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In Pursuit of God Part 4 by Pastor Chuck Cannizzaro (Main Service) - Learn the six scriptural ways we can get God's attention for His favor and for His will in our lives.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from Jude 1:20-21 about four principles that provide encouragement and instruction to us to maintain our lives in connection to God.Por Covina, CA
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Learn how fasting is an important part of the Christian life and the five Biblical rewards God gives His people for fasting.Por Covina, CA
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Learn the five factors to be successful in fasting, such as internal passion, dependency on God, being His servant, determination, and lifestyle.Por Covina, CA
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Discover how Jesus gave deeper meaning and clarity to the six Jewish laws found in Matthew 5, leading to a more fulfilling and successful life in His Kingdom.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from the eight beatitudes in Matthew 5 about the blessings that you possess when living in Christ.Por Covina, CA
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Learn how Jesus' teachings changed the world's thinking on love, forgiveness, human dignity, women, children, education, and hospitals.Por Covina, CA
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Let's Gather Together So We May Give Thanks Part 3 by Pastor Chuck Cannizzaro (Main Service) - Learn from Psalm 105 about how David sang when he was returning the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and the reason to praise the Lord and its benefits.Por Covina, CA
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There is an incredible power available when you believe in Him. Delve into Ephesians 3:14-21 and explore the potential that God has placed within you.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from Psalm 95 how God made this hills and the sea with His hand and how with the same hand He also cares, protects, and guides us in our lives.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from the Book of Psalms how the Lord instructs us to thank him voluntarily, wholeheartedly, and continually.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from Genesis 1 about how God wants us to use His words as create power to change the circumstances we are facing for His glory.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from Matthew 9:38 what it means when Jesus asks His disciples to pray to the Lord of the Harvest and the 8 benefits of being in His Kingdom.Por Covina, CA
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Learn that when God has put something to our hearts we need to see it accomplished just like Abraham journeyed to see God's promises fulfilled.Por Covina, CA
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Learn that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, but we will also learn that He is the way for our journey in life and that we can enjoy the journey.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from Galatians 3:28 about how we are all one in Christ and God has given us gifts and talents to be used for His purpose.Por Covina, CA
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Learn about the 7 important lessons for our lives based on the Apostle Paul's deliverance for the snake in Acts 28 by just SHAKING IT OFF!Por Covina, CA
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Learn from Isaiah 60 how God declares His desire for His people to arise and shine on this earth and what it means to declare His glory.Por Covina, CA
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Learn about the 5 important takeaways from the parable of the lost coin and Jesus's desire to see His people come to salvation.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from Habakkuk 3 that God has the power to work in ways you have not seen yet to help you overcome circumstances where you feel trapped.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from Psalm 35 about what it means to come together as a church family and celebrate the goodness and salvation of the Lord.Por Covina, CA
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Learn form James 3 about the 7 attributes that indicate whether you are operating in Godly wisdom or earthly wisdom.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from James 1:5 how we have access to the wisdom of God in all we do by simply asking in faith and believing God that He will give it to us liberally.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from John 16 that the Holy Spirit is our helper in making good decisions that follow in line with God's purpose for our lives.Por Covina, CA
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This message highlights the importance of forgiveness from the life of Joseph we can use to keep our peace in the midst of situations we cannot explain.Por Covina, CA
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I Choose Joy by Pastor Renee Gibson
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1:01:22Romans 15:13 - Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.Por Covina, CA
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This message describes the six lessons from the life of Joseph that we can use to keep our peace in the midst of situations you cannot explain.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from Colossians 3:12-3:15 how we can have peace through Jesus Christ and all the things we must do to preserve that peace in our hearts.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from John 8:32 how to receive our spiritual freedom in Christ just as Jesus said His truth will make us free.Por Covina, CA
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Learn how according to Psalm 112 that a righteous person is not moved by evil tidings, but their heart is fixed on trusting in the Lord.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from Malachi 4:6 that God will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, thereby restoring the family unit as a sign of His second coming.Por Covina, CA
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Learn about how--just as King David instructed his son Solomon to do all of God's will -- God has a plan for all of us ordained in heaven.Por Covina, CA
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Learn about one of the most difficult beatitudes that we can model unto others but also the great reward that comes from it because we shall see God.Por Covina, CA
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Join us for a church celebration and a testimony to the faithfulness and goodness of God that He has kept our doors open these 20 years. Our best years are ahead of us as we press into all that God has for us.Por Covina, CA
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Learn how to have a strong spirit to overcome and be able to cope with all the heartache and headache that we are facing in this world.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from 1 Thessalonians 5:23 about how we can have healing in Christ Jesus for our soul, which is our mind, will, and emotions.Por Covina, CA
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Learn how the woman with the issue of blood applied the principles of faith to obtain healing and how we can do the same to receive God's promises.Por Covina, CA
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Join us this Easter Sunday for a celebration of Jesus' resurrection, as we gather in worship to honor the triumph of life over death and the everlasting hope it to gives to all. Experience the joy of His rising and the promise of new beginnings in our special service filled with praise, reflection, and fellowship.…
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Learn about Palm Sunday and the three lessons that we can learn about this event and how it impacts our lives today in 2024.Por Covina, CA
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Learn how we can see Jesus in the spiritual realm when we realize all that He has done for us and when the eyes of our understanding are enlightened.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from John 14:21 how Jesus told us that, if we keep His commandments, He would manifest Himself to us as we see how real that is in our lives.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from Psalm 63 about the 6 ways that King David grew closer to God and how we can do the same in our walk with Him.Por Covina, CA
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Learn about the 5 things we need to know where we stand in our walk with Christ and the 6 ways to develop God's purpose to keep you on the right path.Por Covina, CA
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Learn about the three reasons why truth is so important and better distinguish the difference between subjective and objective truth claims.Por Covina, CA
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Learn about how God has called us to be a witness for Him and how we do not have to be the most talented but be willing for God to work through you.Por Covina, CA
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Learn about how God asks us to call upon Him and the three determining factors that will cause Him to answer us.Por Covina, CA
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Learn about how God has called us to worship Him and the seven benefits that come from obeying God's call to worship Him.Por Covina, CA
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Learn from the life of Joseph in the Old Testament on how to have faith in your calling despite adverse situations and still keep your joy in serving.Por Covina, CA
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Learn about how your tongue can hinder, slow down, and sometimes even completely halt the plan that God has for your life.Por Covina, CA
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Learn about how God through the Holy Spirit directs you into the calling that He has for you life based on your gifts, talents, and desires.Por Covina, CA
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