God's word, the Bible, is the basis of our beliefs. Here we find out what God is like and how we can know him through Jesus. Each Sunday as part of our gathering someone gives a talk from the Bible. This takes us back to the source of our faith and reminds us of the Jesus we follow. As we grapple with how we understand the Bible within its own context and work out how to follow Jesus in our own world we discover the word comes alive to us and God, by His Spirit, speaks into our lives.
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Chris Pearce speaking on "Yeast of the Pharisees" from Matthew 16:1-12. The Keys of the KingdomPor Chris Pearce
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Rachel Ayrton speaking on "The Canaanite woman and feeding of 4000" from Matthew 15:21-39. The Keys of the KingdomPor Rachel Ayrton
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Louise Flooks speaking on "What defiles a person" from Matthew 15:1-20. The Keys of the KingdomPor Louise Flooks
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Gez Perry speaking on "Jesus walks on water" from Matthew 14:22-36. The Keys of the KingdomPor Gez Perry
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Paul Robinson speaking on "Feeding of the 5000" from Matthew 14:13-21. The Keys of the KingdomPor Paul Robinson
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Louise Flooks speaking on "A prophet without honour" from Matthew 13:52-14:12. The Keys of the KingdomPor Louise Flooks
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Gez Perry speaking on "Revisiting Matthew's gospel, chapters 1-13" from Matthew 1:1-13:52. The Keys of the KingdomPor Gez Perry
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Gez Perry speaking on "Those who are wise" from Daniel 10:1-12:13. Resilient FaithPor Gez Perry
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Peter Lambros speaking on "How long, O Lord?" from Daniel 9:1-27. Resilient FaithPor Peter Lambros
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Louise Flooks speaking on "Shaggy Goats and Raving Rams" from Daniel 8:1-27. Resilient FaithPor Louise Flooks
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Gez Perry speaking on "What do you see?" from Isaiah 61:1-11. Vision SundayPor Gez Perry
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Louise Flooks speaking on "Intimacy ~ God with us" from Matthew 1:18-25. Christmas 2024: Up close and personalPor Louise Flooks
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Gez Perry speaking on "Unexpected surprises!" from Luke 1:39-8. Christmas 2024: Up close and personalPor Gez Perry
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Louise Flooks speaking on "God's word never fails" from Luke 1:1-38. Christmas 2024: Up close and personalPor Louise Flooks
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Peter Lambros speaking on "Look ahead - and beyond!" from Daniel 7:1-28. Resilient FaithPor Peter Lambros
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Gez Perry speaking on "Our lives in God's hands" from Daniel 6:1-28. Resilient FaithPor Gez Perry
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Chris Pearce speaking on "The writing on the wall" from Daniel 5:1-31. Resilient FaithPor Chris Pearce
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Louise Flooks speaking on "Resilience comes from God" from Daniel 4:1-37. Resilient FaithPor Louise Flooks
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Paul Robinson speaking on "Experiencing the presence of God" from Daniel 3:1-30. Resilient FaithPor Paul Robinson
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Gez Perry speaking on "The Power of Prayer and the Grace of God" from Daniel 2:1-49. Resilient FaithPor Gez Perry
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Louise Flooks speaking on "Resilience starts with Resolve" from Daniel 1:1-21. Resilient FaithPor Louise Flooks
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Peter Lambros speaking on "What's in a name? An introduction to the Book of Daniel" from Daniel 1:1-3, 6-7. Resilient FaithPor Peter Lambros
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Gez Perry speaking on "Gratitude of Heart" from Deuteronomy 24:19-22 ; 2 Corinthians 9:6-8. Giving - it's not what we thinkPor Gez Perry
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Gez Perry speaking on "Festival Rhythms" from Deuteronomy 16:1-17. Giving - it's not what we thinkPor Gez Perry
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Louise Flooks speaking on "First Fruits: What does God want for us?" from Deuteronomy 26:1-11. Giving - it's not what we thinkPor Louise Flooks
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Phil Crozier speaking on "Tithing" from Deuteronomy 14:22-29. Giving - it's not what we thinkPor Phil Crozier
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Hannah Joyce speaking on "Psalm 139" from Psalm 139:1-24. Summer PsalmsPor Hannah Joyce
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Steve McClure speaking on "Psalm 84" from Psalm 84:1-12. Summer PsalmsPor Steve McClure
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Will Rosie speaking on "Psalm 50" from Psalm 50:1-23. Summer PsalmsPor Will Rosie
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Ian Thomson speaking on "Living for the Glory of God" from Psalm 56:1-13. Summer PsalmsPor Ian Thomson
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John Ayrton speaking on "How to pray" from Psalm 25:1-22. Summer PsalmsPor John Ayrton
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Biddy Taylor speaking on "Remember - two choices!" from Psalm 77:1-20. Summer PsalmsPor Biddy Taylor
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Gez Perry speaking on "The Wisdom and Glory of God" from Romans 16:1-27. Making Sense of LifePor Gez Perry
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Louise Flooks speaking on "Romans 15" from Romans 15:1-33. Making Sense of LifePor Louise Flooks
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Chris Pearce speaking on "Disagreeing well" from Romans 14:1-23. Making Sense of LifePor Chris Pearce
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Louise Flooks speaking on "Romans 13" from Romans 13:1-14. Making Sense of LifePor Louise Flooks
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Gez Perry speaking on "The Way to Overcome Evil" from Romans 12. Making Sense of LifePor Gez Perry
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Louise Flooks speaking on "Mystery and Lament" from Romans 10:1-21. Making Sense of LifePor Louise Flooks
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Gez Perry speaking on "God's Mercy and Compassion" from Romans 9:1-33. Making Sense of LifePor Gez Perry
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Paul Robinson speaking on "Living in Hope" from Romans 8:1-39. Making Sense of LifePor Paul Robinson
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Peter Lambros speaking on "Struggling to be free" from Romans 7:1-25. Making Sense of LifePor Peter Lambros
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Louise Flooks speaking on "Free from the power of sin" from Romans 6:1-22. Making Sense of LifePor Louise Flooks
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Gez Perry speaking on "God's Abundant Provision" from Romans 5:1-21. Making Sense of LifePor Gez Perry
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Gez Perry speaking on "God's Power and Promises" from Romans 4:1-25. Making Sense of LifePor Gez Perry
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Louise Flooks speaking on "Putting things right" from Romans 3:1-31. Making Sense of LifePor Louise Flooks
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Alison speaking on "Guilty!" from Romans 2:1-29. Making Sense of LifePor Alison
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Gez Perry speaking on "Passion, Power and Pain" from Romans 1:1-32. Making Sense of LifePor Gez Perry
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Gez Perry speaking on "The Risen King" from Luke 24:1-49. Easter 2024Por Gez Perry
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Louise Flooks speaking on "Servant King" from Mark 10:35-45, Luke 19:28-44. Easter 2024Por Louise Flooks
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Chris Pearce speaking on "The treasure, the pearl, and the blazing furnace" from Matthew 13:44-52. Secrets of the KingdomPor Chris Pearce
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