively raising awareness. Carlita is unable to personally introduce this episode as she is ill with flu for the 3rd time in 4 months, her asthma has also returned after four years of no asthma (she was livin…
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Episode 31-Quest for New Energy Finders & Seekers, A Machine to Die For.
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1:06:05Machine to Die For is about the search for perpetual motion and free energy. Thanks to Elliot Jarvis Productions, Exploration Productions. A Mark Elliot Documentary, Narrator Chris Wiggins. Conventional science claims this is impossible, yet generations of inventors have been mesmerized by the promise of an engine that powers itself. The world’s re…
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Episode 30- Exopolitics & the Multiverse with Alfred Webre Part 1
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1:28:43a Transcript will be available upon request for this show. Carlita is honored to have special guest Alfred Webre, J.D., M.Ed. founding Exopolitics expert, co-architect of the Space Preservation Act and Treaty to campaign for awareness and a ban on Weaponization of Space, he was also the congressional co-ordinator for the Disclosure Project Conferen…
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Carlita focuses on what needs to be remembered by America on this day (Thanks Giving), the true first American People, the Native Americans. Just three centuries ago, there were 8 million Sioux Native Americans, today there are only one hundred and fifty thousand, they are still living under repression on the "Reservation" on the Black Hills of Lak…
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Episode 27-The Storm That Swept Mexico
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2:15:57In English & Spanish The Storm That Swept Mexico is an impressively concise and detailed political documentary, that took ten years to make, produced by Raymond Talles, who's own grandfather fought alongside Villa, while his family were torn apart by opposing political views and the turmoil of a country at war. The Storm that Swept Mexico tells the…
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Episode 26-Part 1- Medicine Wheel Earth Healing- A Presentation with Blue Thunder.
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1:50:37(Presentation is in Spanish & English) Thanks to Maya Rose for the Spanish Translation of Blue Thunders Presentation on Medicine Wheel Earth Healing and how it works. Carlita starts with an introduction to Bennie"BlueThunder"LeBeau, at Parts 1 and Part 2 are a recording of Blue Thunder giving a presentation on how the medic…
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Episode 25-Sotz'il and Ascodimaya-The Violent Repression of Mayan Indigenous Culture-In English and Spanish
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1:06:48// document.domain = "";// ]]> Now archived and available for download at: This episode was going to be an interview with Leonardo Lisondro Guarcia Guarcax Gonzales, instead it turns out to be a dedication to Leonardo who was kidnapped and murdered a week ago. Leonardo founded the Mayan Cultural Theatre Gro…
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Episode 23-Scratching the Surface of Free Energy Devices with Patrick Kelly
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1:59:07Carlita is honored to have a very special guest on the show, Author and Solution Energy Researcher and Expert Patrick Kelly, who is all the way from lovely Ireland . Carlita and Patrick explore the abundance of information Patrick has dedicated his life to, generously providing researchers with free open source access to his downloadable 15 chapter…
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Episode 22- An Energy Panacea
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1:52:24Carlita interviews Ashtweth Palise, the Director of Panacea University, a pioneering not-for-profit teaching organisation focused on free (solution) energy devices, engineers, tools, research and online free courses, Panaea University is based in Australia. Panacea functions as an on-line open source information hub where listeners can learn about …
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Episode 20- Brian O' Leary on Free Energy
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2:58:57This Episode is now archived and available for download at Archive.Org Carlita then features a special presentation courtesy of Project Camelot whom organized a phenomenal conference on in Zurich last year (2009). Bill Ryan introduces Brian O' Leary Ph.D, a physicist and ex-astronaut who has written a book on “Energy Solution Revolution”, the prese…
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Episode 19- Promising New Energy
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1:44:55This Episode is now archived and Available for dowload at Carlita introduces the subject of sustainable energy and provides listeners with a powerful presentation recorded at the Exopolitics Summit in August 2009 by Dr Steven Greer, M.D on "The Promise of New Energy". To hear more podcasts on Free Energy go here To read more and follow …
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Bonus Episode 18-Beyond the Moon with Jose Escamilla
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1:12:02In this show we revisit Hollywood documentary film-maker and Ufologist, Jose Escamilla, Carlita talks to Jose Escamilla about all of his work on ufology, the impact of his documentaries on the public, his perspective on the NSA and NASA and his latest research and film documentary on the secrets of the moon. This show contains updated NEW BONUS mat…
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Episode 16-Exploring the Cosmic Pulse of Life with Trevor James Constable
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1:59:27Carlita is honored to have a very special guest, a legendary pioneer for engineering the ether- Trevor James Constable. Visit Trevor's Airborne Etheric Rain Engineering website is at Trevor deserved a substantial introduction to the interview which starts at 26 minutes into the show. Trevor has written ten books, his…
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Dr Thomas White shares with us his knowledge on the implications his research has of how we currently treat dolphins; while his work focuses on ethics and how we need to re-evaluate our perception of dolphin intelligence. Humans continue to apply speciesism when observing intelligence of other creatures when we do not necessarily demonstrate balanc…
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Episode 10- Diving into the World of Dolphins with Ed Ellsworth
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1:14:37Ed Ellsworth, an international leading consultant on dolphins, shares with us his valuable insights into the world of dolphins and other cetaceans and how we can learn from them. Ed Ellsworth is a world wide 'Dolphin expert'. In 1979 Ed met Dr John Lilly, they began working together developing pioneering techniques to communicate with dolphins on t…
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Episode 4- Tune into Diamonds with Susan Joy Rennison
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1:42:28Sailing on a journey with author of "Tuning the Diamonds, Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution", Susan Joy Rennison is a geophysics researcher & expert on space weather & earth changes. To read more and foillow related links to this episode visit The Sailing Beyond Knowledge Blog
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