Sermons from Pastor Josh Tancordo at Redeeming Grace Church of Pittsburgh, PA.
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Sermons preached at Redeeming Grace Church, Georgia VT. See the sermons and seminars podcast page on our website for outlines and additional downloads.
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A church committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ, aiming for God's glory and Our deepest satisfaction and joy in Him!
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Sermons from weekly services
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Redeeming Grace Baptist Church is a group of Christians that is committed to growing and changing according to the Scriptures. We believe that the call for believers is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever. Because of this, all we do is focused on knowing Christ and discovering how satisfying He is.
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The Lord Jesus Christ is on mission to faithfully save the humble outcasts who trust him, therefore hope in him and give him great praise.
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The Israelites seek God’s blessing in exactly the wrong way and end up experiencing disastrous consequences.
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Text: Ecclesiastes 5:8-7:29; Speaker: Pastor Mark Bahr Occupied Under the Sun, Part 8File Size:18931 kbFile Type:mp3Download FilePor Redeeming Grace Church
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Let's be a church on mission for God's glory, which means embracing real and significant costs, which our Savior has promised he will repay a hundredfold.
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Samuel was established as a prophet of the Lord.
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Text: Ecclesiastes 5:8-7:29; Speaker: Pastor Mark Bahr Occupied Under the Sun, Part 7File Size:19188 kbFile Type:mp3Download FilePor Redeeming Grace Church
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God will judge the negligence of Eli and the wickedness of Eli’s sons and raise up in their place a faithful leader.
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What are the priorities and practices of a church that advancesthe gospel and brings glory to God?
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Text: Matthew 13:44-46; Speaker: Ezra Dunn The Unexpected KingdomFile Size:13915 kbFile Type:mp3Download FilePor Redeeming Grace Church
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God uses our pain to accomplish His purposes
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The gospel must drive everything our church does because it alone is the power of God to promote the glory of God.
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Text: Psalm 46; Speaker: Pastor Mark Bahr A Mighty FortressFile Size:19739 kbFile Type:mp3Download FilePor Redeeming Grace Church
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God is about His glory! What am I about?
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Make Christ the point of your life by seeking and setting your mind on things above.
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Text: Ecclesiastes 5:8-7:29; Speaker: Pastor Mark Bahr Occupied Under the Sun, Part 6File Size:19858 kbFile Type:mp3Download FilePor Redeeming Grace Church
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What does salvation look like? Grasping the enormity of your sin, receiving forgiveness from Jesus, loving Him wholeheartedly.
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It’s only by abiding in Christ that we can bear spiritual fruit.
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Text: Micah 5:2-5a; Speaker: Pastor Mark Bahr The Paradise Who is in a MangerFile Size:19915 kbFile Type:mp3Download FilePor Redeeming Grace Church
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The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
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Jesus is compassionate to sinners and sufferers, so come to Him and cling to Him. He never tires of embracing you.
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Text: Ecclesiastes 5:8-7:29; Speaker: Pastor Mark Bahr Occupied Under the Sun, Part 5File Size:18414 kbFile Type:mp3Download FilePor Redeeming Grace Church
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Jesus had to be God, because only God can save us.
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Jesus came to this world so that all who believe in him can be born into God’s family.
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Text: Ecclesiastes; Speaker: Pastor Mark Bahr Occupied Under the Sun, Part 4File Size:15266 kbFile Type:mp3Download FilePor Redeeming Grace Church
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Jesus had to be man, because only a man can save us.
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From the beginning, the Word was with God and was God and now functions as the only source of life and light for all humanity.
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Text: Psalm 45; Speaker: Pastor Mark Bahr God's Eternal Throne, Part 3File Size:15256 kbFile Type:mp3Download FilePor Redeeming Grace Church
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Genuine Christian faith leads people to boast only in the cross.
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Christ is our hope because Christ has reversed the curse of sin and death.
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Whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
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If you have been justified by faith, rejoice! The God who has loved you in Christ will also bring you to glory.
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Text: 5:8-7:29; Speaker: Pastor Mark Bahr Occupied Under the Sun, Part 2File Size:18947 kbFile Type:mp3Download FilePor Redeeming Grace Church
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God expects Christians to bear one another’s burdens.
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Being right with God is — and has always been — a free gift that comes through faith alone.
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Text: Ecclesiastes 5:8-7:29; Speaker: Pastor Mark Bahr Occupied Under the Sun, Part 1File Size:18454 kbFile Type:mp3Download FilePor Redeeming Grace Church
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Christians can overcome sinful desires by walking in the power of the Holy Spirit.
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Text: Psalm 45; Speaker: Pastor Mark Bahr God's Eternal Throne, Part 2File Size:17339 kbFile Type:mp3Download FilePor Redeeming Grace Church
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Despite our ignorance, arrogance and half-hearted obedience, God's amazing grace to us in the Lord Jesus Christ's finished work on the cross is what spurs us on to be faithful followers who willingly reach out to the last.
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Genuine Christians operate in a mindset of faith working through love.
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Ecclesiastes 5:1-7; Speaker: Pastor Mark Bahr God's House Under the Sun, Part 2File Size:17001 kbFile Type:mp3Download FilePor Redeeming Grace Church
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Because God is good and we are not, He is just to condemn us.
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Christians are children of freedom rather than children of slavery.
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Text: Psalm 17:5; Speaker: Jonathan Thomas An Appeal to HeavenFile Size:19390 kbFile Type:mp3Download FilePor Redeeming Grace Church
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Beware putting your confidence in anything other than Jesus Christ.
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