Rusty Jewels is that concept that within all the nonsense and harsh conversations we have with our friends; there are jewels of knowledge and I'm trying to bring that to the internet
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In this episode I'm joined by a sugar baby who has been and is on the chase for more sugar daddys as we discuss that matter.We also go on to talk about Sex dolls, adoption and whole other combination of things that shouldnt be in the same conversation :)Por Rusty Jewels
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In this episode I'm joined by two of my brothers and founders of FLVR. On the table of discussion today is free will and how important izzzzzz the sexy time to us as guys.Por Rusty Jewels
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Episode 5 - Cheating doesn't even exist/ We still don't trust you finesse chicks
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On this weeks enthralling episode of Rusty Jewels me and my close friend Robert (R-Kay) explore the depths of cheating and end up going a bit deeper than we thought we would.It starts off slowly but this episode is an absolute gem (Wordplay, narrative, amazing)Por Rusty Jewels
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