Mohammad Abdrabboh & David Fox talk about everything from Jiu-Jitsu, philosophy, and parenting, to Coldstone ice cream.
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Coach David & Coach Mohammad meet with Alliance Brown Belt Zac Vasicek in a technically loaded podcast about Zac's Jiu-Jitsu journey, Michigan roads, & "fake" Black Belts.Metro Jiu-Jitsu13555 Eureka Rd,Southgate, MI 48195Metrojj.com734-225.6230
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Coach David & Coach Mohammad discuss how Jiu-Jitsu helps you thrive in the workplace, establish an amazing network, how to train well into old age.Call, DM, email or stop in to start reaping the benefits of Jiu-Jitsu today.Metro Jiu-Jitsu13555 Eureka Rd,Southgate, Mi #metrobjj #bebetter #southgategnc #allenpa…
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Coach David Fox & Coach Mohammad Abdrabboh discuss how Jiu-Jitsu can help both employees and business owner. They also discuss the common question of "Can I Train Jiu-Jitsu Around My Injury?"Call, DM, email or stop in to start reaping the benefits of Jiu-Jitsu today.Ask how to get 1 FREE MONTH of training!Metro Jiu-Jitsu13555 Eureka Rd,Southgate, M…
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Coach David Fox & Coach Mohammad Abdrabboh talk about common reasons people don't start Jiu-Jitsu and how they handle defeat.Call, DM, email or stop in to start reaping the benefits of Jiu-Jitsu today.Ask how to get 1 FREE MONTH of training!Metro Jiu-Jitsu13555 Eureka Rd,Southgate, Mi metrobjj #southgategnc #…
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What Is Jiu-Jitsu & How Does It Differ From Other Martial Arts? | Metro Jiu-Jitsu Podcast Episode #7
Coach Mohammad goes into full detail explaining how Jiu-Jitsu is different and superior to other martial arts such as Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, etc.Call, DM, email or stop in to start reaping the benefits of Jiu-Jitsu today.Ask how to get 1 FREE MONTH of training!Metro Jiu-Jitsu13555 Eureka Rd,Southgate, Mi…
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How Jiu-Jitsu Helps At Work & The Family Bond It Creates | Metro Jiu-Jitsu Podcast Episode #5
David Fox & Mohammad Abdrabboh Of Metro Jiu-Jitsu discuss how Jiu-Jitsu helps them off the mat. This could be a business meeting, difficult conversation, or awkward social encounter.They also dive into the reason why Jiu-Jitsu creates such strong bonds in such a short amount of time.
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Too Old For Jiu-Jitsu, Hunter-Gatherers, and Controlling Your Throttle | Metro Jiu-Jitsu Podcast
Mohammad Abdrabboh and David Fox with Metro Jiu-Jitsu host another podcast. In this episode they discuss some common pitfalls for Jiu-Jitsu beginners, our hunter-gatherers ancestors, and they answer the common question “Am I too old for Jiu-Jitsu?”
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Kid’s Jiu-Jitsu, Way of the Samurai, & Overpriced Coffee | Metro Jiu-Jitsu Podcast Episode #3
David Fox and Mohammad Abdrabboh with Metro Jiu-Jitsu discuss the way of the Samurai and Jiu-Jitsu for kids; all while drinking overpriced coffee.
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David Fox Interview about Teaching, Martial Art Leadership, & Gym Culture | Metro Jiu-Jitsu Podcast Episode #2
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Metro Jiu-Jitsu Podcast Episode #1 - Interview with Coach Mohammad About His Experience Teaching
Metro Jiu-Jitsu Episode #1-Interview With Coach Mohammad Abdrabboh
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