For everyone to know Jesus, grow together and live with purpose.
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What a powerful message! The final part of our series “Set it Into Motion” was based on the story of Jesus’ miraculous feeding of the multitudes. Pastor Nate preached that we can also be part of the miracles that the Lord is setting into motion. We do this by letting Jesus take our life in His hands, by seeking His blessing, by being willing to be …
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Invest In The Next | Set It Into Motion | Dr. Nate Ruch by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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Where Are You Going? | Set It Into Motion | Dr. Nate Ruch by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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Align Your Heart | Set it into Motion! | Dr. Nate Ruch by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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Part 1 | Set It Into Motion | Dr. Nate Ruch by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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On Sunday Pastor Phil Johnson preached an incredible message at Emmanuel Spring Lake Park to close out 2024. “Keep Up the Good Work!” is a powerful reminder that we will grow weary if we give into comparison, if we become cynical, or if we try to carry all weight on our own. If we learn to lean on God’s grace we’ll develop patience and endurance, a…
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Christmas At Emmanuel | The Road To Bethlehem | Dr. Nate Ruch by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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On Sunday Pastor Phil Johnson preached an incredible message at Emmanuel Spring Lake Park to close out 2024. “Keep Up the Good Work!” is a powerful reminder that we will grow weary if we give into comparison, if we become cynical, or if we try to carry all weight on our own. If we learn to lean on God’s grace we’ll develop patience and endurance, a…
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On Sunday Pastor Manny Melendez, our Lead Kids Pastor, preached “The Road to Joy.” The message of Christmas is a message of joy to the world! We can have joy in the midst of difficulty and darkness. It doesn’t depend on our circumstances, but rather on encountering God’s greatest gift, Jesus. As we grow in anticipation and hope, joy moves us to act…
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On Sunday Pastor Nate preached “Get HIS Peace,” the second message in our series “The Road to Bethlehem.” Life is full of things that can trip us up and trigger us causing worry, anxiety, and taking away our peace. When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to announce her miraculous pregnancy and Jesus’ birth, she didn’t understand God’s full plan, b…
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On Sunday Pastor Nate preached “The Road to Hope,” our first message in the series “The Road to Bethlehem.” As we learn to trust in the Lord, the God of hope, He brings joy and peace into our lives, so we can overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. As we begin the season of Advent, a journey of expectation leading into Christmas, we are…
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On Sunday Pastor Nate preached a message titled “Hit the REFRESH button!” our final week in our “BeCAUSE of Eternity” series. Proverbs 11:25 says “the generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” Thanksgiving is the refresh button for our hearts! When we live with hearts full of gratitude to God and thankfulness fo…
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On Sunday we got to hear from our Pastors at each Emmanuel location. It was so good to hear inspiring and challenging messages from each of them as we continued our series “BeCAUSE of Eternity.” Each of us can live life in such a way that we set in motion a Kingdom legacy. We are inspired by our heroes and guides, and we each have someone that is w…
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Miracle Offering by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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Everyone, Everywhere | Because of Eternity by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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On Sunday Pastor Nate kicked off our new series “BeCAUSE of Eternity.” When we fix our eyes on eternity and begin to live God-reliant lives, we are fueled by trust in the Lord rather than fear. When we anchor our trust in eternity instead of the temporary, it impacts our stewardship of what’s in our hands. We practice the blessing of dedicating the…
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On Sunday we got to hear from our Pastors at each Emmanuel location as they closed out our series “Love Thy Neighbor.” They spoke on Jesus’ commandment to love our enemies. With God’s help, we can do good to those who hate us, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who hurt us. What a timely word for all of us! If you couldn’t join on Sunday,…
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On Sunday guest speaker and Kingdom Builder partner Mark Ritchie continued our message series with a sermon titled “You Really Do Love Yourself, Don’t You?” His depth and his humor drove home the fact that we need to learn how to love ourselves in a healthy way if we do want to be effective in loving others. As we find our identity and our freedom …
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Sunday was the conclusion of our series “Love Thy Neighbor!” Ephesians 4:29 teaches us to be intentional with our words, making sure our language is helpful and encouraging to those who hear us. Pastor Nate preached a message built on this text titled “It’s Always 4:29!”, challenging us to always speak blessing to the people in our lives. When God’…
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On Sunday Pastor Nate preached “Who is my Neighbor?”, a powerful message on noticing the people around us and loving them as Jesus has taught us. We all have blind spots to address and overcome as we learn to care for the people in our world. When we are intentional in praying for our neighbors, we are better prepared to care for them. Let’s start …
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On Sunday Pastor Nate kicked off our new fall series titled “Love Thy Neighbor!” Jesus summed up the greatest commandment with these action steps: love the Lord with all of who you are and love your neighbor as yourself. We live in a day and age where division and animosity seem to be the rule. As we follow Jesus and His teaching, we learn how to l…
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On Sunday Pastor Nate preached “Chosen, Authorized & Anointed!” a powerful conclusion to our series “You Have a Purpose”! Whatever our assignment and whatever the season we may find ourselves in, God has entrusted us with opportunities and responsibilities. Each of us is given something we can leverage as well as the freedom to steward His gift. Th…
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On Sunday Pastor Nate continued our series “You Have a Purpose” with a powerful message titled “Thank God It’s Monday!” Each of us has been created by God with a unique calling to live out. This impacts the assignments we carry out during our life, including work and study. Our identity is not rooted in what we do, but what we do matters. When we b…
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On Sunday we got to hear from our Pastors at each Emmanuel location. It was so good to hear inspiring and challenging messages from each of them as we get ready to head into the fall season! At Emmanuel Spring Lake Park, Pastor Nathan Grams spoke from John 21. The story of Jesus and Peter in this chapter teaches us so much about getting unstuck, ab…
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On Sunday Pastor Nate continued our series “I Have a Purpose” with a message titled “Grow Together.” As described in Ephesians 3, when we grow roots into God’s love, He empowers and strengthens us. Growth is central to the Lord’s plan for our life. Depth in our life, a discovery of unchartered territory, the context of God’s House, and key relation…
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On Sunday Pastor preached “I Have a Purpose!”, a powerful message to kick off our new series. As we focus on Emmanuel’s “why,” “For everyone to KNOW Jesus, GROW together, and LIVE with purpose” we consider our own life and our own story. God has created each and every one of us with purpose. As we walk with Jesus, we not only get to know Him better…
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On Sunday Pastor Darin concluded our “Standing Strong” series on the book of Hebrews with a powerful message titled “Unshakable Confidence.” We can live with the certainty that God will never fail us. Jesus is consistent and unchangeable. His promises, His purposes, His mission and His love remain the same. Because of Jesus, we can live full of joy…
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On Sunday Pastor Nate preached “Plan on Finishing,” a powerful message based on Hebrews 12. Each of us has a race to run and we can make it to the finish line because of Jesus. We live in a day and age where it is all too easy to give up and quit, but Jesus teaches us that we can complete the race that we’ve started. As we fix our eyes and focus on…
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On Sunday our Location Pastors continued our series “Standing Strong” focusing on Hebrews 11. What an incredible chapter full of inspiring stories as we look at heroes of the faith! Faith is conviction and certainty based on a trusting relationship with God. Our belief shapes our behavior as we live out our faith, finding strength and hope each day…
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On Sunday Pastor Nate preached “What to DO with what you KNOW,” a practical and compelling message based on Hebrews 9 and 10. Through this sermon we learn about Jesus’ perfect sacrifice and His power to bring forgiveness and hope into our story. We can connect confidently with God holding tight to the faith and hope He’s given us. We can’t neglect …
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Jesus is Better by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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On Sunday, guest speaker and evangelist Will Jones preached a message titled “Graduation: Progressing Onward” based on Hebrews chapter 6. The Word of God challenges us to move forward, to grow and to build upon the foundation. God invites us, His children, to progress toward maturity in Christ. To neglect this truth is to settle for spiritual immat…
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On Sunday, Pastor Nate preached a powerful message titled “Unlock Your Heart” based on Hebrews 4 and 5. As we listen to God’s voice and keep our hearts from being hardened, we are able to enter into His rest and His promises. God’s word is alive and powerful, shining into our lives to bring hope, revelation and freedom. As we lean into His voice we…
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On Sunday, we had guest speaker, Pastor Jonathan Rivera, continue our series in the book of Hebrews. He preached a powerful and engaging message from Hebrews 3 titled “First Things First.” If the enemy can’t destroy us, he will try to distract us. We need to fix our focus on Jesus and put all things in their rightful place. Finally, we need to reme…
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On Sunday, Pastor Nate continued our Summer series “Standing Strong” on the book of Hebrews and preached a powerful message titled “The Perfect Leader.” Jesus reveals God to us. In fact, Jesus IS God’s message. As we listen to Him, look to Him, and follow Him we are able to overcome. He leads us out of our mess so we make it to the finish line. He …
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On Sunday, Pastor Nate preached a powerful message to kick off our new series “Standing Strong” on the book of Hebrews, which we will be studying this summer. In our day and age, it is so common for people to quit and give up. The book of Hebrews has the potential to unlock our ability to have a resilient faith that won’t drift. God challenges us t…
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On Sunday, Emmanuel locations had the opportunity to hear a powerful message from their pastors. Pastor Nathan spoke at Emmanuel Spring Lake Park and challenged us to never stay stuck. Remember your journey, get rid of any junk you’ve picked up on the way, renew your faith, and live to your fullest potential excited about the future God has in stor…
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The Tension Of Redemption by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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Our Times are in His Hands by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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On Sunday Pastor Nate spoke a powerful message to close out our series “So You Believe… Now What?” God works in the natural and in the supernatural. As He opens our eyes to this reality we begin to gain clarity in different dimensions of life. We see the perspective of eternity, we grasp the impact of fearing God as we honor Him in our lives, and w…
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Pastor Phil spoke at Emmanuel Spring Lake Park preaching about the freedom of God in our lives. The Lord’s freedom helps us to walk away from the traps we’ve been in, to let go of our sin, and to open up to all that God has for us. What a powerful and relevant message for all of us, regardless of where we are at in our journey of faith. Check it ou…
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Synced Up by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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Stakes In The Ground by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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Follow The Leader by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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Jesus Changes Everything! by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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God's Perfect Plan | Good Friday by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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What a message! Pastor Nate concluded our series, “Fearless,” with a powerful word on how to deactivate fear of the future in our lives. We can face our fears, declare God’s truth in the midst of our fears, and take steps forward knowing we are not alone. It was such an encouraging and timely message! Go ahead and check it out if you haven’t alread…
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Imagine the God of Heaven by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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It's Not You, It's Me by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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Overcoming the Fear of Failure by Emmanuel Christian CenterPor Emmanuel Christian Center
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