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Missio Dei Fellowship - Sermons

Missio Dei Fellowship

Missio Dei Fellowship is a multi-campus, Southern-Baptist church in Southeastern Wisconsin. We are devoted to God's Word, and thus - the exegetical and expositional preaching of it. Pastored by Matthew Henry (Kenosha) and Matt Miller (Oak Creek).
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This is a basic overview of the doctrine of election. In this message we attempt to clarify and correct common misconceptions that arise over time. The goal is to appreciate that there is a lot more going on than we often grasp when addressing the way God saves sinners. The hope is that each believer hearing this will walk in a greater humility and…
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Paul’s first missionary journey is underway and we have the opportunity to hear from the great apostle as he teaches his audience two thousand years ago. It is a masterclass on evangelism. In this final sermon we are treated with an example of how God works through the gospel to bring His elect to faith.…
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Paul’s first missionary journey is underway and we have the opportunity to hear from the great apostle as he teaches his audience two thousand years ago. It is a masterclass on evangelism. In this final sermon we are treated with an example of how God works through the gospel to bring His elect to faith.…
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Spiritual warfare is an idea that conjures up all sorts of thoughts andreactions. During the 90's and early 2000's it was quite popular in the mainline churches. It hasshifted a bit over time but the presence is still felt and contributes to a very unbiblical andunhealthy understand of how Satan truly works and attacks. In this sermon we have a cha…
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Spiritual warfare is an idea that conjures up all sorts of thoughts and reactions. During the 90's and early 2000's it was quite popular in the mainline churches. It has shifted a bit over time but the presence is still felt and contributes to a very unbiblical and unhealthy understand of how Satan truly works and attacks. In this sermon we have a …
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Often Christians look at themselves, their abilities and opportunities andthink little of it. They compare themselves to others and their effect seems to matter little. Butthis is simply not true. In this message we see how God saved, calls and equips all of us for Hispurposes. The size or effect is unimportant.…
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Often Christians look at themselves, their abilities and opportunities and think little of it. They compare themselves to others and their effect seems to matter little. But this is simply not true. In this message we see how God saved, calls and equips all of us for His purposes. The size or effect is unimportant.…
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In this final sermon on guardians of the Church, we focus on what often isthe most difficult part of forgiveness, the idea of not remembering wrongs suffered. Often wewill hear "Forgive and Forget" but is this properly stated? Should we simply somehow forget?The goal of this sermon is to consider this aspect of forgiveness from a biblical perspecti…
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In this final sermon on guardians of the Church, we focus on what often is the most difficult part of forgiveness, the idea of not remembering wrongs suffered. Often we will hear “Forgive and Forget” but is this properly stated? Should we simply somehow forget? The goal of this sermon is to consider this aspect of forgiveness from a biblical perspe…
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Having considered the various aspects of Church Discipline as a way toguard the purity of the Church, we now look at the what and how of forgiveness. Often peoplestruggle in forgiving another when sinned against and this creates challenges as a person seeksrepentance and wants to be restored.Por Matthew Henry
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Having considered the various aspects of Church Discipline as a way to guard the purity of the Church, we now look at the what and how of forgiveness. Often people struggle in forgiving another when sinned against and this creates challenges as a person seeks repentance and wants to be restored.Por Matthew Henry
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Having considered the various aspects of Church Discipline as a way toguard the purity of the Church, we now look at the what and how of forgiveness. Often peoplestruggle in forgiving another when sinned against and this creates challenges as a person seeksrepentance and wants to be restored.Por Matthew Henry
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Having considered the various aspects of Church Discipline as a way to guard the purity of the Church, we now look at the what and how of forgiveness. Often people struggle in forgiving another when sinned against and this creates challenges as a person seeks repentance and wants to be restored.Por Matthew Henry
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One of the least practiced responsibilities in the American church today iswhat is commonly known as Church Discipline yet it is one of the key guardians of a true, localchurch. Though Matthew 18 functions as the normative process, there are many other passagesthat show how to handle unique situations that inevitably crop up. But in all of this is …
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One of the least practiced responsibilities in the American church today iswhat is commonly known as Church Discipline yet it is one of the key guardians of a true, localchurch. This is something that was commanded by our Lord and was taught by the Apostles as ameans to call sinning believers back to repentance and a proper fellowship with the chur…
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At the top of every sermon note is the mission statement forMissio Dei Fellowship. It is woven into every part of the day to day processes andactions of the church. But having a mission statement and owning that statementare two very different things. In these two sermons the people of Missio areexhorted to carefully consider the what, why and how …
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The church was purchased by the blood of Christ and it is most precious in Hissight. As such, we are called to treat the Church properly and with true deference, rather thanexploiting it for our own desires. With that in mind, we need to see how God has put into placecertain guardians for the Church. Two key ones are, godly leaders and godly church…
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The church was purchased by the blood of Christ and it is most precious in Hissight. As such, we are called to treat the Church properly and with true deference, rather thanexploiting it for our own desires. With that in mind, we need to see how God has put into placecertain guardians for the Church. Two key ones are, godly leaders and godly church…
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The church was purchased by the blood of Christ and it is most precious in Hissight. As such, we are called to treat the Church properly and with true deference, rather thanexploiting it for our own desires. With that in mind, we need to see how God has put into placecertain guardians for the Church. Two key ones are, godly leaders and godly church…
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The church was purchased by the blood of Christ and it is most precious in Hissight. As such, we are called to treat the Church properly and with true deference, rather thanexploiting it for our own desires. With that in mind, we need to see how God has put into placecertain guardians for the Church. Two key ones are, godly leaders and godly church…
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The church was purchased by the blood of Christ and it is most precious in Hissight. As such, we are called to treat the Church properly and with true deference, rather thanexploiting it for our own desires. With that in mind, we need to see how God has put into placecertain guardians for the Church. Two key ones are, godly leaders and godly church…
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The church was purchased by the blood of Christ and it is most precious in Hissight. As such, we are called to treat the Church properly and with true deference, rather thanexploiting it for our own desires. With that in mind, we need to see how God has put into placecertain guardians for the Church. Two key ones are, godly leaders and godly church…
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The idea of being missional, or on mission for God, can sound very good. Butoften, while accepting the concept, Christians fail in the application of being sent into this worldas Christ was sent. What does it look like? How does the gospel help move us to relate to ourfellow man? One aspect that is often overlooked is the simple practice of opening…
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In this final sermon regarding a missional life, Pastor Henry seeks to showbelievers exactly what it means to seek first God's kingdom. Jesus makes it clear that we are notto be fearing the things that unbelievers fear. Rather, implied in this is that we ought to befearing God. But the hard reality is that possessions, the pleasure that they bring,…
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Money and possessions are the great idols of America. But it is obviousfrom the words of Jesus that they are the idols of mankind as well. How do we view money?What are the purposes of possessions? When is enough, enough? So how do we answer theseand other questions? Pastor Henry shows that the answer starts and ends with worship—youcannot serve bo…
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n this second part on unity Pastor Henry reminds hiscongregation what their responsibility before man and God is to be. EveryChristian possesses the unity of the Spirt, but the unity of the faith is somethingthat no church will ever fully attain this side of eternity. Nonetheless, it issomething that our Lord expects us to strive after with every f…
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Pastor Henry shows how the gospel must be central in allthat we do. From the foundation of the church to its building up, the gospel has toflow in and out of it. And to the degree the church stays faithful to that gospel, itwill be healthy, holy, and missional. Paul gives us a clear pathway to follow in thismanner; one that he walked, and one that …
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How does a Christian grow? While this may seem obvioustoo often the answer is anything but the gospel. But that is deadly to the life ofeach Christian and must be remedied. Pastor Henry seeks to help his congregationto see that the gospel is not something believed and then forgotten; rather it is todefine and instruct in all our walk. And only thro…
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Jesus did not save us for us to sit on our rear ends andrelax. He saved us to send us, just and His Father sent Him into this dark world.But too often we as Christians fail to see this, or to take this responsibilityseriously. That is sin and it must be repented of by God's people. In this messagePastor Henry tries to begin to unlock the meaning of…
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At the top of every sermon note is the mission statement forMissio Dei Fellowship. It is woven into every part of the day to day processes andactions of the church. But having a mission statement and owning that statementare two very different things. In these two sermons the people of Missio areexhorted to carefully consider the what, why and how …
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The author, Luke, has been inexorably pressing forward to what amountsto the bursting of a dam. The gospel is not for a people group, it is for the world and in thischapter we see the breaching of the dam as the gospel begins to press rapidly outward into theGentile lands. And as we examine this story we also have the opportunity to learn a few key…
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There is much confusion and even division within the Church regardingthe work of the Spirit. Often this is due to a poor understanding of terms that are vitallyconnected to His work in the Church. This sermon is designed to clarify and correct manymisconceptions so that there might be better unity.Por Matthew Henry
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Peter is now ready to address the house of Cornelius, filled with friends and family of this Centurion. But what is his message? It begins and ends with the person and work of Jesus. In this short series we walk through his words to see the many qualities that belong to Jesus and see the utter centrality of Him in all things. In this message we see…
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Peter is now ready to address the house of Cornelius, filled with friends and family of this Centurion. But what is his message? It begins and ends with the person and work of Jesus. In this short series we walk through his words to see the many qualities that belong to Jesus and see the utter centrality of Him in all things. In this message we wil…
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Peter is now ready to address the house of Cornelius, filled with friends and family of this Centurion. But what is his message? It begins and ends with the person and work of Jesus. In this short series we walk through his words to see the many qualities thatbelong to Jesus and see the utter centrality of Him in all things. In this message we cons…
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Peter is now ready to address the house of Cornelius, filled with friends and family of this Centurion. But what is his message? It begins and ends with the person and work of Jesus. In this short series we walk through his words to see the many qualities that belong to Jesus and see the utter centrality of Him in all things. In this message we wil…
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Peter is now ready to address the house of Cornelius, filled with friendsand family of this Centurion. But what is his message? It begins and ends with the person andwork of Jesus. In this short series we walk through his words to see the many qualities thatbelong to Jesus and see the utter centrality of Him in all things.…
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Peter is now ready to address the house of Cornelius, filled with friendsand family of this Centurion. But what is his message? It begins and ends with the person andwork of Jesus. In this short series we walk through his words to see the many qualities thatbelong to Jesus and see the utter centrality of Him in all things.…
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Peter is now ready to address the house of Cornelius, filled with friendsand family of this Centurion. But what is his message? It begins and ends with the person andwork of Jesus. In this short series we walk through his words to see the many qualities thatbelong to Jesus and see the utter centrality of Him in all things.…
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Peter is now ready to address the house of Cornelius, filled with friendsand family of this Centurion. But what is his message? It begins and ends with the person andwork of Jesus. In this short series we walk through his words to see the many qualities thatbelong to Jesus and see the utter centrality of Him in all things.…
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In this examination of the story of Cornelius and Peter we see how Goduses the salvation of Cornelius and his household to show both the impartiality of God insalvation and the relationship between faith and works. This sermon focuses upon the idea of truefaith produces works consistent with a changed heart.…
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In this examination of the story of Cornelius and Peter we see how Goduses the salvation of Cornelius and his household to show both the impartiality of God insalvation and the relationship between faith and works. This sermon focuses upon the idea of truefaith produces works consistent with a changed heart.…
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In this examination of the story of Cornelius and Peter we see how God uses the salvation of Cornelius and his household to show both the impartiality of God in salvation and the relationship between faith and works. This sermon focuses upon the idea of true faith produces works consistent with a changed heart.…
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We continue in this examination of the story of Cornelius the Centurion and Peter the Apostle. We discover how Peter comes to learn how the gospel affects everything, including his precious connections to the old way of worshiping YHWH. It is a critical shiftingof thought for the purpose of gathering in the Gentiles in Christ.…
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