Learn Mandarin Chinese with fun and engaging stories. Practice your listening with a weekly story, entirely in Chinese. Levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced covering all levels of the HSK. Get daily stories tailored to your level by subscribing to maayot.com
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Advanced | 【对话】他依靠家里长辈的关系解决的就业问题 | 【Dialogue】He solved the employment problem by relying on the connections of his family elders | Mandarin Chinese Story
Lin Meng told Zhang Ying that her younger brother had finally confirmed his job. In the end, he solved the employment problem by relying on the connections of the elders in the family. Zhang Ying said that Lin Meng shouldn't put it that way as her brother would feel bad if he heard that. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journe…
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Beginner | 长期一起打比赛让他们知道相互都是很好的人 | Playing matches together for a long time has made them realize that they are all nice people to each other| Mandarin Chinese Story
Gao Yue told Zhang Li that she hadn't expected Zhang Ying and Wang Jun to become a couple. Zhang Li agreed and wondered how they could get together after they stopped playing matches since they hardly talked when they played matches for many years. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese r…
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Intermediate | 【对话】我用的大模型现在生成图片需要排队 | 【Dialogue】The large model I'm using now requires queuing up to generate pictures | Mandarin Chinese Story
Wang Jun told Zhang Jun that the AI painting large model had greatly increased the speed at which he produced design drawings. So, he had specifically opened a membership for it. Zhang Jun asked which large model Wang Jun used. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Ch…
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Beginner | 我觉得我们可以办羽毛球比赛 | I think we can hold a badminton tournament | Mandarin Chinese Story
Gao Jin told Li Yang that the company intended to hold an activity to help colleagues get to know each other better and asked for suggestions on what activity to organize. Li Yang proposed holding a badminton competition as all colleagues could play badminton. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a dai…
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Advanced | 对“预制朋友圈” 现象的思考 | Thoughts on the Phenomenon of "Pre-made Moments (of WeChat)"| Mandarin Chinese Story
In order to present a good image online, many people will "pre-make Moments (of WeChat)". "Pre-made Moments" means that people take a lot of pictures during one trip and then post these pictures at different times to pretend that they have been out having fun for a long time. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayo…
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Intermediate | 相亲平台抓住了相亲尴尬的商机 | The blind date platforms have seized the business opportunities arising from the awkwardness of blind dates | Mandarin Chinese Story
Finding a marriage partner through blind dates with strangers is a unique culture in China. In China's blind date market, people focus on comprehensive conditions. Many netizens say that they are reluctant to go on blind dates because it makes them feel disrespected. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receiv…
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Beginner | 我们明天晚上六点半吃饭,八点打球 | We'll have dinner at half past six tomorrow evening and play ball games at eight | Mandarin Chinese Story
Gao Yue suggested going to play badminton at the stadium near the company tomorrow evening. Zhang Li agreed but thought that there might not be available courts at the stadium. She proposed going to the one near her home instead. Gao Yue was okay with that. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily …
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Advanced | 【对话】我也想看五月天的演唱会! | 【Dialogue】I also want to watch Mayday's concert! | Mandarin Chinese Story
Lin Meng told Zhang Ying that she went to see Mayday's concert in Shanghai and it was amazing. Zhang Ying expressed her envy as she couldn't make it due to lack of time. They mentioned how Mayday faced accusations without direct refutation and remained reliable in the entertainment industry. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning jo…
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Intermediate | 【对话】你在哪里看到这个保险的? | 【Dialogue】Where did you see this insurance? | Mandarin Chinese Story
Lin Meng shared with Zhang Ying a unique insurance for tax reduction and as a health insurance with financial value. It can lower personal income tax according to the rate. There's reimbursement for specific diseases. If no claims happen, one can get back money. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a d…
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Intermediate | 中国只有4.5%的制造业企业在东北地区 | Only 4.5% of manufacturing enterprises in China are located in the Northeast region | Mandarin Chinese Story
It is reported that there are already 6.03 million manufacturing enterprises in China. However, only 268,300 of them are in the Northeast region. The Northeast is an old industrial area in China and was extremely glorious in the past. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mand…
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Beginner | 她的房租得是她半个月的工资了吧? | Her rent must be equivalent to half of her monthly salary, right? | Mandarin Chinese Story
Gao Jin indicates because the distance between his home and his sister's company is quite far, his sister is obliged to rent a house in the vicinity of the company. Li Yang exclaims the houses near her company are extremely expensive! He speculates her rent must amount to half of her monthly salary. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese lea…
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Advanced | 年轻人的选择:大学还是专科? | Young People's Choice: University or Vocational College? | Mandarin Chinese Story
The number of young people determined to attend university seems to be decreasing. It's not because they think learning is unimportant. Instead, they care more about employment prospects and their dreams than experiencing university life. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in …
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Intermediate | 【对话】中国不是一个移民国家 | 【Dialogue】China is not a country of immigration | Mandarin Chinese Story
Lin Meng reveals her French friend has managed to acquire a Chinese ID card after having resided in China for twenty years. Zhang Ying comments that while many Chinese people have the inclination to immigrate to other countries, the process of immigrating to China is the most challenging of all. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learnin…
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Beginner | 虽然我不骑电动车,但是它也影响到了我的生活 | Although I don't ride an electric scooter, it still affects my life | Mandarin Chinese Story
Gao Yue remarks that the number of people riding electric bicycles is on the rise. Zhang Li concurs. Gao Yue further elaborates that although she herself does not ride an electric bicycle, it has nonetheless had an impact on her life. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mand…
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Advanced | 【对话】林徽因真的是一位值得尊重的女性 | 【Dialogue】Lin Huiyin is truly a woman worthy of respect | Mandarin Chinese Story
Lin Huiyin has constantly been regarded with disdain by certain individuals on account of her emotional affairs. Zhang Ying laments that it is truly a pity for women. They think Lin Huiyin is a woman worthy of profound respect. She not only partook in numerous significant architectural design projects and the design of the Chinese national emblem, …
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Advanced | 中国正在努力把送外卖的年轻人“拉”回工厂 | China is trying hard to “pull” young people who deliver food back to factories | Mandarin Chinese Story
In recent years, many young people would rather deliver food than work in factories. In fact, China has long noticed this phenomenon and realized that the government should do something to solve this problem. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for your lev…
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Intermediate | 年轻人的返乡之困 | The dilemma of young people returning to their hometowns | Mandarin Chinese Story
Due to the excessive work pressure in big cities, many highly educated young people are considering resigning and going back to work in their hometowns. However, judging from the data, there are not many good job positions in second- and third-tier cities, let alone fourth- and fifth-tier cities. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learni…
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Beginner | 我姐的性格和我妈越来越像了 | My elder sister's personality is more and more like that of my mother | Mandarin Chinese Story
Gao Jin says his sister's personality is becoming more and more like their mother's. Li Yang wonders if she starts to manage him. Gao Jin says yes, as she now cares about when he comes home at night. Gao Jin thinks it might be because she has lived with their mother for two years. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with …
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Advanced | 【对话】一些房产项目正在积极通过开发旅居服务来维持运营 | [Dialogue] Some real estate projects are actively maintaining operations by developing residential tourism services | Mandarin Chinese Story
Wang Jun says that although the government is addressing the issue of unfinished buildings, research institutions and influencers still remain unoptimistic about Chinese real estate companies. Zhang Jun remarks that this is normal as it is for homebuyers rather than for real estate companies. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning j…
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Intermediate | 【对话】袁隆平的研究成果确实帮助了很多人 | [Dialogue] Yuan Longping's research results have indeed helped many people | Mandarin Chinese Story
Wang Jun realizes the importance of Yuan Longping's agricultural research in Africa. An African farmer regards Yuan as his teacher. A Nigerian farmer learned planting techniques from a Changsha expert. Zhang Jun hopes both Africa and us get better. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese r…
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Beginner | 你们两个的性格真的很不一样 | Your two personalities are really very different | Mandarin Chinese Story
Zhang Li says Gao Yue and her brother have different personalities despite growing up in the same environment. Zhang Li thinks it's because they take after different parents. Gao Yue agrees and says her brother doesn't want to be like their mom. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese read…
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Beginner | 家庭出游选目的地不容易 | It is not easy to choose a destination for family travel | Mandarin Chinese Story
Gao Jin says that young people and the elderly consider different things when choosing a travel destination. Li Yang agrees, stating that the elderly like places with a good environment while young people prefer interesting places. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandari…
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Intermediate | 为什么越来越多的人开始网恋? | Why are more and more people starting online relationships? | Mandarin Chinese Story
Many people who find life dull want to be in a relationship. However, in their regular lives, they can hardly meet new people and are afraid to date acquaintances. So, more and more people start to make new friends online and even date netizens. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese read…
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Advanced | 年轻人的养老之忧 | The worries about old-age care of young people | Mandarin Chinese Story
After clearly understanding the retirement wages of different occupations, a large number of young people lament that they will definitely not be able to rely on retirement wages to live. At the same time, they also understand that ordinary people cannot expect their children to support them in old age. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese…
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Gao Yue comments that Zhang Li's grandma looks very young. Zhang Li agrees and attributes it to her grandma's love for sports and good sleep. Gao Yue then asks what sports a seventy - year - old can do. Zhang Li says her grandma likes running, swimming and skiing sometimes. Gao Yue is surprised that an old person can ski. Join other motivated learn…
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Intermediate | 【对话】你先用招聘软件吧 | 【Dialogue】You can use recruitment software first | Mandarin Chinese Story
Wang Jun wants to change his job and asks Zhang Jun for advice on job - hunting methods. Zhang Jun suggests using recruitment software first as there are more opportunities on it. But he also mentions that Wang Jun should perfect his resume. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading …
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Advanced | 【对话】我已婚未育的女性朋友找工作找的心态都崩了 | 【Dialogue】My female friend who is married but childless is on the verge of a breakdown while looking for a job | Mandarin Chinese Story
Lin Meng and Zhang Ying discuss that married but childless women face difficulties in the job market. Companies worry they might get pregnant soon. If so, companies pay during maternity leave and hire replacements. Therefore many recruiters prefer men or women with kids and mortgages. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey w…
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Advanced | A 股牛市下的投资者行为 | Investor behavior in the A - share bull market | Mandarin Chinese Story
China's A - share market is thought to be in a bull market. Shanghai Stock Exchange's trading system once crashed due to high volume. The last major bull market was in 2015 when trading value exceeded trillion for 43 days. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese…
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Li Yang laments his sister's weight gain due to overeating, while Gao Jin attributes it to both diet and age-related factors, advising against imposing too much pressure. Li Yang worries about health risks, and Gao Jin highlights stress as a contributor to weight gain. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Rece…
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Intermediate | 不是所有的人都适合当保险经纪人 | Not all people are cut out to be insurance brokers | Mandarin Chinese Story
Many high - salaried unemployed people choose to be insurance brokers. But not everyone suits this job. Insurance brokers need to know various insurances well, communicate with different people and endure doubts about themselves and insurance. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese readin…
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Intermediate | 【对话】女生写58页PPT向银行举报男友出轨 | [Conversation] A girl writes a 58-page PowerPoint to report her boyfriend's infidelities | Mandarin Chinese Story
A girlfriend using a PPT reported her boyfriend, an employee of China Merchants Bank, for repeated infidelity. She wanted him to face consequences like losing his job. The two speakers supported her as the boyfriend's behavior was unacceptable considering his job. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a…
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Advanced | 【对话】真没想到你的小说竟然即将被拍成电影 | [Conversation] I can't believe your novel is about to be made into a movie | Mandarin Chinese Story
Lin Meng sold movie rights of two novels. She shared this good news with Zhang Ying. She said, thanks to Zhang Ying and website award, she didn't give up writing. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for your level. Full text in Chinese, daily quiz to test y…
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Zhang Li complains about the difficulty of losing weight, noting she only lost five pounds after three months of swimming. Gao Yue encourages her, suggesting the slow weight loss is due to her diet. Zhang Li acknowledges this and expresses gratitude for the support from Gao Yue and her mother. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning …
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Intermediate | 好的官员如何走上贪污之路 | How good officers go down the path of corruption | Mandarin Chinese Story
In fact, quite a number of corrupt officials had a good work record before they became corrupt. However, as the temptation of power is too great, many businessmen do whatever they can to draw in officials and themselves. This has made many officials accept bribes without their awareness. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journe…
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Beginner | 我妈打算在感到无聊的时候学习英语 | My mom plans to learn English when she's bored | Mandarin Chinese Story
Gao Jin's mother used to shop when bored but realized it's unhealthy. Now, she plans to learn English to travel abroad, though Gao doubts her commitment. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for your level. Full text in Chinese, daily quiz to test your under…
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“Autopilot safety officer” has become a popular position in the job market. Companies such as Turnip Express (a company owned by Baidu), Xiaomi Automobile, and DiDi are all hiring in large numbers. These companies reportedly get an average of 600 resumes a day. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a da…
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Intermediate | 【对话】张杰公开别人手机号的这个行为可能涉及侵权 | [Conversation] Zhang Jie's act of disclosing someone else's cell phone number may involve copyright infringement | Mandarin Chinese Story
Singer Zhang Jie was stormed by the internet because he “disclosed” someone else's cell phone number during a concert. Lin Meng and Zhang Ying are discussing the incident. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for your level. Full text in Chinese, daily quiz …
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Advanced | 【对话】我记得上周你说你们单元有个电梯运行异常 | [Conversation] I remember last week you said there was an elevator in your unit that was not functioning properly | Mandarin Chinese Story
Zhang Jun was trapped in an elevator yesterday, but maintenance arrived promptly. It was the elevator that he felt strange last week. Wang Jun was surprised that even Zhang Jun knew the elevator had something wrong, he still took it. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Manda…
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Both Zhang Li and Gao Yue prefer online shopping. They both agree Online shopping's rise leads to less street shopping. For this, Zhang Li's mom decides to sell her commercial properties. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for your level. Full text in Chin…
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Advanced | 中国首条跨省“飞的”正式开始运营 | China's first inter-provincial “flying” officially began operations | Mandarin Chinese Story
The country's first inter-provincial scheduled low-altitude passenger transportation route from Shanghai Pudong Airport to the Kunshan Terminal in Jiangsu Province has reportedly been officially opened. It has shortened what was previously a more than two-hour drive to a 25-minute flight. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journ…
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Beginner | 去北京工作会让我有新的烦恼 | Going to work in Beijing will give me new worries | Mandarin Chinese Story
Gao Jin tells Li Yang that he now has two opportunities to work in Beijing. Li Yang knows that Gao Jin has always wanted to work in Beijing, so he is happy for him. However, Gao Jin says that working in Beijing will give him new worries. And his new worries are... Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a…
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Intermediate | 00后奥运冠军备受关注 | An Post-00 Olympic Champion is in the Spotlight | Mandarin Chinese Story
Pan Zhanle is the men's 100-meter freestyle champion at this year's Paris Olympics. He is also the world record holder in the 100-meter freestyle. And he outdid himself and broke his own record at the Paris Olympics. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for …
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Advanced | 【对话】为什么很多高端餐厅关门了? | [Conversation] Why are so many high-end restaurants closing? | Mandarin Chinese Story
The conversation discusses the closure of many high-end restaurants due to reduced expense allowances for senior employees. They compare it to previous situations and agree that adapting business strategies is crucial to avoid significant losses. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese rea…
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Beginner | 律师没案子就是没工作 | A lawyer without a case is a lawyer without a job | Mandarin Chinese Story
Gao Yue shares that she's been frequently traveling for work due to her company's out-of-town cases. Zhang Li expresses concern about her workload, but Gao Yue sees it as a positive opportunity compared to her peers facing job scarcity. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Ma…
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Intermediate | 【对话】为了解决婚姻危机,李阳找来了一个“小三劝退师” | [Conversation] In order to solve the marital crisis, Li Yang has found a “mistress counselor” | Mandarin Chinese Story
Lin Meng tells Zhang Ying about Li Yang's affair and how a "mistress persuader" was hired to convince the mistress to leave. Zhang Ying inquires about the profession's existence. Lin adds it's niche but well-paid. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for you…
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Intermediate | 海底捞海外单店的平均年收入将近4300万元 | The average annual revenue of a single overseas store of Haijilao is nearly 43 million yuan | Mandarin Chinese Story
It is widely recognized that Haidilao has excellent service. This even makes people neglect the quality of its dishes. But in fact, the quality of its dishes is very high. And relying on the quality dishes and high level of service, it has successfully opened branches in many overseas countries. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learnin…
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Beginner | 性格测试说我适合做律师 | Personality test says I'm cut out to be a lawyer | Mandarin Chinese Story
Gao Jin did not expect Zhang Li to become a lawyer. Zhang Li explains that she became a lawyer because the personality test she took before she went to college said she was suitable to be a lawyer. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for your level. Full te…
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Advanced | 一些厂二代成功在网上打造了自己的IP | Some Factory IIs have succeeded in creating their own IPs online | Mandarin Chinese Story
A lot of factory second-generation people have become internet celebrities. Compared to managing factories, they born in the Internet era are really better at doing online marketing. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for your level. Full text in Chinese, …
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Beginner | 这些衣服真的很适合高进 | These dresses are really suitable for Gao Jin | Mandarin Chinese Story
Li Yang noticed that Gao Jin's new clothes had become more numerous recently and they were all of good quality. Therefore, he asks Gao Jin's sister Gao Yue if Gao Jin is in love. Gao Yue tells him... Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese in your inbox. Full te…
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Advanced | 【对话】你们已经攒够环游世界的钱了? | [Conversation] You've saved enough money to travel around the world? | Mandarin Chinese Story
Zhang Jun and his girlfriend plan to quit their jobs after receiving bonuses to travel the world. They've saved a modest amount but aim for budget-friendly destinations. Wang Jun thinks this plan is good. Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese in your inbox. Fu…
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