En Sintonía TV es la versión televisada del programa En Sintonía con el Concejo, producido por el Concejo del Condado de Montgomery en Radio América 1540 AM. Este programa cubre los aspectos más destacados de la programación radial con llamadas telefónicas, que se centra en temas importantes ante el Concejo. En Sintonía TV is the televised version of the program En Sintonía con el Concejo, produced by the Montgomery County Council on Radio America 1540 AM. This TV program covers the highligh ...
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Un espacio donde se hablará de lo lindo, lo feo y lo no políticamente correcto de la maternidad. Ya sea a las 4am, cuando llevas a los niños al colegio o antes de cerrar los ojos, aquí estaremos para hacerte saber que no estás loca y que “todo va a estar bien”.
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Este Show esta dedicado a las mujeres, nuestra mision es de ayudarte a transformar tu vida. Estás buscando encontrar cuál es tu propósito de vida? Estás buscando respuestas a preguntas dificiles? Tal vez ya lo sabes pero tienes dudas! No se como? Qué dirá la gente? Soy suficientemente? Me alegro de que estés aquí porque al igual que tu, Yo tenía las mismas preguntas, me encantaría compartir lo que he hecho y cómo finalmente obtuve la respuesta a todas mis preguntas, espero disfrutes y encuen ...
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The radio edition will feature special guest Councilmember Fani-González who will provide an overview of her 2024 term. She will discuss her legislative accomplishments and the efforts her office has undertaken this year to enhance public safety in District 6, address fentanyl use among youth, and advocate for affordable housing in Montgomery Count…
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227. Prevención y adicción [Ft. Dianne Bisonó]
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En este episodio conversamos con @Lic.DianneBisono, psicóloga clinica, sobre cómo madres podemos apoyar a nuestros hijos en la prevención o acompañamiento de adicciones. ¡Quédate con nosotras!Por Óyete Esto
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The radio show will feature special guest Councilmember Friedson, who will share details about the United in Service and Support Community Resource Fair. This free event hosted by the Montgomery County Council and the County Executive and will take place on Sunday, Dec. 8, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Rockville at the Executive Office Building. Council…
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En este episodio conversamos con @IreFreundt, mamá de Sebas. Acompáñanos a ver cómo coexiste la viudez y la maternidad en una persona positiva. ¡Quédate con nosotras!Por Óyete Esto
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225. Mamá por temporadas [ft. Aura Cruz]
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Hoy hablamos con @aurarod, mamá en tres temporadas muy diferentes. Conozcamos su historia y cómo pueden cambiar las cosas en la medida que avanzamos en la vida de madre. ¡Quédate con nosotras! Cuentologia: https://cuentologia.onelink.me/P25f/sqkpxt4x?deep_link_sub1=4AMPor Óyete Esto
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Leslie Martinez, program manager at Montgomery County Health Connections for the Montgomery County. The radio show will focus on open enrollment for Maryland residents. From now until Jan. 15, 2025, you can explore and enroll in a 2025 health plan at www.marylandhealthconnection.gov. Ms. Martinez will share information about what's new for 2025, th…
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224. El dilema de “Prepararse” [ft. Nicole Marrero, Rosa Hilda Cueto y Priscilla Rodríguez]
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Hoy tenemos un Panel de lujo @dra.prirodriguez, uróloga, Nicole Marrero Ginecóloga y Rosa Cueto, psicóloga hablemos sobre la controversial decisión de prepararse para no tener más hijos. ¡Quédate con nosotras!Por Óyete Esto
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223. La voz de la experiencia [ft. Maria Luisa Leschhorn]
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Hoy hablamos con Maria Luisa, Abiba, la amada abuela de @monikaleschhorn de 93 años. Viajemos unos años atrás a conocer un poco de su historia de vida. ¡Quédate con nosotras! Cuentologia: https://cuentologia.onelink.me/P25f/sqkpxt4x?deep_link_sub1=4AMPor Óyete Esto
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Interview with Luis Estrada, urban designer and planning coordinator at the Montgomery County Planning Department. The radio show will feature an update on the University Boulevard Corridor Plan (UBC). This plan aims to address community needs related to traffic safety, regional connectivity, environmental sustainability, corridor-focused growth an…
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Hoy hablamos con Leslie Amell de @aprendiendo_rd, psicóloga, madre y autora. Veamos por qué la adolescencia se construye desde la infancia. ¡Quédate con nosotras!Por Óyete Esto
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Interview with Febe Huezo, outreach services specialist at the Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL). The radio show will highlight information about the free English learning resources offered by Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL). MCPL invites the community to join upcoming Spanish language workshops at the Long Branch Public Library, …
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221. La maternidad que se transforma [ft. Maria Valentina y María Eugenia]
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Hoy hablamos con @valenavellaneda y @maruramirez.broker, madre e hija, veamos cómo la maternidad se transforma de generación en generación y los ciclos se van rompiendo. ¡Quédate con nosotras!Por Óyete Esto
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Interview with Mayra Cruz-Solis, civic engagement specialist and Hispanic outreach liaison for the Montgomery County Council. The radio show will highlight the Council’s Latino Civic Project and the extraordinary career of Mayra Cruz-Solís, who is retiring after more than a decade of dedicated service at the Montgomery County Council.…
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En el episodio de hoy hablamos con @humbertomtavarez y @stephany.liriano sobre la sobreprotección en una familia que todos conocemos pero de la cual muy pocos hablamos (@perezrodríguezfilm) ¡Quédate con nosotras! Cuentologia: https://cuentologia.onelink.me/P25f/sqkpxt4x?deep_link_sub1=4AMPor Óyete Esto
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Interview with Dr. Gilberto Zelaya, public information officer at the Montgomery County Board of Elections. The radio show will feature the upcoming 2024 Presidential General Election. Voters have several options for casting their ballots: early voting, vote-by-mail, and in-person voting at their designated polling places on Election Day, which is …
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Interview with Nora Morales, Program Director at Identity, Inc. The radio show will feature Identity, Inc.'s substance abuse prevention program, which offers free counseling for Montgomery County families dealing with youth substance abuse. Professional assistance is provided to help young individuals overcome addiction through treatment, rehabilit…
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Interview with Mariela Leon, Hispanic community liaison with the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD). The radio show will feature information about "Cafecito con Mariela," a series of virtual coffee chats designed to create a welcoming and inclusive space for newcomers and new immigrants. The aim is to emphasize community safety and build tr…
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219. Preparación en la Improvisación [ft. Dania Medina]
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En el episodio de hoy traemos de regreso a @daniak.medina Mamá de Gabriel y Naika, acompañanos a escuchar cómo el duelo y la adopción se han convertido en el reto más hermoso y que la realidad de la adopción requiere de preparación ¡Quédate con nosotras! Cuentologia: https://cuentologia.onelink.me/P25f/sqkpxt4x?deep_link_sub1=4AM…
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En este episodio @workingmomrd nos habla de una nueva etapa de su vida en donde la reinvención, el pivoteo y el aceptar su nueva vida de divorciada, ha traído muchas enseñanzas y viajes. ¡Quédate con nosotras!Por Óyete Esto
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Interview with Gianina Hasbun, community health worker certification coordinator. The radio show will feature an interview with Ms. Hasbun, coordinator of the "Vías de la Salud" program at the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services. The program's mission is to provide health promotion interventions and enhance clients’ access to …
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Interview with Mariela Leon, Hispanic community liaison with the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD). The radio show will feature a workshop series called "Voces Importantes: Mujer Valiosa y Única". In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, MCPD will host a workshop series that will consist of four sessions designed to empowe…
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Interview with Councilmember Gabe Albornoz, who chairs the Council’s Health and Human Services Committee. The radio show will feature a discussion with Councilmember Albornoz to discuss MC Groceries, a new groundbreaking initiative in Montgomery County aimed at increasing food security and addressing childhood hunger. The new program uses Instacart…
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217. La Resiliencia que se Hereda [ft. Bianca Melo]
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Hoy hablamos con @bianca.resiliencia, mamá de Lorenzo y Leonardo, veamos cómo el instinto de madre junto a la fe y la resiliencia te guían exactamente por donde tienes que ir. ¡Quédate con nosotras!Por Óyete Esto
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Hoy hablamos con @doralinagonz1810, una mamá soltera que nos regaló uno de los episodios más importantes del Club. Acompáñanos a ver esta vez cómo puedes tomar las riendas de tu historia con ayuda y buena actitud. ¡Quédate con nosotras!Por Óyete Esto
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215. La vida que merezco [ft. Maris Samayoa]
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Hoy hablamos de nuevo con @lamariss, mamá de Sebas, Jose Pablo y Gabo, en una conversación muy vulnerable, descubrimos qué ha pasado en los últimos años a raíz de un diagnóstico que le cambió la vida y aprendemos a llenar nuestros propios tanques de amor. ¡Quédate con nosotras! Para mayor contexto, puedes acceder al primer episodio que grabamos con…
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Interview with District 6 Councilmember Natali Fani-González. The radio show will start with information about the Public Safety Town Hall organized by Councilmember Fani-González. The event is aimed at providing community members with an opportunity to express their concerns and suggestions for enhancing safety and the quality of life in their nei…
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¡Hola! Regresa el divareo de nosotras para ustedes. Entre desahogo, política y tantrums, acompáñanos a entender qué estaba pasando con nosotras en el break ¡Quédate con nosotras!Por Óyete Esto
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Interview with Briggitte McLean, client assistance specialist at Aging and Disability Resource Unit with Montgomery County’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The radio show will feature information about the Montgomery County Aging and Disability Resource Unit. This department offers personalized, hands-on assistance, referrals to se…
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En el episodio de hoy traemos de nuevo a @mgabrielat quien está en la dulce espera de Guillermo. Acompáñanos a ver cómo se transforma la paz en la felicidad de continuar y amar de nuevo ¡Quédate con nosotras! Para mayor contexto, puedes acceder al primer episodio que grabamos en este link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6u485hWmPXbnU2j9u90jMy?si=…
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Interview with Edith Lozada, Spanish communications specialist at Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). The radio show will highlight MCPS' annual Back-To-School Fair, which will be held on Saturday, Aug. 24 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Westfield Wheaton Shopping Center. The event is a great opportunity for families to learn about the school s…
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Hoy hablamos con @irma_pa la ya mamá de Nico. En este episodio tratamos de la expectativa y la realidad, haciendo un símil sobre “lo que pediste y lo que te llego” en la maternidad ¡Quédate con nosotras! Para mayor contexto, puedes acceder al primer episodio que grabamos en este link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3xTeprQBX7neyDKFITnElz?si=96008…
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Interview with Mariela Leon, Hispanic community liaison with the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD); Carlos Cortes-Vazquez, Montgomery County police officer. The radio program will start with information about the upcoming Hispanic Community Academy session 18, hosted by MCPD. The academy's goal is to educate community members about the rol…
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Interview with Edith Lozada, Spanish Communications Specialist at MCPS. The household application for Free and Reduced-price Meals (FARMS) for the 2024-2025 school year is now open for MCPS families, as the start of the school year approaches. Online applications are available for FARMS. It is im-portant to note that meal benefit eligibility from l…
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Interview with Eira Mercado, program manager at Gaithersburg High School Wellness Center with Identity, Inc. This week's edition of En Sintonía will begin with a discussion about the Wellness Centers and Youth Opportunity Centers. Identity, Inc. operates four high school Wellness Centers in the county, located at Wheaton High School, Watkins Mill H…
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Interview with Febe Huezo, outreach services specialist at the Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL). This week's edition of En Sintonía will highlight MCPL's 2024 Summer Reading Challenge. This program provides kids and teens with the opportunity to enjoy great books and engaging activities throughout the summer. Ms. Huezo will share all the d…
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Interview with Edith Lozada, Spanish Communications Specialist at Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). This week's edition of En Sintonía will feature a discussion about the MCPS Summer Meals Program. This program provides free, nutritious meals to children and students who are 18 years of age or younger. Its goal is to address the nutrition ga…
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Interview with Monika Hammer, public information officer at Montgomery County Recreation. This week's edition of En Sintonía will feature Montgomery County's Fourth of July celebrations. There will be displays at Germantown Glory at South Germantown Recreational Park, located at 18041 Central Park Circle in Germantown on Thursday, July 4, and at Mi…
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Interview with María de Mar Borrero de Fernández, program manager I for the Street Outreach Network Division of Positive Youth Development at the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). This week's edition of En Sintonía will feature the outstanding work of the Street Outreach Network. This organization is dedicated to sup…
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Interview with Jessica Membreño, Client Assistance Specialist at the Montgomery County Family Justice Center. This week’s edition of En Sintonía features an interview about the services provided by the Family Justice Center. These services include counseling, basic needs services, legal advice and representation, immigration legal services, law enf…
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Interview with Luisa Cardona, Director, Mid-County Regional Service Office. This week’s segment includes an interview with the Director of the Regional Service Office in Mid-County to discuss "Taste of Wheaton," Wheaton’s signature event, taking place on Sunday, June 2 in Downtown Wheaton.Por Marcela Rodriguez
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Interview with Carmen Berrios, division chief at Montgomery Recreation. Summer is almost here, and Montgomery County Recreation has a wide variety of programs for toddlers, youth, teens, adults and seniors. Starting Monday, May 13, most of the programs and activities will open for registration. On May 13, in-person registration will be available at…
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Interview with Edith Lozada, Spanish communications specialist and Spanish language public information officer at Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). This edition of En Sintonía features a discussion on the registration process and requirements for kindergarteners at MCPS. Children turning five years old by Sept. 1 can be registered for the 20…
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Interview with Yanira Rodríguez, Community Engagement Manager at Montgomery College. This edition of En Sintonía features a discussion on the new Montgomery College East County Education Center located in Silver Spring. The East County Education Center is a significant part of the County's dedicated efforts to provide accessible education and caree…
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Interview with Councilmember Natali Fani-González. The upcoming radio program will have Councilmember Natali Fani-González as a special guest. She will discuss the efforts made by Montgomery County to help residents who will be impacted by the temporary closure of several Metro stations this summer.Por Marcela Rodriguez
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Interview with Carmen Lezama, Clinic Management Director at Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic. The interview features information about the expansion of Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic to provide additional support for individuals without medical insurance. Their primary objective is to prevent people from resorting to emergency rooms for non-emergen…
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Interview with Michelle Ramirez, Public Outreach Specialist at Montgomery Parks. Montgomery Parks has organized various enjoyable activities for families to participate in during this spring season. Michelle Ramírez will provide information on different youth programs and activities, as well as special events like the popular Spy Eyes Trains in Whe…
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This week we feature Ruthann Eiser, communications specialist for the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT). In this interview we discuss details about the adult bike classes available this spring to Montgomery County residents. MCDOT, in collaboration with the Washington Area Bicycle Association (WABA), will offer adult bike class…
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211. Una Primeriza Comparona [ft. Katherine Collado]
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Hoy junto a Katherine Collado alias la comparona, hablemos de ser mama primeriza siendo figura publica y desmontemos mitos de belleza en el embarazo. Quedate con nosotras.Por Óyete Esto
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In this interview we will discuss her top legislative priorities for 2024, which include addressing important issues such as housing, changing the zoning laws, tenant safety and notification, and public safety primarily in the downtown area of Silver Spring. She will also talk about the proposed projects in the Recommended Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Cap…
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210 - Un Gozo Ordenado [ft. Margarita Heinsen]
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Ya casi llega el verano, ujum. Hoy hablamos con Margarita Heinsen de My Summer Camp, entre cuentos, risas y testimonios nos damos cuenta de la importancia de que los niños se diviertan, pero tambien la importancia de que sea con orden. Quédate con nosotras.Por Óyete Esto
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