Maybe it’s just a quiet annoyance you’ve grudgingly learned to put up with, or a life defining issue that makes it hard to move forward. Whatever it is, Alex Goldman — reporter, radio producer, and overconfident idiot — will get to the bottom of it (if there’s a bottom to be found. Results may vary). Follow Alex as he figures out not only the vast hidden mechanisms that create these problems, but works with you, the listener, to find a solution. Or at least enough of an explanation that you’ ...
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Your support makes this show possible! Please consider becoming a premium member for bonus episodes, access to the discord, merch drops, and more There are still buttons available from our episode "Casey Wants to Believe" but they're going fast! Get one at This week, Kyle asks us whether…
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You can sign up for bonus episodes, join our discord, and much more at If you would like to get the button featured in the "Casey Wants to Believe" episode of Hyperfixed, you can get one at (while supplies last!) This week - Kristin asks us for help on one of the most difficult decisions she'l…
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I've known Wendy, the host of Science Vs. for almost a decade at this point, and her show is spectacular! We are sharing an episode of her show on the feed this week, just because we love her and would like you all to hear it. You can find many more episodes of Science Vs. on Spotify There is a new bonus episode on our premium feed this week -- if …
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This week - Casey has been chasing the origin of a very specific piece of ephemera for years. He came to us for help. If you like this episode and want to hear more, please sign up for our premium feed here! If you would like to join at the $60 yearly level and receive your very own Big Chub Chet's button, you can do …
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Subscribe to the Hyperfixed premium feed for bonus episodes, access to our discord, and much much more! On this episode, Dylan is concerned about something going on at the grocery store, but he's not quite sure how concerned he should be. That's where we step in. LINKS Daniel and Kelly's Extraordinary Universe Podcast…
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Sign up for bonus episodes and extra content at: This week: Eva lives in the UK, loves to bake, and frequently tries to bake American recipes. But Americans measure by volume and everyone else measures by weight — and converting those measurements is complicated, for complicated reasons. Do you have problems you'd lik…
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Sign up for bonus episodes and extra content at: This week: Gwen was born and raised in New York, and never felt like she needed to learn to drive. Now that she's turned 30, she's scared she's too old to change that. Alex stands around with a microphone and tries to help. Do you have problems you'd like Alex and the g…
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Maybe it’s just a quiet annoyance you’ve grudgingly learned to put up with, or a life defining issue that makes it hard to move forward. Whatever it is, Alex Goldman — reporter, radio producer, and overconfident idiot — will get to the bottom of it (if there’s a bottom to be found. Results may vary). Follow Alex as he figures out not only the vast …
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