Stories and discussions of changed lives through the work SafeHouse Ministries does to love and serve people impacted by Homelessness, Addiction, and Incarceration.
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Fleeing the Devil and Turning to the Lord: Mike Singleton's Story Part 2-Redemption and New Life!
Mike is an amazing man with an amazing story. In this part two episode he shares some more about his new life, the challenges, the joys, and the fact that he would never go back to his old life! Mike also shares several helpful lessons for anyone who might be affected by addiction in their own life or in the life of a loved one or friend.…
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Mike shares his regret in choosing the wrong friends as a teenager and how that led him down a path of great pain. There are so many amazing anecdotes and emotional stories with powerful lessons. As is true in all our lives, God was there working all along the way to bring Mike back from the destruction he had bound himself to. On a night when God …
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We left the story last week when Josh had been medically detoxed and "freed" from his opiate addiction, only to dive deep into another destructive addiction to gambling. Hear how Sammy God got brought someone into Josh's life who was finally able to break through and get Josh to face the lies he had not yet faced, and learn how God redeemed Josh an…
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The deepest darkness of Sammy and Josh's relationship. Sammy came to the place where she was not blind to the evil reality of what Josh had become and she did everything she could to call him out, hold him accountable, and push him towards sobriety and victory...but none of us can change another person, no matter how much we love them. Josh would h…
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Sammy was drawn to "the bad boy" and the particular boy she found was like a tornado of trouble from the beginning. Sammy was not an addict herself but was deeply affected by addiction because the person she loved was an addict. The boy turned man she will be speaking of is Josh Pezold, and if you haven't heard his story it aired on our podcast in …
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In this conclusion of Christy's story, she shares how her life becomes utterly and entirely unhinged. Tragedy strikes and her self-destructive behavior goes into overdrive and nearly kills her. But when she collapses at the point of death, Jesus catches her in his arms and carries her on a path of beautiful redemption and restoration.…
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Christy grew up in a very unstable home (her mom was married 7 times and had many other unstable relationships), and Christy learned from an early age to make self-destructive decisions, decisions which brought her much pain and tragedy.Por Phil Shuler
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Perspectives of Pain, Grace's Story: An Addict For a Mom, But A Mom Who Found Jesus, SafeHouse, and Victory! (Part 2)
Part 2 of Grace's Story! When Grace was nearing the point of giving up on her mom forever, Kristie found SafeHouse Ministries and Tomorrow's Hope. Kristie was Redeemed from her addiction and Grace's relationship with her mom was Restored! This is an amazing conclusion and Grace shares even more helpful insight into the struggles that so many childr…
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This episode is the first of its kind for us, where someone shares their story about growing up with a parent who was a drug addict. Grace shares some very powerful and emotional memories, and she gives some great insight into what it's like for kids who grow up with parents dealing with addiction and incarceration.…
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Perspectives of Pain, Brokenness and Heartache in Two Lives From One Enemy - Addiction. Part 1 - Kristi the Redeemed.
Today's podcast will be Kristi sharing her story of Addiction and Pain from the perspective of a parent. Next week Grace, Kristi's daughter will be sharing her story from the perspective of a daughter who grew up with a parent that struggled desperately with addiction. If you listen to both perspectives, you'll come away with a deepened understandi…
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William Foster's Story (Part 2): From Dumpster Diving to Deliverance, and the Lessons of God's Love All Along the Way.
Part 2 of William's Story is like finishing of a nice warm hot cup of cocoa, it will leave you with a warm and joyful feeling inside and a smile on your face. William dives deeper into some of the crazy things he did in his darkness... (SPOILER ALERT-stealing a Hurse was one of them). William also speaks more at length about the love of God through…
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William Foster's Story (Part 1): Paranoid, Homeless, and Washing Clothes out of a bucket.. But God's Love Reaches Beyond All Barriers.
William is such a nice guy, and his story is truly incredible. He shares some crazy stories and some amazing insight into the world of homelessness. Enjoy!Por Phil Shuler
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Merry Christmas! This episode is all about the reason we do what we do, the reason for the season, the reason for hope-Jesus. We hope you enjoy this special episode and we pray that you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!Por Phil Shuler
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From the time I started volunteering at SafeHouse Ministries and preaching on Saturdays, Lilian had an amazing spirit about her. She was so full of boldness for good, love for others, and a strong desire to help and serve. I saw these qualities even through the darkness of her struggles with cocaine, and I always loved seeing Lilian help recruit ot…
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Freda's Story: Death and Pain Filled Her Life From a Very Young Age, but God Found Her, Loved Her, and Renewed Her Life Greater Than She Ever Imagined Was Possible.
Freda had to grow up when she was just a kid, taking care of her siblings before she was even a teenager. Freda had her first baby at age 15 and couldn't take care of her because she was too deep in the darkness of addiction. She faced death after death of loved ones who died at such young ages, and not knowing how to deal with these deaths chose t…
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Andrea's Story Part 2: Through the Sorrow to find Serenity, and Jesus was the Answer all Along.
Andrea's Story is a beautiful picture of growth over time and of how God walks with us through the sorrow in our lives, even when much of it is of our own making. Andrea has faced some crazy and life-threatening situations, but God has brought her through, answered her prayers, and given her a renewed hope and restored opportunity to pour her life …
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Andrea's story is a wild roller coaster ride which was often a nightmare lived out in real life. But through her patience and God's Grace she has come through to get out of the nightmare and live in the light! You'll hear her modern-day testimony about how God never leaves us nor forsakes us but loves us and is always there for us when we recognize…
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The Masterful Hand of God to Work Miracles: Neil Richardson Shares Incredible Stories of What God Has Done in People's Lives Over the Last 15 Years and Invites You to Join With Us for the Next 15!
To God be the Glory Great things He has done! Listen as Neil Richardson shares tribute to what God has done these last 15 years through SafeHouse Ministries and consider partnering with us for the next 15!Por Phil Shuler
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SafeHouse Ministries is celebrating 15 years of work in the Columbus, GA area and 15 years of amazing miracles in thousands and thousands of people's lives! You may not be able to bring homeless people into your personal home and feed them meals in your kitchen, but if you'd like to help in a more practical way please consider partnering with SafeH…
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Jennifer's Story Part 2: The Out of Control Monster of Addiction Is No Match For the Life Saving and Life Changing Power of Jesus!
The Monster of Addiction was in full rage mode, but nothing would stand in God's way...He wanted to redeem Jennifer and set her feet on the rock of victory, the rock of Jesus! You will love hearing the incredible conclusion to Jennifer's amazing life story!Por Phil Shuler
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Jennifer's Story: Her Famous Father's Alchoholism, Her Physician's Abdication of Responsibility, and the Darkness that Consumed Her Entirely.
Jennifer's story is a chilling tale of evil within our society that is kept hidden and overlooked. Her Dad, Rick Rice, was a famous regional Radio Host who was encouraged to party, drink, and ensure that others had a good time at events. This lifestyle encouraged him on a path to deep alcoholism. When Jennifer was trying to deal with life and start…
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Josh's Story Part 4 - The Anchor of Truth and the Anchor of Love that Finally Pulled Josh's Life Out of the Storms and into God's Peace.
The final wave of Chaos in Josh's Life before the light of God brakes through and brings him to his senses. Josh recounts the love of God, the mercy of God, and the people God used in his life to bring him finally to the place of victory over addiction. Stick with him to the end, because he shares some amazing lessons learned when he sums up all fo…
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Josh Pezold's Story Part 3 - Becoming Broken Completely So that God Could Redeem Him and Remake Him.
This episode continues Josh's story in the midst of some of the darkest days he has lived, and it brings us to the place where Josh finally became broken and surrendered, and that's when God began to change everything.Por Phil Shuler
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Josh Pezold's Story Part 2 - Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole and Attempting to End it All. But NOT the end of the story...
Attempted infanticide, attempted suicide, and more in this second part of Josh Pezold's story. The darkness grows and Josh comes to a place of utter despair and hopelessness as he shares about what happens after a daughter enters his life and insanity enters his marriage. But this episode is not the end, come back next week as Josh continues his st…
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Josh Pezold's Story Part 1 - Tossed Aside by Biological Parents Who Didn't Love Him and a Tazmanian Devil Tornado Childhood.
What a Crazy Ride! In this part 1 episode of Josh Pezold's incredible story you'll hear some horrendous things which happened to him as a baby and young child. This led to him being adopted by a new set of parents, who loved him dearly, but could not effectively manage the rebellious tazmanian devil tornado that Josh became. So many lessons to lear…
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In this conclusion to Erroll's story you'll hear more pain along his journey, and many failures in the path, until finally God brings Erroll to the place where "the light turns on" and he surrenders completely. Erroll's story is a beautiful example of the unrelenting grace of God to pursue us despite ourselves. God is good, and He loves all of us m…
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Pain from childhood abuse. Pain early in his military career through combat trauma. Pain in the early years of marriage. Erroll's story tells the tale of a young man with a distraught heart running into darkness as a way of hoping to escape the pain. But as Erroll would eventually learn, darkness doesn't ease the pain, it adds to the pain. So many …
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Part 4 with Mike -- Letting Go of Assumptions, Letting Go of Entitlement, and Letting God Do the Miracle That He Wants To Do!
Final episode with Mike, the Supervisor of the SafeHouse Ministries' men's shelter (Freedom House). Mike shares more incredible stories of life transformation, and he drops some powerful wisdom that we all need to hear.Por Phil Shuler
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Mike talks about the true power and purpose behind what we do at SafeHouse Ministries, Jesus. Mike describes how we aim to live like Jesus and love like Jesus. Mike shares a powerful story about a man named Will who was forced to come into the SafeHouse program, how he entered with resentment and resistance, and how he eventually found complete tra…
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Part 2 with Mike--A Deep Dive into the Process SafeHouse Uses to Change Lives (and a Few More Stories of Transformed Lives from Freedom House).
Mike opens up the hood of SafeHouse Ministries and shares the amazing process we use to help people change their lives for the better. Along the way he also shares a few more stories from Freedom House of lives he has seen changed in miraculous ways. If you want to understand homelessness and how to best help those who are in the midst of homelessn…
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Mike is the Freedom House (Men's Shelter) Supervisor. He is one of the hardest working and intensely loving people I know. He goes above and beyond every day to love, serve, and invest himself into the lives of others to see miracles of transformation in the lives of the men that enter our shelter. Mike shares his insight into homelessness and how …
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In this Part 2 episode Nick shares how he grew immensely while in prison and how he connected with the Plummer Home and SafeHouse Ministries to be able to leave prison. There are countless people across the nation who remain in prison well beyond their sentence termination because they simply do not have anywhere to go due to the many rules our soc…
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Nick's Story: Foolish Choices Got Him into Deep Trouble, but a Faithful Father Brought Him Out.
This interview with Nick was so much fun, Nick has a God given internal drive to learn and grow, and even though some foolish choices landed him in prison at Fort Leavenworth, he turned a prison sentence into an opportunity for a new beginning. Nick chose to learn and grow himself, and he continues on that path of learning and growing today. Nick's…
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Tracy Arnold: Great Depths of Darkness Could Not Hold Her Down because God's Love for Her was too Great.
Tracy is such a beautiful person, and she has a truly beautiful story. Her story has much pain in it, but the depths of her pain were no match to the depths of God's love for her. She has traveled all over the world, but she could never travel far enough to separate from the pain of her past, until the Creator God wrapped his arms around her and he…
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Carol's Story Part Two: The Amazing God that Changed Everything for the Better and Blessed Carol Beyond Her Greatest Imaginations.
Por Phil Shuler
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Carol's Story: The Folly of the Victim Mindset and the Powerful Truth that our Choices are Our Most Powerful Enemy or Ally.
Carol Tyson is an amazing individual with an amazing story. She has the most wonderful laugh that is quickly identified in any room she inhabits. Carol shares the pain and sorrow of her story in a way that distills so much wisdom for the gleaning. This Two-Part story is one that will teach you a lot about Recovery, but even more about life.…
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Darlene Britton's Story: The Death Trap of Bad Friends and the Power of Changing Your Focus.
Darlene was raised in a good home, but she sought out bad friends and fell into great darkness. From the age of 17 she paid dearly for her choice of friends and the path she took as a result. She had an abusive husband, who was eventually shot and killed by her dad, and she has three kids who have also been deeply hurt by the darkness that once con…
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Tony is such a humble and quiet individual, and his story is powerful and full of many lessons. Lessons such as counting the cost before you launch into an endeavor, heeding warning signs instead of turning a blind eye, restraining your heart instead of foolishly "following your heart", and so much more. Tony has come to realize that God loves him …
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Tom Couture's Story: Losing it All, Learning to Let Go, and Finding the Love of an Almighty God--Part 2-The Miraculous Conclusion
Part 2 of Tom's amazing story. Last week we heard Tom describe how he lost everything, his wife, his purpose, and nearly his life. This week we'll hear how Tom finally surrendered and trusted God to work in a miraculous way to put his life back together stronger and better than it ever was before.Por Phil Shuler
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Tom endured great hardship as a child, but was able to grow up to be successful, or so he thought, until the darkness of addiction consumed him. But God had predestined that the darkness would not keep him. Tom's story is truly an incredible example of the abundant grace and goodness of God, in some ways it reminds me a little bit of the story of w…
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Proverbs 4:7 states "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom, and with all thy getting get understanding." There is so much wisdom to learn by the stories shared by the individuals interviewed in this podcast. The Lord has taught me personally so very much and he continues to teach me more with every interview and episode I do. I pray t…
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This podcast is a wonderful illustration of how choices affect our lives. It contains many testimonials from our podcast interviewees over the past year where they share the early choices that were made by their families and by themselves that began their journey into darkness and death. There is an abundance of wisdom to be found in pondering the …
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Stephanie's Story: Love, Redemption, and Divine Intervention Like You've Never Heard Before.
God loves Stephanie, and it is so evident throughout her story. Stephanie had a really rough start, made some really bad choices, and found herself in great darkness, but God had a different plan for her life, and he found a way to bring her back to him. Stephanie's story will keep you on the edge of your seat, and if you listen through to the end …
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Robert tried so many programs repeatedly that never worked, then he cried out to God, and everything changed.Por Phil Shuler
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Nicole, Barney, and Jana are three women who went through deep darkness, depression, and devastation but found healing and love in SafeHouse Ministries and love and life in God the Father and in Jesus. There is truly no limit to the power of God to heal and restore broken lives. Praise the LORD!Por Phil Shuler
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Highlights from Billy, JamieLea, and Jeremy. Amazing stories of darkness turning to light and despair turning into hope! God is sovereign and loves us more than we could ever know!Por Phil Shuler
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Cheryl's Story: From Overdosing to Overcoming...A Dead Woman Who Became Born Again and Transformed Forever!
From 38 years in addiction to now 38 years sober and serving Jesus. Chery's story is a powerful testimony of what it means to be born again by the power and the blood of Jesus. God has a plan for every person in this world, and his Spirit actively works in our lives to draw us unto himself. Chery's story is engaging and empowering, you'll be glad y…
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This is a must listen to story. There is so much instruction in this story about love and grace and how to have more of it in our lives. Jesus is the hero of Troy's story, and if you need a hero in your life Jesus would love to be the hero of your story as well.Por Phil Shuler
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Courtnie's Life is a Testimony that the Word of Truth found in the Bible will set you free. She had a rough start and then as a teenager turned to drugs and men trying to find solace, but this path only turned into greater darkness. It was in prison when someone unexpectedly gave her a Life Recovery Bible that everything changed.…
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Daphne was born into abuse and suffered abandonment at an early age. She ran to alcohol and drugs as a way of trying to escape her life, but that only brought her more sorrow. Daphne then found someone whom she learned had loved her from the beginning more than she could have ever imagined, Daphne trusted in Jesus and received God as her Abba Fathe…
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