Outlining the family journey and sharing experiences for those with loved ones in active addiction or fighting addiction in a recovery program. The host Hank has a loved one who has battled drug addiction and uses candor, real examples, and humor to share a story that is real and hopeful - and always genuine.
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Hi folks-as I outlined in this quick head podcast just about 10 minutes long, I had a event or two to go to this week that was attentionally going to be very challenging from an emotional standpoint, however ended up being really rewarding and fun with real connectionsPor Opioid Dad
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A quick wrap up on observations from prior year and the road ahead for those of us working with Recovery and Recover related issuesPor Opioid Dad
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I’m just rocking a short podcast here as I begin to understand a little bit more about substance misuse disorderPor Opioid Dad
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Hi folks, this is just a morning reflections on the Week ahead and the perspective of what we can and cannot control. I also touch on the billion dollar lottery That I have zero chance of winning. Have a great dayPor Opioid Dad
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Hi folks this is just a quick 10 minute episode letting you know about how I have dealt with my own desire to control things relating to my loved ones addiction issues. While I would never tell someone how they have to be with their own loved one, I am very aware of how little control I have had as I attempted to exert my will over their issues…
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A short story about facing your inner demons, Tony Romo QB, And moving forward in lifePor Opioid Dad
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Today I journey to my local big box membership warehouse-and podcast while waiting for my car to be repaired. If that doesn’t sound exciting to you, really you have to start livingPor Opioid Dad
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Por Opioid Dad
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Por Opioid Dad
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in this podcast I cover three points that you as someone who loves another who has substance abuse disorder should be aware of to stay on track with your own quality of life. Additionally, I cover a trip to Pittsburgh,Por Opioid Dad
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On this episode Hank covers the innocence lost in the addiction and recovery process, the reality that many things do not go back as the parents would like them to, and continuing to move ahead regardless of the circumstances with a view towards celebrating recoveryPor Opioid Dad
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A quick hit podcast covering many topics from billboards, podcasts, marc Maron, recovery’s, Rolex and other BSPor Opioid Dad
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Por Opioid Dad
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Por Opioid Dad
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A little review of my pending Memorial Day weekend and why leasing cars for me is dumb. Yes a strange combination! Peace to youPor Opioid Dad
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Just a real mini on this episode as I throw out some of the countries and cities listening in on the podcast.....also a potential guest as we approach episode 50Por Opioid Dad
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I took a 10 minute trip to pick up my brother work and gave some rambling thoughts on my way to do that. My brother hop in the car introduced him self made a few unusual remarks and then we drove home. So a little more insight into the uniqueness of my life and peace and love and respect you and your life…
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Hank covers the reality of having to care for someone with substance abuse disorder. Recognizing the fight that is required as a parent or loved one and also highlighting that same ability and the person with substance abuse disorder.Por Opioid Dad
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In today’s podcast Hank covers some issues of self-care, making sure your own life is on track in spite of the pathway your love ones may be on. Parents of those with substance abuse disorder especially put several segments of their life on hold while they navigate and feel their way through a very confusing painful and lonely time. Hank has come u…
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In today’s episode I cover mom’s smoking of multiple packs a day since she’s 14 years of age, the love we have for our parents and how it is reflected as an adult, loving those with addiction, navigating substance use disorder and Boundaries we need to have in place so we can continue to forge aheadPor Opioid Dad
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Hank covers 420 also known as April 20 to us older people. Additionally I talk about cannabis legalization the reality of the future of America from a marijuana standpoint in my opinion. I also touch on the fact that much like alcohol being legal and a very small percentage have a problem with it we will see the same thing with marijuana, in my opi…
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And this podcast cover a little bit about the application for traffic known as Waze and I also talk about being able to see the future as the parent of someone with substance abuse disorder. Equally vital is my in-depth coverage of how to catch poison ivy before it’s even 70°. Also I cover a new parent support groupThat my wife and I recently visit…
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This is just a quickie at less than six minutes With a few observations about our surroundings and what we give off and what we take in. Enjoy what I hope will be a wonderful weekend for all of you with some peace some love and some personal recognition that you were doing all you can for you and your loved one.…
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We have all heard of ONE DAY AT A TIME but how does that apply to us as parents? When are we getting ahead of ourselves? When are we out over the front of our own skis? It’s a common error for those of us who have loved ones who are in the fight to be hopeful and that is OK. However in my view and experience tempering your thoughts with that mantra…
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In today’s podcast I touch on the serenity prayer that is very well known in society and has been adopted by many 12 step programs. The last verse of this prayer has become extremely meaningful to me personally over the past few months. Please take a quick listen and see if you can relate. Peace and love Hank…
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Weather apocalypse predictions, who will get elected, who is suing whom, government shutdowns, who was promoted ahead of you at the office etc....we all have stuff to deal with but those of us that have a loved one battling their drug and alcohol challenges are literally in a fight for our lives. I separate a little fact from disinformation and how…
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A quick review of a few books that I have on my self help shelf mostly focused on understanding addiction and the challenges of substance abuse disorderPor Opioid Dad
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OK - a Little ramp to really gonna get some things off my chest things I’m upset about things I’m angry about and a recognition that this too shall pass. Thank you for indulging me on this five minutes of going off on the institutions and I’m thankful I have a listening audience or even just a tape recorder to talk into at times. I also understand …
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Let’s be honest, there are Phrases And terminology and other bits and pieces of language that I just did not understand when I first got another world of recovery. I found them frustrating, completely baffling and really making no sense. Nearly 4 years in I seem to of obtained a full education With an understanding that resonates in my own life. If…
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This is just an overview of how I have handled visit from my child who is struggling with substance abuse disorder. We all know about the visits when they may need something, or when they’re using, or in fact they may live with you. However for those of us that do not have loved ones living with us, Visit can be exciting and also fraught with conce…
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Hey everybody this is just a quick overview on what I have done that has been rewarding to me psychologically in terms of thanking others. While I’m sure experiences with counselors Varies, my exposure has been almost 100% positive.Por Opioid Dad
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This is just a quick story of something I did for my brother that helped me channel some of my own tension and stress about other areas of my life mainly Stemming from the opioid misuse that is going on with our childPor Opioid Dad
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OK this touches on alcoholism, codependency, eldercare, assisted living, parenting, and the game show Jeopardy. In no way shape or form am I Stating that I know anything about Alex Trebek for all the lawyers out there. It’s just a quick rant that when I listen to a second time I actually laughed out loud peace and love Hank…
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Here we have an overview of how I personally get myself up when I fall down. There are times of doubt, sadness, hopelessness and these are countered with hope, love, energy and action. I don’t hold myself up to be anything special, Rather I’m just the average dad dealing with a somewhat abnormal situation and trying to get through the day. I hope t…
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I owe an apology to some family members and did it live earlier, but address it here a bit. Admitting when you are wrong is a good move. Best intentions and unasked for advice from your friends and families also addressed. The Myths of what causes addiction. Also rambling a bit on creating opportunities for yourself in this world.…
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This podcast summarizes a challenging situation with user in active addiction last night. Without question brutally challenging decision and discussion with the person I love very much, however he needs to hold himself accountable. This is not advice for what to do, however this is what I chose to do and while that may be right or wrong and some pe…
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This quick hit podcast provides an overview of an organization working diligently on southeast Pennsylvania it is called be a part of the conversation. This organization six to equip parents with the opportunity and ability to speak affectively concisely and intelligently with the developing young children with regard to drugs and alcohol. Also add…
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Por Opioid Dad
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Por Opioid Dad
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Por Opioid Dad
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Por Opioid Dad
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Por Opioid Dad
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A real quick snapshot into the NFL playoffs and a diversion for mental health. Covering the big game and the historic miracle in the meadowlands in 1978. Take no offense - it’s not heavy and a quick listen Let’s be human.Por Opioid Dad
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Wow! Real moment of sadness that was productive for a friend of my child and the overview on Opioid Dad now global. College athletes and addiction and being an NCAA athlete at ANY level is tough Helping a young Person by giving them tools versus DOING for them and listens are happening around USA Canada and Europe…
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Hank meaning me rambles about crowded apartments, loving his son, being raised by a chain smoking alcoholic that he loves and crazy ass dreams. It’s all here....jump in!Por Opioid Dad
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New Year Reservations are not effective and there are bigger long term choices to be made. Candor and reality by Hank with a few observations that may work for you and your familyPor Opioid Dad
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Holiday guests and heartache for your missing addicted child are honestly coveredPor Opioid Dad
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Reaching out to your loved one when they have not reached out to you and why it is sometimes important for you as a parent.Por Opioid Dad
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Christmas morning reflection on dealing with an addicted child plus some funny stories (we all need a little balance)Por Opioid Dad
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Hank shares a view on navigating the holiday while running into friends and also missing his sonPor Opioid Dad
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