Heartland is a gathering of people looking to connect with God in meaningful ways.
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The Royal Law is a mirror for our hearts. Breaking the Royal Law is breaking the whole Law because the whole Law is the Royal Law. Come to Jesus to be washed clean. Be transformed and empowered by the Holy Spirit to reflect God's heart in attitudes and action.
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Valuing the poor values a community rich in faith.
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Though Jesus we can see people, truly value them, and sincerely love them.
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How do I experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit?
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God's got big plans that we would be shaped, sharpened, and shepherded.
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Jesus is the head of the church, follwed by the elders and pastors and each one of us.
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6The Beatitudes are grace-based prophetic statements.
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When God changes your plan it may be harder but He's trying to get your attention and wants you to trust Him because He has a better plan for you.
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You can get to know real love when you get to know God's love through Jesus.
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Sahalom is present even in chaos.
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The Child of Hope became a Man of Hope and then a Saviour of Hope.
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Real faith, real talk, real action....keep it real.
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The bible is our primary weapon against deception and we must read it, know it and do what it says.
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To have a responsive heart to the Word, we must open our ears, control our tongue, and control our emotions. Remove the filth, welcome the Word, and take action.
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Remember that God is perfectly good, He never changes, and He chooses us.
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God will test us, but He does not tempt us. Temptation is not sin, but it exposes our sinful nature. Testing is difficult, but can be a path to greater joy.
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Our God redeems the now and rules the future. Being the blessed now; receiving the crown of life in the future; confidence in the 'Rewarder'. You can experience strength for today and a bright hope for tomorrow through the rewards that God gives.
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Bragging Right
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True wisdom comes from God alone and comes as guidance and counsel on how to react in difficult situations.
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You are holy - positionally, experientially, and eternally.
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We can pass the tough tests of life with pure joy and strong perseverance because of the goodness of Jesus Christ.
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Kicking off a new year: Read James. Pray for wisdom and depend on the Holy Spirit. Identify and use your spiritual gifts. Volunteer. Find and meet a specific need in your community. Activate your small group. Give generously.
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When God calls you to it, He will equip you to do it. The Holy Spirit moves in unexpected ways. The Holy Spirit brings unity.
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You can grow in hearing and knowing the Holy Spirit's voice.
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What are the gifts described in the Bible and what are their purpose?
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The Holy Spirit is our guide into the truth that makes us spiritually alive.
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It's not about what you know; it's about who you know. If you lack wisdom, ask the Holy Spirit. Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal truth.
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The conviction work of the Holy Spirit has a three-fold approach: sin, righteousness and, judgment.
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The Fruit of the Spirit is horizontal in expression due to our vertical connection with God. Lack of fruit; counterfeit fruit.
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Jesus models the Holy Spirit's ministry. Learn to say YES to the prompts of the Spirit. Understand how we may be saying NO to the prompts of the Holy Spirit. How do I receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit in my life?
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The Holy Spirit is truthful in an age of deception, good in an age of sadness and personal in a detached world.
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Believe and receive the promise.
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The people we surround ourselves with has a huge impact on the quality and direction of our life.
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We can expereience genuine joy with God's help, with the help of others, and when we grow to help ourselves.
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060Timothy, a model of genuine concern and faithfulness; Epaphroditus, a model of sacrifice and courage.
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Participation with fellow believers through biblical stewardship is partnership with God.
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We can grow a generous biblical stewardship by enriching our receiving as one who is humble, grateful, God-fearing and faith filled.
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Contentment is very personal. It is something we need to learn. Jesus is our source of contentment.
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Learn to consider and to control your thoughts. Find someone to follow.
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Feeling anxious is not a sin but it is unproductive and signals the time to pray.
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The mandate, mark, and motive.
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God revealed in your community, Godly accountability, Godly leadership.
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Four practices can help you focus on heaven here now: STRIVE, ELIMINATE, QUESTION, and INVITE.
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Looking back on God's faithfulness and provision over the last 20 years and looking ahead to something even better.
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Justification, sanctification, glorification
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Good Friday - 2024
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Our tendency is to put our confidence in ourselves. Our confidence is ONLY to be found in Jesus Christ. Rejoice in the Lord; serve (worship) God by His Spirit; boast in Jesus.
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God's mercy is for all people and is too vast to remain in us, but overflows to those around us.
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To build relationship with God we must first understand our sin, God's remedy for that sin and, that He has something better in store for you.
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The pursuit and embrace of God is full of amazing benefits, as Jesus brings us to our Abba Father God.
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