show episodes
El podcast que te trae las ideas más interesantes y reveladoras del mundo de la no ficción, en píldoras de conocimiento que puedes disfrutar y aprovechar al máximo. ¿No tienes tiempo para leer todos esos libros que siempre has querido? No te preocupes, aquí desglosamos lo esencial de los mejores títulos de no ficción, cubriendo temas desde ciencia y tecnología hasta negocios y desarrollo personal ( . Únete a nosotros mientras exploramos las m ...
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¡Bienvenidos a nuestro podcast de hoy! En este episodio, nos sumergiremos en el mundo de los diarios personales y cómo estos libros íntimos pueden ser herramientas poderosas para la autoexploración y el crecimiento personal. Analizaremos cómo escribir un diario puede proporcionarnos una valiosa oportunidad para reflexionar sobre nuestras experiencias y emociones diarias, así como también ayudarnos a establecer metas y realizar un seguimiento de nuestro progreso. Además, compartiremos consejo ...
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Bienvenidos, queridos oyentes al podcast, donde exploramos el fascinante mundo de la no ficción en píldoras concentradas de conocimiento. Cada episodio, diseccionamos y analizamos las ideas clave y aprendizajes fundamentales de los libros más influyentes e inspiradores del espacio no ficcional. Desde biografías impactantes hasta ensayos perspicaces, nuestro objetivo es acercarte a las historias reales que han moldeado nuestra sociedad y desentrañar los secretos detrás del éxito y la sabidurí ...
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El Cine de LoQueYoTeDiga

El Cine de LoQueYoTeDiga

“El Cine de LoQueYoTeDiga” es uno de los nombres de referencia de la información cinematográfica en España desde hace más de 35 años. Desde finales de 2009 emite el podcast oficial de "El Cine de LoQueYoTeDiga" en su página web ( con un buen número de contenidos relacionados con el cine. Estrenos, películas, actualidad, cine clásico, series, bandas sonoras, la carrera de los Oscar y mucho más a través de secciones periódicas, reportajes temáticos y debat ...
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show series
Los Oscar 2025 ya son historia habiendo encumbrado a "Anora" de Sean Baker, película y cineasta que han terminado representando el cine independiente que este año la Academia ha querido abrazar decididamente en la 97ª edición de sus premios. Comentamos en El Oscarómetro todas las claves sobre los ganadores y la ceremonia junto a Francisco Martínez …
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How did Hsieh’s early entrepreneurial experiences shape his business philosophy? In "Delivering Happiness," Tony Hsieh shares his early entrepreneurial experiences and how they significantly shaped his business philosophy. Hsieh's journey began with small ventures in his childhood, such as selling Christmas cards and other items, where he learned v…
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Why does Lynch emphasize the importance of doing your own research before investing? In "Beating the Street," Peter Lynch emphasizes the importance of doing your own research before investing for several reasons: 1. Understanding Companies : Lynch believes that investors should thoroughly understand the companies they are investing in. By conductin…
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What is the main theme of Delivering Happiness? The main theme of "Delivering Happiness" by Tony Hsieh revolves around the importance of creating a strong company culture that prioritizes employee happiness and customer satisfaction. Hsieh emphasizes that by fostering a positive work environment, companies can enhance productivity, improve customer…
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What is the main premise of Beating the Street? The main premise of "Beating the Street" by Peter Lynch revolves around the idea that individual investors can outperform the market by leveraging their own knowledge, experiences, and insights. Lynch emphasizes the importance of doing thorough research, understanding the businesses behind stocks, and…
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How does de Botton explain the historical evolution of social status? In "Status Anxiety," Alain de Botton explores the historical evolution of social status by examining how societal values and cultural shifts have influenced perceptions of success and self-worth. He posits that status anxiety arises from the fear of not achieving a certain social…
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Why does Le Bon believe that individuals in a crowd lose their sense of personal responsibility? In "The Crowd," Gustave Le Bon discusses how individuals in a crowd tend to lose their sense of personal responsibility due to several psychological factors that come into play when people gather in large groups. Here are the key reasons he outlines: 1.…
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What is Alain de Botton’s central argument in Status Anxiety? In "Status Anxiety," Alain de Botton explores the concept of how individuals' self-worth and happiness are often tied to their social status and material success. His central argument is that anxiety over one's social standing can lead to a profound sense of inadequacy and dissatisfactio…
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What is Gustave Le Bon’s main argument in The Crowd? Gustave Le Bon's main argument in "The Crowd" revolves around the behavior and psychology of crowds and how they differ fundamentally from individual behavior. Le Bon posits that when individuals gather in a crowd, they collectively lose their individuality and rationality, becoming part of a lar…
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A una semana de los Oscar 2025 la gran gala del cine va asomando en esta entrega del podcast y, como es habitual todos los años, repasamos tanto las bandas sonoras nominadas en una entrega especial de La Música Clásica De Nuestro Tiempo de Iker González Urresti como las canciones candidatas. Jude Law va ganando, conforme pasan los años, prestigio y…
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Why does the author believe that success follows predictable patterns? In "The Formula," Albert-László Barabási argues that success is not merely a result of individual talent or hard work but rather follows predictable patterns rooted in network science and the dynamics of social connections. He proposes that success can be understood through quan…
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How does the book challenge conventional wisdom about human behavior? In "Everybody Lies," Seth Stephens-Davidowitz challenges conventional wisdom about human behavior by leveraging data analytics and internet search trends to reveal the discrepancies between what people say and what they actually think or do. Here are some key points that illustra…
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What is the main thesis of The Formula? In "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success," Albert-László Barabási presents a thesis that success is not merely the result of individual talent or hard work but is significantly influenced by a set of universal principles that govern achievement across various fields. Barabási utilizes data from diverse …
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What is the central thesis of Everybody Lies? The central thesis of "Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are" by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz is that the digital footprints we leave behind—especially through our online searches and social media interactions—provide a more accurate and insightful und…
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What role did Schwarzman’s education at Yale and Harvard Business School play in shaping his career? Stephen A. Schwarzman’s education at Yale University and Harvard Business School played a significant role in shaping his career and his approach to business and finance. 1. Foundational Knowledge : At Yale, Schwarzman studied political science, whe…
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What does Standage say about beer in Mesopotamia and Egypt? In his book "A History of the World in 6 Glasses," Tom Standage discusses the significance of beer in ancient cultures, particularly in Mesopotamia and Egypt. He highlights that beer was one of the earliest fermented beverages and played a crucial role in social and economic life. In Mesop…
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What is the central theme of What It Takes by Stephen Schwarzman? The central theme of "What It Takes" by Stephen Schwarzman revolves around the ideas of leadership, entrepreneurship, and the importance of relationships in achieving success. Schwarzman shares insights from his life, including his experiences in building Blackstone, one of the world…
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What are the six beverages discussed in the book, and in what order are they presented? In "A History of the World in 6 Glasses" by Tom Standage, the six beverages discussed, presented in chronological order, are: 1. Beer : Representing the agricultural revolution and the early civilizations of Mesopotamia. 2. Wine : Associated with the Mediterrane…
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En el programa de esta semana recordamos a uno de los grandes, la ejemplificación del hombre normal que dignificó con humanidad y empatía, especialmente, el cine de los 50, 60 y 70. Jack Lemmon hubiera cumplido 100 años y le dedicamos reportaje con Mary Carmen Rodríguez (también editora del podcast). Repasamos las claves de los Goya 2025 en una de …
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David Lynch es uno de esos nombres tan personales como inclasificables sin los que no se entiende el poder de evocación que puede tener el cine en su fusión de imágenes y sonidos. Recordamos a una de las grandes figuras de las últimas décadas debido a su fallecimiento habiendo no sólo sido un gran inspirador de atmósferas en el cine sino un revoluc…
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Why does Carse suggest that infinite games have no fixed boundaries or end points? James P. Carse, in his book "Finite and Infinite Games," suggests that infinite games have no fixed boundaries or endpoints because their primary purpose is not to win but to continue the play. In an infinite game, the focus is on ongoing engagement, growth, and evol…
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How can body language be used to convey power and warmth simultaneously? Body language plays a crucial role in conveying both power and warmth simultaneously. Here are several strategies to achieve this balance: 1. Posture : Adopting an open and upright posture can convey confidence and authority. Standing tall, with shoulders back, communicates po…
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What is the central thesis of Finite and Infinite Games? The central thesis of "Finite and Infinite Games" by James P. Carse is the distinction between two types of games that people play in life—finite games and infinite games. Finite games are characterized by rules, boundaries, and a clear endpoint, where the objective is to win, leading to a co…
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What is the central thesis of The Charisma Myth? The central thesis of "The Charisma Myth" by Olivia Fox Cabane is that charisma is not an inherent trait, but rather a set of behaviors and attitudes that can be learned and cultivated. Cabane argues that anyone can develop charisma through practice and by applying specific techniques. The book provi…
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What role did gender roles play in shaping the cultures of the four groups? Gender roles played a significant role in shaping the cultures of various groups throughout history. While the specifics can vary widely among different societies, a few key themes can be observed across various cultures: 1. Division of Labor : In many societies, traditiona…
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How does the protagonist’s approach to trading evolve as he transitions from bucket shops to Wall Street? The protagonist's approach to trading typically evolves significantly as he transitions from bucket shops to Wall Street, reflecting a growth in understanding, strategy, and the complexity of the financial markets. In bucket shops, trading ofte…
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What are the four British folkways that Fischer identifies, and what regions of America did they influence? In his book "Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America," David Hackett Fischer identifies four distinct folkways that influenced different regions of America. These are: 1. The Puritans (East Anglia) : This folkway originated from the P…
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How to think like a stock operator? Thinking like a stock operator involves adopting a mindset that emphasizes strategic decision-making based on market behavior, technical analysis, and psychological factors. Here are several key principles to help you think like a stock operator: 1. Understand Market Dynamics: Familiarize yourself with how market…
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How does Randy use the metaphor of a "brick wall" to explain life's challenges? What does he mean by saying, "Brick walls are there for a reason"? In his famous "Last Lecture," Randy Pausch uses the metaphor of a "brick wall" to represent the obstacles and challenges that people encounter in life. By saying, "Brick walls are there for a reason," he…
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In what ways does The Hot Zone highlight the dangers of human interaction with nature and wildlife? "The Hot Zone," written by Richard Preston, vividly illustrates the dangers of human interaction with nature and wildlife through several key themes and narrative elements: 1. Zoonotic Diseases: The book emphasizes how diseases can jump from animals …
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En el primer podcast de 2025 dedicamos reportaje de la mano de Mary Carmen Rodríguez (también editora del podcast) a Nicole Kidman, un nombre que no ha hecho más que asentar su estatus en la industria siendo tanto una actriz cada vez más respetada como una productora comprometida. A todo ello se une su capacidad de asumir riesgos y explorar nuevos …
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What lessons from The Last Lecture can you apply to your own life? Which of Randy’s ideas or philosophies resonates with you the most, and why? In "The Last Lecture," Randy Pausch shares profound insights about life, dreams, and how to live with purpose. Here are several lessons that can resonate with many people, including myself: 1. Pursue Your C…
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What lessons can modern society learn from the events described in The Hot Zone? How do these lessons apply to current global health crises? "The Hot Zone," written by Richard Preston, details the origins and outbreaks of the Ebola virus and Marburg virus, presenting a gripping narrative that interweaves science, medicine, and the human experience.…
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En el último programa del 2024 repasamos todo un año de cine con algunas de las claves que dejan unos meses con grandes historias que ya se quedan siempre con nosotros. In Memoriam dedicado a la actriz Marisa Paredes de la mano de Mary Carmen Rodríguez y el ya clásico top de las mejores BSO de 2024 a juicio de Iker González Urresti en La Música Clá…
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¡Qué buena época para ir al cine! Eso se nota en los contenidos del programa de hoy acordes a la temporada alta que estamos viviendo en las salas e inmersos también en la temporada de premios. “Cuando cae el otoño” es lo nuevo del director François Ozon, un valor seguro en la cartelera que consiguió dos premios en el Festival de San Sebastián 2024.…
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“Gladiator II” y “Wicked” se están llevando toda la taquilla y cuesta sacar cabeza más allá de estos dos exitazos de la recta final del 2024. Paul Mescal encuentra su bautismo en el cine comercial tras ser uno de los actores de la nueva hornada en pleno auge y por ello Mary Carmen Rodríguez le dedica reportaje. En La Música Clásica De Nuestro Tiemp…
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Dos grandes clásicos en un nuevo programa de “El Cine de LoQueYoTeDiga”. Los 60 años de “My fair lady” con Mary Carmen Rodríguez (también editora del podcast), uno de los últimos grandes musicales de la época dorada de Hollywood que se hizo con 8 Oscar, y los 75 años de “La costilla de Adán”, una de las colaboraciones más engrasadas y geniales de l…
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What psychological principles are mentioned in the book? To provide a precise answer, it would be helpful to know which specific book you are referring to. Many books explore psychological principles, including topics like cognitive psychology, behavioral psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology. Common principles might include c…
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How do you use context tags in GTD? In the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology, context tags are used to categorize tasks based on the environment, tools, or circumstances in which they can be completed. This helps you filter and prioritize your tasks effectively. Here’s how to use context tags in GTD: 1. Identify Contexts: Determine the differen…
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How can the concept of tipping points be applied in personal life? The concept of tipping points, which refers to the moment when a small change leads to significant and often irreversible effects, can be applied to personal life in various ways: 1. Habit Formation: Understanding tipping points can help in forming or breaking habits. For instance, …
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How does GTD address the challenges of multitasking? Getting Things Done (GTD), a productivity methodology developed by David Allen, addresses the challenges of multitasking primarily by promoting a structured approach to managing tasks and projects. Here are several ways GTD helps mitigate the drawbacks of multitasking: 1. Clarifies Priorities: GT…
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Sean Baker ha encontrado su película de consagración con “Anora” y eso nos lleva a repasar con Mary Carmen Rodríguez su corta pero ya asentada filmografía ahora que se estrena la cinta que le podría llevar hasta los Oscar 2025. Alberto Iglesias lo ha vuelto a hacer y eso no es otra cosa que brillar en una partitura por lo que La Música Clásica De N…
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Se estrena “La habitación de al lado”, la cinta que le ha valido a Pedro Almodóvar el León de Oro del Festival de Venecia 2024, y eso nos lleva a repasar con Mary Carmen Rodríguez (también editora del podcast) su carrera a través de su diccionario. Se cumplen 50 años de “La matanza de Texas”, efemérides que nos sirve de preámbulo para hacer resumen…
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What economic indicators does the Robert J. Shiller use to analyze market bubbles? Robert J. Shiller, an influential economist and Nobel laureate, uses several economic indicators and metrics to analyze market bubbles, particularly in the context of financial markets like real estate and stock markets. Some of the key indicators he often focuses on…
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What inspired the author to write Will I Ever Be Good Enough Will I Ever Be Good Enough: Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers" is authored by Karyl McBride. The book was inspired by McBride's recognition of the profound impact that narcissistic parenting can have on daughters. Her own experiences, as well as those of her clients as a thera…
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What was the context of the Irrational Exuberance 's publication? "Irrational Exuberance," written by economist Robert J. Shiller, was first published in March 2000, just before the bursting of the dot-com bubble. The context of its publication was marked by a period of significant optimism in the financial markets, particularly in technology stock…
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When was Will I Ever Be Good Enough published? Will I Ever Be Good Enough Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers" by Karyl McBride was published in 2008. What is the original title of the Will I Ever Be Good Enough in its native language? The original title of Will I Ever Be Good Enough in its native language, which is English, is "Will I Ev…
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En esta edición del podcast “El Cine de LoQueYoTeDiga” recordamos con Mary Carmen Rodríguez a Maggie Smith, la gran dama británica convertida en patrimonio cultural a través de varias generaciones y que deja un vacío enorme pero un recuerdo lleno de agradecimiento y cariño. Resumen del Festival de San Sebastián 2024 y en Leer cine, la biblioteca so…
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En una nueva edición del programa "El Cine de LoQueYoTeDiga" Mary Carmen Rodríguez (también editora del podcast) dedica reportaje a todo un clásico como "El tercer hombre" de Carol Reed por su 75º aniversario. Una referencia del cine negro asociada también a la inabarcable figura de Orson Welles. Hacemos balance del Festival de Toronto 2024 y en Le…
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What role do grassroots organizations play in the book’s narrative? Grassroots organizations play a significant role in the book's narrative as they are often portrayed as the driving force behind social change and activism. These organizations are shown to empower individuals and communities to take action and work towards achieving their goals, w…
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