Cover art photo by Taiwo Ogunlesi.
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Good healthcare needs not to be expensive. Find out simple ways, tested and used, to care for your body.
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What has sunshine got to do with health?
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Get a glow today. Find out one of the fastest ways to get your blood properly circulating using the salt glow.
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How you can use water treatments for health. Learn these simple ways to care for your body using water.
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Do you drink enough water daily? Do you know that body odour and poor water drinking are related? Everyday Manna is a programme we host here in our locality with a radio station. We post them here knowing they would bless you too.
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Do you know that 75 to 80 percent of the human body is composed of water and that water is involved in every process of the body? Find out how to use water for health. Everyday Manna is a programme we host here in our locality with a radio station. We post them here knowing they would bless you too.
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The first need of the cells of your body is oxygen and when the body does not get this, headaches, pains etc. Find out today more about fresh air so you can learn ways to get more of it. Everyday Manna is a programme we host here in our locality with a radio station. We post them here knowing they would bless you too.…
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Learn more about nutrition than you ever have or could gain in school.
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Find out what the best diet is that you can adopt today and find out how you can navigate through the many fads in vogue today. Blessings, friend.
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You can be in charge of your health today. You can know how to care for your body as God wills you should. You do not need to go far to get the best healthcare; you only need to know the right things and practice them. Listen to this episode and stay with us through the entire program.
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It's so simple, how to confess. It's as simple as, "whoso confesseth and forsaketh his sins shall have mercy."
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A Brief Review of past podcasts, highlighting key points.
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As soon as we realise our condition, our fallen state, we are not to draw back nor should we put off the work of repentance for later. Just right where we are we may receive pardon and cleansing.
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We all have this longing for something better, this burning desire for something we do not have. What is it really?
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John 316 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
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We can no more repent without the Spirit of Christ to awaken the conscience than we can be pardoned without Christ.
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Why does the sinner need Christ? Can the sinner save himself?
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God's Love for Man pt 1.
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Brief overview of subsequent podcasts and a presentation of who we are and what we do.
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