Two best friends Ryan & Eric discuss forms of entertainment ranging from Sitcoms, Movies, to Comic and Manga, Anime, Videos Games and Music. While anime is a popular topic of discussion there always are tangents to discuss how things get made, what wrong with society and what annoys us about life in general. This podcast, at its core, is about why you should care about what you consume in the hopes you get some laughs and can reflect on some insight provided.
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Nathan for You & The Fuzz
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It's kind of crazy what people will go with if you say you're going to help them out. That's where Nathan Fielder comes in to make a the situation comically ridiculous. There a movie that is, in its essence, a Muppets movie but more mature and accurate to the barrios called the Fuzz that you probably havent heard of.…
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Homecoming & Bayonetta
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Yes, this is my favorite Spider-Man movie, it's great, I'll explain what stand out. Bayonetta is extremely fun if you can make it through all the enemies.Por Ryan Moreland
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