Bienvenidos a mi podcast 😁 Cover art photo provided by Daniel Hjalmarsson on Unsplash:
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Yo Soy Salud es un podcast para vivir en consciencia y tomar acciones saludables. Como seres integrales, debemos tener consciencia que somos cuerpos físico, mental y espiritual en una sola unidad y que el equilibrio de estos cuerpos nos da salud. Esto lo podemos lograr cambiando nuestros hábitos de vida, desde nuestros pensamientos hasta nuestras acciones. Mi propuesta es que te hagas responsable de tu cuerpo, lo conozcas y lo cuides de forma amorosa y además, en armonía con el Planeta. Comp ...
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Con pretexto de una tarea del curso sobre leyes de semillas en los países andinos empiezo este podcast. Quién sabe a dónde irá.
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Comunidad de mujeres de habla hispana para conversar sobre Podcasting. Entrevistamos a podcasters exitosos para compartir ideas, estrategias, experiencias y herramientas para llevar tu proyecto de Podcasting al próximo nivel. En cada programa podrás escuchar información sobre oportunidades y las últimas tendencias en la industria del Podcasting.
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Podcast by Letras Libres
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Watt Shake Radio Show es el programa donde estar a la última de las tendencias musicales y no tan musicales. Sumérgete en dos horas de programa donde te enterarás de las novedades del sector y además conocerás, cada día, un poquito más a un nuevo invitado. Presentado por Mawi Durán.
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Enjuegados es un podcast lúdico para tod@s con el objetivo descubrir el mundo del juego como herramienta socializadora y educativa. El equipo esta formado por Gabriel Fernandez "Piru" (La Mazmorra de Pacheco), Manu Sanchez, Paz Navarro, Núria Casellas, Fernando Vazquez (El Pequeño Rincón de los Juegos de Mesa), Rubén Sánchez (Juegos y Dados) y Daniel Mayoralas e Ivan Martin (Ludo Noticias), Marcela Martínez (MamiMeeple) y Sergi Sanchez (WADUB). Entrevistas, reseñas, opinión, debate, reportaj ...
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Nuestra misión es hacer visible los milagros que Dios hace en las vidas de gente como tú y como yo. Aquí puedes escuchar testimonios y enseñanza de como Dios cambia vidas.
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Somos un medio informativo que busca difundir la verdad en temas relacionados a la crisis ambiental y que vivimos en México y el mundo; queramos alcanzar la lucidez y crear consciencia en todos los niveles. Ya es hora de que todos nos hagamos responsables.
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Un año más, el Instituto Juan de Mariana te invita a su feria de libros liberales: LIBERacción 2016. El viernes 3 de junio, de 9.30 a 14.30, presentaremos los lanzamientos editoriales más importantes de los últimos doce meses en un nuevo emplazamiento: los salones del Hotel Regina, en pleno centro de la capital y a pocos metros de la Puerta del Sol y del Casino de Madrid. Ya han confirmado su asistencia al acto Gloria Álvarez, Axel Kaiser, Carlos Rodríguez Braun y Alberto Mingardi, entre otr ...
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Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Gabriela shares her story with us today. She is from the RGV (Rio Grande Valley) community and is a good example of how Rio Grande Bible Ministries has had an effect on its home location. Many people over they years have come from the community to take classes for personal growth and enrichment, not necessarily a degree. Listen in a hear how God ch…
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Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Gedeon and Surailly are from the Caribbean island of Curacao and graduated just a few years ago from the bible college. They share with us their live, how God saved them and called them into ministry, and their path of following Him where he leads.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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James and Jeanne have some amazing stories to tell of how God worked in their lives to send them to the jungles of Venezuela. We were just getting started and will need a part B and maybe C! How can someone go from being scared of snakes and spiders to being willing to live the primitive jungle? And to do it with joy and no plan to return?? With sm…
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Él conoce mi camino, Me probará, y saldré como oro - Una conversación con James y Jeanne Berryhill l Parte 3/3
Compartimos los desafíos que enfrentamos en el ministerio. Al servir al Señor, entregamos nuestras vidas y también la de nuestros hijos. Ha sido difícil sobrellevar la pérdida de nuestros dos hijos en el ministerio, pero en medio de las dificultades experimentamos la provisión de Dios en nuestras vidas, junto con un recordatorio poderoso en Job 23:…
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Llevando el Evangelio a los Pemones de Venezuela - Una conversación James y Jeanne Berryhill |Parte2
Dios nos ha guiado a servir en la selva de Venezuela, donde ha preparado el corazón de la tribu Pemón para recibir el Evangelio. Con Su bendición, hemos fundado la primera iglesia Pemón y celebrado el bautismo de más de 50 personas. Por la gracia de Dios, también compartimos los inicios de la traducción de la Biblia en su lengua. Hemos experimentad…
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Dr Manny was the director of the Spanish Language program at Rio Grande Bible Ministries (then Rio Grande Bible Institute) for many years. He is known and loved as the "doctor of the tongue" by many missionaries who have gone into ministry in the Spanish speaking world. This is just the first part of his story but it helps us see how God was prepar…
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Odette has an amazing story with several twists and turns in it. But as she shares you will hear how the Lord has remained faithful to her and she has faithfully followed the Lord even to stay with everyone thought she would go.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Hola, somos James y Jeanne Berryhill. Nos llena de gozo compartir con ustedes nuestra historia de más de 50 años de ministerio. En esta primera parte, te contamos cómo nuestras vidas cambiaron al conocer a Cristo y cómo Él nos llamó a servirle, prepararnos en un seminario. Desde ese momento, Dios nos llevó en un emocionante viaje misionero a Venezu…
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Osbaldo and Yarely live here on the border in Mexico. They are members of a church on the USA side. The work with refuges, the make disciples. They have a story of how God has called them and is working through them and they are willing to go were He decides to send them. Listen and enjoy the podcast.…
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"Hola, somos Osbaldo y Yarely, junto a nuestros hijos, Santiago de 5 meses y Linda de 4 años. Queremos compartir nuestra historia como exalumnos del Seminario Bíblico Río Grande, donde nos graduamos en 2017. Actualmente servimos en Reynosa, México, en un refugio para migrantes, donde Dios ha traído a las naciones a nuestras vidas. Nuestro corazón e…
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Josh and Heather Dunn have been at work church planting in Zacatecas Mexico for over 12 years now. The Lord has blessed them and now the church plant is grown and working to plant other churches! Listen in with us as we hear how God is at work in Zacatecas Mexico to grow His Kingdom and glorify His name.…
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"Soy Leticia de la Rosa, de México. Dios me ha guiado a servirle y prepararme en el Seminario Bíblico Río Grande con un enfoque en Misiones. He tenido la bendición de realizar un viaje misionero a África y servir en BSM un programa para compartir el evangelio en la universidad de Texas. Actualmente, estoy en Zacatecas, México, impartiendo talleres …
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Escucha las historias de tres estudiantes del Seminario Bíblico Río Grande. Moisés Aguilar, de Honduras, relata su proceso de visa y cómo ha confiado en la voluntad de Dios. Jonathan Orellana, de El Salvador, comparte cómo aprendió a dejar sus deseos en segundo plano para seguir el plan de Dios. Kerlin Jiménez, de Honduras, nos cuenta la pérdida de…
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I'm trying out something new, mini podcast. Not to replace our normal podcast, but something to help you meet students one by one each week. What do you think? Give it a listen and let me know. Enjoy!Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Many already know the names and faces of Gerardo and his wife Dalia who have been serving so faithfully here at Rio Grande for many years. But maybe you have not heard the story of how they came to Rio Grande or how they met. This is the first part of their story. We will be revisiting them later (Lord willing) to hear more of their testimony and w…
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Somos ex-estudiantes del Seminario Bíblico Río Grande. Dios nos ayudó a salir adelante cada día y hemos visto su fidelidad en nosotros.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Yensel's last semester of bible college was my first semester of language school. We worked together but now that he speaks more English and I speak more Spanish we can hear the rest of the story of how God brought him into video production ministry as a teenager and how he continues on using his media skills for the Lord's Kingdom.…
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Soy de Honduras, ex-alumno del Seminario Bíblico Río Grande. Dios usó cada etapa de mi vida para moldearme y usarme para su gloria. De esa forma seguir proclamando el evangelio y la esperanza de Cristo a través de Media.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Listen in and enjoy hearing how God is working near the border to grow His church among the bilingual community in Hebbronville TX. Jhony Gonzales shares his story.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Nunca dejamos de aprender en el camino del Señor - Una conversación con Jhony y Violeta Gonzales
Somos de México, ex-alumnos del Seminarío Bíblico Río Grande. Dios abre puertas para seguir aprendiendo acerca de él y así servirle en el campo.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Noe Mendoza is a graduate of Rio Grande Bible Institute (now Seminario Biblico Rio Grande) from many years ago. He has things to share with has that we have not heard yet on this podcast, but as always, he is eager to share about the Lord's faithfulness! Even when He changes are plans.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Soy ex-alumno del Seminario Bíblico Río Grande. Dios me recordó aquella ocasión de querer servirle a él por completo. Dios manifiesta su poder y abre puertas para estudiar y servirle.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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This episode is special for several reasons. We hope you enjoy it! Let us know in the comments what about Julian's story interested you most. What questions do you wish we would have asked him?Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Soy de Colombia, ex-estudiante del Seminario Bíblico Río Grande. Es una bendición servirle a Dios con las habilidades que me ha dado. Contar Historias.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Edson Lara es pastor y graduado del Seminario Bíblico Río Grande. Dios se convierte en mi maestro, me salva y pone en mi corazon el deseo de buscar de él para servirle por completo.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Edson Lara is a pastor and a graduate from the bible college of Rio Grande Bible Ministries, Seminario Biblico Rio Grande. The Lord saved his life, twice, and gave him His kingdom work to do.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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A pastor missionary from Canada, Sunday school bus ministry, Learning English, Mate, it's all part of the story. Listen in and hear how God worked in Vladimir's life.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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We are testing the boundaries of our podcast. No longer are we content to sit within the walls! A quick update on where we are going, Lord willing. Please listen and share your thoughts with us! Pray with us that the Lord would be glorified through the stories shared.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Estamos emocionados de compartir con usted nuestros futuros planes de podcasts.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Listen in on just a little bit of what the Ambassadors time on tour in the USA has been like.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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La Gracia que transforma tú vida - Una conversación con Pascual y Brenda Aguilar
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Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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We are in the road. But don’t worry! We have more stories for you!Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Elizabeth has been studying Spanish here at Rio Grande, but this is not her first experience with Spanish. Listen as our sister shares how God has led her and her family to do His work.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Joel didn't want to do missions. Listen to how God led him towards HIS mission work.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Al servicio de él -Una conversación con Gonzalo Yumiceba
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Soy de Ecuador, estudiante del Seminario Bíblico Río Grande. Dios me muestra su amor y su bondad por medio de mi familia para luego escogerme para su servicio.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Listen to Aaron and Carla, bible students in the new bilingual emphasis for learning English, share about their call the the mission field and the challenges they are willing to face in order to do the Lord's work among the unreached.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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Listen to Annette's story as we share together about what God has done. Annette is a student from Ecuador studying at Seminario Biblico Rio Grande with an emphasis in missions.Por Rio Grande Bible Ministries
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