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show episodes
Helping you to overcome the trials and tribulations of life via Spiritual Guidance, Empowerment and Quantum Healing, with step by step processes, soul-led intuition and super charged energy! Taking you on a journey of self-discovery, self-realisations and self-mastery. Rewiring your mind and your way of thinking for living a fantastic life, with healthy relationships, clearer communication, stronger boundaries, a healthier body and a go get it attitude! Empowering you to become the hero in Y ...
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show series
Sometimes we have experiences in life that we don't quite understand, only to find out later that the story was completely twisted around, making you the villain in the story. This can lead to lots of confusion, anger, resentment and a willingness to sort it out and let everyone know your side of the story. You may even find that people distanced t…
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It is said that the average person lives for 80 years. Some can live a shorter life and some can live a longer life, but apparently the average is 80 years. This means that on average, we only see 80 summers in our life time. Only 80 summers! In this week's podcast we look at how we spend these summers, and how we take them for granted. From childh…
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After seeing numerous posts being put into spiritual groups from someone asking what is a trait of someone 'Spiritually Advanced', I posted my comment. That comment really didn't go down too well with the 'Spiritually Advanced' people in the groups… What does 'Spiritually Advanced' even mean? Who classes themselves as 'Spiritually Advanced'? What a…
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We've all had the experience where we have had a conversation with someone, and anything in that conversation that can be bought, such as a holiday, a car, a TV, a laptop, etc, will later show up as an advert on social media. There is a reason for that. But what about when you haven't had a conversation with anyone, and you've only THOUGHT about so…
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We are conditioned from birth to believe in an external saviour. A religious figure, or a hero, always someone else other than you. It is ingrained in us to hope to be saved. To be saved from poverty, from illness, from famine, from war. That we must hope and pray for all of this. How has that worked out so far? In this week's podcast we discuss th…
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George Orwell and Aldous Huxley are known for their dystopian novels that have ruffled quite a few feathers over the years, been made into movies and TV series as well as being on some banned books lists! But are they just novels, or are they an insight into our current world and beyond? Are the plots of both books relatable with people's lives tod…
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At this moment in time there are many events going on around the world that are affecting people's energy negatively. This leads to people wanting to vent and looking for answers. This in turn can bring out spokespeople who are very vocal about the events, which can then ignite a severe anger in the population (and in some cases quite rightly so), …
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When people hear the word hypnosis, it can strike fear into their hearts and minds. The fear of being vulnerable and opening up to a stranger can lead to even more fear and paranoia. Yet billions of people all over the world are hypnotised every single day without them even realising. Hypnotised via the hypnosis box in their lounge, via social medi…
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It's becoming more apparent over time, that the world we live in, is not what most people think it is. The blatant corruption, the false flag events, fake love n light, franken-food, the rise of the goo-roos and coaches, geo-engineering, the so-called truther movement, the belief that voting counts, fake history, poisonous 'medicine', crisis actors…
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Being 'spiritual' seems to be the latest fad nowadays. But what does this entail? Is it all about just being surrounded by smiley people and feeling good? Wearing 'spiritual' clothing, saying 'spiritual' phrases, and fitting in? Is all of this just cosplay? Once the slightest bit of pressure from life is applied, can being 'spiritual' hold it all t…
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Can you remember life before social media? Were you a lot happier without it? Or are you grateful for it? Are your social media connections authentic? What with Fact Checkers, fake friends, fake profiles, bots, trolls, shills, how would you really know if the person you're chatting with is genuine? Is social media a profiling tool? Are you addicted…
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When you hear or see the word Healer, what do you envisage? Someone in a white coat and a stethoscope or someone wearing beads and burning incense playing soft music? In this week's podcast we discuss whether it is the healer's responsibility to heal their client or whether the healing journey is the client's responsibility. Discover why being trig…
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We are taught worldwide that humans are the product of evolution. But is that really true? Darwin's Theory of Evolution talks about humans evolving from apes. Yet there's a missing link? What or where is that link? In this week's podcast we discuss our Creators, where they come from and why we as a species were created. We also delve into controlle…
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The path to mental and spiritual wellbeing can be treacherous. It's not for the feint hearted. It can be full of tricks and traps just waiting to ensnare you, by people that look and talk the part. On this week's podcast you will discover how to feel into your mental and spiritual wellbeing, whilst noticing that the company you keep can be the very…
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We are all at different stages of what we call humanity. With different beliefs, ethics and morals. With so much diversity and propaganda rammed down our throats daily, how can humanity be all on the same page to elevate as a species? If you put an opinion out there, you will receive numerous types of reactions. Some agreeing with you, some ridicul…
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Ask this question in the masses of spiritual groups and you'll get a myriad of answers. But the majority of answers will certainly sway in a particular direction. Most people believe that they don't, and that it's all in the mind, they don't exist. Sometimes it's blamed on schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, etc. What differentiates betwe…
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With 'spirituality' trending more and more each day, it seems that it has attracted a particular type of personality into the field. The Corporate Spiritualist! As with most things nowadays, spirituality is just another subject that has been hijacked for an agenda. Knowing the right buzzwords to draw unsuspecting people in, like a spider in a web, …
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Do We Have Free Will? Just by asking this question, you will receive a barrage of replies, usually the same old rhetoric. We are all one… We have free will… We have chosen our experiences… We are spirits in a human body having a human experience… Earth is a school… It's all about the lurrrrve… Love and Light… Namaste… But is it just a load of balon…
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It seems as though spiritualism / spirituality and all that it encompasses has become highly fashionable nowadays… Retreats, ceremonies, events are now commonplace in virtually every town now. Is it part of what people call an 'Ascension', going from 3D into 5D? Or is it all actually a controlled operation? It's only natural that people want to bel…
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Viewing the world via a child's eye's… As we get older our view, our outlook of the world can become complacent. Our belief patterns have been formed, our behaviours have been formed and our judgements have been formed. The trouble is, once all of these have been formed, is there any room for growth, for learning new things? Is there any possibilit…
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When you hear the words Psychic Abilities, it can bring all sorts of feelings and emotions out. Usually it's ridicule and finger pointing. But why is this? Conditioning. If something is not understood it is either feared or made fun of. But psychic abilities have been around since forever. Seers, Fortune Tellers, Mystics, Witches, etc… But what is …
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When we look at animals and how they are raised, you'll notice that the majority of animals are raised in captivity. Cats, dogs, farm animals, certain birds and fish, and especially zoo animals. Zoo animals that are raised in captivity have no idea of life outside of their enclosure. Their enclosure is their world. They may or may not see the odd a…
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It doesn't matter where you go, out to see friends, work, the gym, shopping, or even staying at home, you will not be far from a fear based narrative. Listen to people's conversations, switch on the TV, listen to the radio, read a newspaper, look at social media. Mostly doom and gloom. Keeping people that you know in a perpetual mindset of fear. In…
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Should you ever bare your soul in public, what can you expect? Ridicule? Judgement? Personal Attacks? Support? Is this why people are afraid to show their vulnerable side? Scared to give their opinion, their experience? In this week's show we do a deep dive into the psychology as to why and where the need for some to judge and ridicule other's come…
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Have you ever made or said a comment either online or in person, only to be barraged by numerous people that all seem to have similar 'opinions' to each other? As though they have been taught the exact same narrative. In this week's episode we discuss exactly what echo chambers are, delving even further into micro echo chambers that are all around …
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Our subconscious mind dictates 95% of what we do. It keeps us alive, it controls our thoughts, our decisions, our relationships, our health, our behaviour, our reactions, our world views and more… Yet anytime there is an issue, people try to resolve it using the conscious mind, the 5%. Hence why most issues fail to be resolved, and the problems con…
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We are taught as children that we should always tell the truth. Fast forward to now, and it seems that telling the truth is frowned upon? People have lost jobs for telling the truth, lost partners, friends, family and acquaintance's for speaking the truth. Some have even been locked up. In this week's show, we discuss how this has come about, the e…
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Discover why the term triggered / triggers are popular phrases nowadays, and understand what these terms really mean. We talk about the main areas of your life that are affected by triggers and the impact it can have on your wellbeing and those around you. Uncover the effects of social media, the news and particular agendas that may contribute to y…
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In this week's podcast you will discover why Imposter Syndrome is a psychological pattern in which you doubt your skills, talents , accomplishments and what you can offer others. We dive deep into understanding that despite evidence of your high level competence, Imposter Syndrome makes you remain convinced that you are a fraud and that you do not …
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What does a mirror do? It reflects. In this week's podcast we discover whether people can be actual mirrors… Have you noticed that some people act strangely around you, maybe even passive aggressive, whether it's partners, family, friends, even strangers? But is it really you that may be affecting them or is it something that they see that is affec…
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Do you crave love? Do you exude love? Do you repel love? What is your interpretation of the word love? When you see or hear the word love, how does it make you feel? Your immediate reaction? Who loves more, men or women? Is love overrated? Does love hurt? Every single one of you will have your own interpretations, your own feelings, your own though…
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Today we are hyper-aware of red flags. Aware of those with toxic traits, narcissistic tendencies, argumentative behaviour, being selfish, etc. But what we give our attention to, grows, right? So if we only concentrate on noticing red flags, guess what, we're only going to notice the red flags in others. With this, we may miss out on amazing opportu…
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So you know the word psychic… and I'm sure you've heard of the word surgery too… But what do they really mean? Psychic - Extra Sensory Perception, Telepathy, Intuition, Spirit Surgery - A procedure that is part of a treatment, an operation. So how do the two work together - what alchemy occurs when you have ‘Psychic Surgery’? It starts with a 'pati…
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What if you could gaze into a crystal ball and see the current state of your health and any impending health conditions, would you want do it? If your answer to the question is YES (and why wouldn’t it be?!), then tune in to this week’s podcast to find out how this ‘crystal ball’ can diagnose your health remotely, no matter where you are in the wor…
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Do you sometimes want to, or attempt to do things, but it just doesn’t happen and you don’t know why? There’s a reason for that! People tend to get in their own way without even being conscious of it. You may be stuck in traffic. You keep saying to yourself, 'I should turn down that road to bypass the traffic', but you still stay in the traffic. Yo…
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Have you heard of the Drama Triangle? It’s a map we can use to give us insight into our relationships - with romantic partners, parents, work colleagues - anyone… There are three positions within the triangle… Do you know which one is your default position? Empaths and spiritual people will often assume the role of ‘Rescuer’… But when it’s the Dram…
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The shortest day of the day, the beginning of Winter. Some people dislike winter due to a myriad of reasons. The cold, the dark nights, the feeling of just wanting to hibernate. But if used correctly, the energy around the winter solstice can be used for taking the time to reflect, time to let go, time to honour oneself, time to celebrate and time …
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Confirmation bias affects everything, but what is it and what are the effects? If you buy a particular car, a particular model and a particular colour, a car that you've never owned before and have never taken much notice of them or seen them on the road. But once you've bought the car and start driving it around, what do you see everywhere? The sa…
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Why would people get so highly triggered by a word? It's just a word isn't it? Or is it the connotations of what the word money invokes inside of them? Is this allowing outside forces to affect the internal dialogue? If this is the case, does this mean that outside forces are controlling your every thought and action, and how you actually live your…
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Money is all around us, there's no getting from it in the Western world. Every single person has different feelings towards it. What are your immediate thoughts when you hear the word money? Guilt, shame, worry, disgust, fear, trauma or abundance, acceptance, happiness, fulfilment and joy? Does it feel you with dread and make you feel sick when you…
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Jealousy is all around us. It can be seen everywhere. Jealousy can have serious effects on your life, whether it's others that are jealous of you, or you jealous of others. It can keep you in a loop, an echo chamber of negativity and detriment, or it can be used to propel you forwards in life. It can make you very sick, poor and unhealthy or it can…
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The world is full of people who believe that they are intelligent. But what actually is intelligence? Is it that you can memories useless facts to win gameshows? Is it that you are a specialist in your chosen field? Is it that you have the ability to use discernment when needed? Is it that you have the ability to question things despite numerous 'i…
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All of us live on autopilot every single day. We have habits and rituals that we do daily without even thinking about them. Most of us have a morning ritual that we have before we even get out of the door. Some can't even leave the house without having a cup of coffee first! Weird!! Whether you go to work or drop the kids off at school, you'll have…
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Are you pissing people off? Yes, no? All the time?? Do you do it intentionally or accidentally? How easy is it to piss people off nowadays? Are you projecting your inner dialogue onto others or are you trying to help them to see what's going on? Is pissing people off the right way to change things? Or does it put people off? Are you suffering from …
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Are you feeling overwhelmed with life? With relationships? With Work? With health concerns? With finances? With absolutely everything? Sometimes outside pressures can be so succinct that we may not even notice them, or think that they do not affect us. The constant doom and gloom on the news, on social media, can be hard to escape from. It can get …
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Have you noticed lately that there seems to be an immense pressure surrounding people nowadays? People are feeling it and they seem lost and have no idea why. (Unless they are aware of the world stage and its players and the games they play). Due to this pressure, more and more people are contemplating suicide as a way of getting rid of this pressu…
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When we look at the world and what's going on, day in day out, humans turning on each other, taking advantage of each other, poisoning the air, land and water. A small minority are holding the rest of the world to ransom by artificially raising prices of goods, foods, fuel, bills, etc, using money and fear as the vehicle to do so. Creating hierarch…
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Some say that you ruin your life by tolerating things. At the end of the day, you should be excited to be alive. When you settle for anything less than what you innately desire, you destroy the possibility that lives inside of you, and in the way you cheat both yourself and the world of your potential. You could be the next Tesla, the next Beethove…
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It seems that it is fashionable to be spiritual nowadays. But how spiritual are these 'spiritualists'? What doing being spiritual actually mean? Are spiritualists seen as the saviours, the healers, the communicators of this world? Is there a difference between old school spiritualists compared to New Age spiritualists? Are there some still stuck in…
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Future faking is a term used for a particular type of behaviour that many are unaware of. Future faking can affect relationships, can cause trauma and lots of second guessing. This can lead to you not knowing who you really are. Feeling lost and frustrated with life, with no sense of purpose. So it would be beneficial to know the signs of future fa…
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