Personal development podcast, inspiring you to become the person you need to be in order to fulfil your purpose!
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Want to live a life of fulfilment and a life of purpose? Then you have stop playing small! In this episode I cover the reasons why we play small, such as the different fears and self doubt, and how we overcome the things that stop us from stepping into a life of purpose. Romz ✌🏾 Get More Personal Development Resources: All Socials:…
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If we want to fulfil our purpose, we cannot have a victim mentality. When difficult seasons come, hold on to your faith and weather the storm. God can use that very storm to develop you into the person which you need to become in order to fulfil the purpose which he has for you.Romz ✌🏾◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️Get More Personal Development Resources: www.romzwad…
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Habits are the key to success! If you want to have a successful year, then you don't only need to set goals, you need to create good habits. Having effective habits is the only way to achieve those goals that you've set. I hope you enjoy this episode, where we touch the surface on the importance of having effective habits. All Socials (Instagram, T…
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This week I dive into why just taking action is more effective than over planning and waiting until you have everything perfectly aligned. Enjoy! Let's connect on Instagram & Twitter: @RomayleWade
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Whether you like it or not, right here, right now, your legacy is being created. The question is, is it being created by you intentionally, or are you leaving it to chance? Where are your daily habits taking you? And are you creating a life that displays who you truly are? We dive into the above questions in this weeks episode. Enjoy! Let's connect…
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Fault vs Responsibility.. Have you ever found yourself saying, "but it wasn't my fault!"? I'm sure we all have at some point. In this episode I dig a little into the idea that whether or not you believe something is your fault, it's still your responsibility to respond optimistically and get yourself back on track. It's this mindset that will set y…
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We have one pandemic that the whole world is constantly talking about, but there's another pandemic that has been ongoing for years and it isn't spoken about enough. That pandemic is the virus of unhappiness. In this episode, I touch on one layer that may be the cause of unhappiness and discuss a few things that we can do to change it. Let's connec…
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Why do we take our individual gifts for granted? In this episode I discuss the value of our gifts, and the life we could create if we focused more on our unique gifts as individuals.
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Is social media a positive tool or negative one? Does it have a positive impact on our mental health or a negative impact? Let's talk about it.
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Are you frustrated about where you currently are in life? Do you feel like you're underachieving? Do you feel like everyone around you is progressing but you're stagnant? If so, maybe this episode is for you.
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Pressure creates diamonds, without it diamonds cannot be created. It's key to understand the importance of pressure and why we must not try to avoid it, but rather learn how to navigate through it in order to become successful in anything that we aspire to do.
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Why do most people live mediocre lives? It's because they conform, rather than create. Creating our future is the only way we can truly succeed. I break down the idea of being someone who leads, rather than someone who follows in all aspects of life.
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One of the most common asked questions in society today, "How do I become successful?" There are so many different answers that pop up, and I have a simple answer, but that's for another day. However, there are 2 key ingredients that people miss. I cover them in this episode and discuss why I believe they go hand in hand.…
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There is a process to take your goals and dreams from a small thought into a great reality. In this episode, I discuss the necessary steps that are needed to be taken in order to intentionally create the life that we have always dreamed of living.
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Do you really know what you want in life? Do you really know who you want to become? If not, it's time to work out what you want and it's time get specific with it.
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Who we share our future plans with can be either beneficial or detrimental. I explain why I believe who we're talking to about what we have planned for our future is important.
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In this influencer society, it's easy to strive for fame rather than doing all we can to add value to people's lives. This episode I discuss the idea of seeking to be valuable rather than being famous.
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What you do today will have a direct impact on tomorrow. When making decisions about how you're going to spend your day today, think about how you want tomorrow to look.
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What's the fastest way to work something out? By giving it a go! Failing forward is the best way to work life out. You won't know what you like, what you don't like, or what you're good at or not good out without giving it a go. In this episode I discuss why I believe failing forward is the most effective way to live our lives.…
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Patience. The one word that the majority of us dread, but why? Because we want so much, and we want it all now. In reality, to build anything of significance it's going to take hard work, diligence and of course patience. In this episode I discuss why I believe our lack of patience is stopping us from succeeding.…
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Your reality shouldn't shape your future but it's important to understand your reality in order to build your future. We need to know where we're coming from in order to get to where we want to go to. Know who you are and know where you're coming from.
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Dreams are the very thing that get so many people up and out of bed in the morning. Why? Because it gives them something to aim for, something to build, something to look forward to. If you don't have any dreams then one could argue that you don't really have much of a life. If this is the case then this episode is for you. Start dreaming again!…
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We spend a lot of time and money investing in things that don't really matter. How about we spend time and money when investing in our mind? It makes the world of a difference when it comes to your personal development. Do not neglect your mind.
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In this episode I briefly discuss the idea that having a lack of knowledge or network are not valid excuses for attacking your goals, as these are some more excuses that we come with.
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Lack of time and lack of money, some common excuses. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and you can always take steps without having a load of money at your disposal. Remember, winners always find a way to win!
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As we go into the New Year, it' time to drop all excuses. Excuses breed mediocrity and give us false security when we're underachieving. No more excuses, it's time for results.
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The greatest breakthroughs often come when we're about to break. The moments where we feel like giving up are the moments that either make or break us. They're the moments where champions are made. Wanting to give up at times isn't a problem, but giving up is. You didn't come this far just to give up. Keep going, it'll be worth it.…
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Your words create your future. Hence why it's imperative that we're thinking the right thoughts in order to speak the right words. Grasp this concept and watch your life change.
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Your gifts and talents are needed. Not for your sake, but for everyone else's. Get over yourself, attack your fear and insecurity, and then step out! Fulfil your full potential.
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If not now then when? Why wait until tomorrow when today is here? Waiting until the right time to attack your goals is the biggest mistake we could make. There is never a perfect time, which means that today is the right time to get started.
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How are you measuring your progress? Are you measuring your progress and success against your goals? Or are you measuring your progress and success against the goals that society has set for you? Getting this right is crucial to not just your fulfilment, but also your legacy.
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Idea's have never changed the world. It's the people who execute on their ideas that do. Stop thinking, stop strategising, stop talking and start executing.
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When should you give up on your goals and dreams? Is there any point in continuing to work on your goals if you're not making much progress? I discuss the idea of giving up, when we should keep going and when it may be time to pivot and change direction. Feel free to subscribe to my channel if you're enjoying my videos. Thanks for listening.…
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With so much focus on the skills that people have, it's very easy for us as a society to neglect our character because we're so focused on skillset. While both character and skillset are important, I believe that when it comes to longevity and legacy, one is slightly more important than the other.
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Decisions, decisions, decisions! There are tons of decisions that we make daily, with some being more important than others. The question is do we truly understand the power behind all of the decisions that we're making? Do we understand that it's the daily decisions that shape our lives? Sit down and listen to me discuss the different types of dec…
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What shall I do with my life? The massive question that everyone asks. Thing is, the only way to work out what you want to do is by trying everything that you MAY want to do. Keep trying new things until you hit your sweet spot!
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The fastest way to kill something special is to compare it. Comparing ourselves with others is one of the worse things that we can do. It leaves us frustrated, knocks our confidence, or makes us feel superior when we are not. Avoid comparing yourself with others and you'll be doing yourself a massive favour!…
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At the end of the day, it's all about what you do, not what you said you were going to do.
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So many of us are scared of failing. In order to become successful, failing is something that we cannot avoid. We must become comfortable with failing if we're going to try new things and create the lives that we want. We must overcome the fear of failing now, not tomorrow, not next week or next month, but now.…
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Don't allow negative comments to ruin your day. Some people online are mean and there will always be horrible people online. Build your confidence and self-esteem, know who you are and know your worth. Those comments don't mean a thing!
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For the majority of people, their lack of money, resources or education stops them from taking action. Even with these roadblocks, I believe that this should never be the case because we always have enough within our grasp to take the next step. If we focus on what we have in our hands, we'll open up a whole new world of opportunity.…
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Life Lessons With Marvin Ambrosius
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1:39:45Marvin is a successful fitness professional with a television show called 'Fit in 5' which is on Sky One. Fitness is not all that Marvin is known for though. Listen in to hear about his journey and the lessons we can take from his journey.
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Are you doing the things in your life for the accolades or are you doing it for the cause? As human beings we can be selfish without even realising it. This can have a detrimental impact on the work that we do.
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We often hear people say that they are safe made, but this is never the case. Every single one of us would have had help along the way at some point. Don't try to do the journey alone, it was never meant to be that way.
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Just because something is difficult, it doesn't mean that it's not for you. The difficult times in our lives are essential for us to develop and grow in character and skillset. Do not avoid the difficult times, but instead change your perspective on how you see them.
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Losing has an important part to play in our lives. It gives us balance and it adjusts our perspective. Could we really enjoy winning if we never understood what it meant to lose?
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Stop focusing on the fact that you may lose, and start focusing on the fact that you may win.
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It's easy to become envious and distracted by the success of others. Which means that we begin to look at what other people are doing and sometimes imitate them. This is a recipe for disaster. It's important to stay in our own lane and do what we want and love to do. The success will follow.
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