A couple who like to talk about light issues, and wanna share em, or our opinions can help the anxiety that you’ve experienced.. intinya mau ngebacot dengan topik local environment yang berbeda setiap minggunya, semoga bermanfaat guys!
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turnin’ 25 makes u confuse bout your life, hear this podcast and hope u blowmind.
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we have disappointed with someone, but do not let they make u down, cheers up !
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Poser is a person who like things in music and fashion but then they “just” follow the trend dan tidak tahu secara detail moreover history ataupun whole packages dari musik atau fashion itu sendiri.
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this episode we brought Refaldi Kamal as a guest star, he is an influencer based in pekanbaru city dan kami jg mendiskusikan fenomena tag line “izinkan akuw” beserta kumpulan opini-opininya.
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The first our podcast bout Issues yang ringan-ringan, dan pen ngebacot tentang keresahan at local environment “apasih influencer itu sebenernya”.
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