Giving valuable life lessons based on my experiences with life! Spreading positivity! What you believe is what you become!!! ❤️ the process of achieving it! Mentally 💪 ➡ ✌️ & happiness!!! Grateful for living a human life who's odds of occuring are 400 trillion : 1
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See what a national level player who's spent all his life into sports has to say about the importance of keeping yourself fit and how you do can do it during this lockdown.Exercising,Yoga & Meditation is one of the most underrated things in the world.If you ask me, it's as important as having sufficient amount of sleep to have a great day ahead!!!L…
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Most of us get this wrong... I have broken down things for you'll..Knowledge about finance in practical world is something that is essential for each and everyone.. Check out for the right answer and you will get the most valuable information that you have failed to see in so many years ....
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Is there anyone who has never lied in their entire life.... We all have done it.... Sometimes to protect ourselves... Sometimes to protect others... But remember,if your lying at the cost of someone's trust,then you shouldn't lie even if you are going to get into a very bad situation... Situations changes over time.... But,trust isn't something tha…
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You may be a grown up now... But it's very important to still have kid in you to achieve great things in life.... As a kid we questioned each and everything,was so adamant to get things done at any cost,we were away from distractions and most importantly we interacted with people and got to spend quality time exchanging knowledge.... Where has all …
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Irrespective of the things that you have accomplished,if your not happy then your not successful in life..
Ep. #02
The parameters to be Successful has become something that the society is deciding and we are blindly fulfilling those irrespective of whether we like it or not to satisfy the people in the society and finally end up in a place where we are not happy at all.... Success has to be something that differs from person to person and it has to be something…
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Never ever give up on doing things that your really passionate about and something that you really love irrespective of any reasons that isn't allowing you to pursue them... At the end of the day,you gotta be happy and you will be happy only if you do what you want to and not what others want you to... If your perusing what others are asking you to…
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Life hacks,awakenings,knowledge and motivation to make our lives better...
Collection of all my episodes regarding motivation,awakening,life hacks and the different ways that I got out of bad situations ...
This episode is designed to fill your minds with positivity and will help youll get rid of negativity forever... I will be providing you'll with life hacks,knowledge about certain important things necessary in the current world,the awakening that you'll need to live a happy life and get into a peaceful place where you'll will have the power to anal…
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