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Presentations on the influence of media on culture
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1:32:46Latest episode of Culture of Influence -Hosted by Dr. Brad Shuck and Shane Howard
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Latest episode of Culture of Influence -Hosted by Dr. Brad Shuck and Shane Howard
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Latest episode of Culture of Influence -Hosted by Dr. Brad Shuck and Shane Howard
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Latest episode of Culture of Influence -Hosted by Dr. Brad Shuck and Shane Howard
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Latest episode of Culture of Influence -Hosted by Dr. Brad Shuck and Shane Howard
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Episode #1 - THE BEGINNING
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1:00:38The very first episode of Culture of Influence -Hosted by Dr. Brad Shuck and Shane Howard!
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The eight most common types of emotional appeals are - transference, the product as hero, glittering generalities, slice of life, the spokesperson, the slogan, name calling, and bandwagon.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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The eight most common types of emotional appeals are - transference, the product as hero, glittering generalities, slice of life, the spokesperson, the slogan, name calling, and bandwagon.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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The three main types of factual appeal are features, demonstration, and price.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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There are three critical steps in motivating someone to buy a product, vote for a candidate, or believe in an idea - grab their attention, find or create a problem, promise them a benefit.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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The three categories of advertising - the hard sell, the soft sell, and positioning or branding.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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The three meanings of advertisements - the surface meaning, the intended meaning, the ideological meaning.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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There are at least five major internal factors influencing consumption - motivation, learning and memory, personality and self-concept, attitudes, and information processing.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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There are at least six major external factors influencing what you consume - your general culture, your bounded culture, your social class, your social group, your reference group, and your family and friends.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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Just as the media expanded to fill leisure hours, marketing expanded to absorb disposable income.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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People consume because they "want" something. People consume to establish relationships. People consume to help define their place and role in society. People consume to help define who they are as individuals.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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Mass mediation of leisure and the commercialization of culture.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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Media as an influence on what we believe - the group behavior model.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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Media as an influence on what we believe - the media role model.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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Mass media as myth maker - media and socialization, mass mediation of leisure, commercialization of culture.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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The four uses of mass media - cognition, diversion, social utility, withdrawal.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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How current trends have changed the media industry and changed how it affects culture - convergence.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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How current trends have changed the media industry and changed how it affects culture - symbiosis.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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The three major trends in mass communication: concentration of ownership, audience fragmentation, and globalization.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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The 5 main roles of mass communication in society, continued.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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The five main roles of mass communication in society - Surveillance, Interpretation, Linkage, Establishing Values, and Entertainment.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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The five common characteristics of mass communications organizations: Usually produced by formal and complex organizations ("professional communicators"); Organizations have multiple gatekeepers; Need a great deal of money to operate; Exist to make a profit; And have a great deal of competition.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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The eight communication elements in mass communications.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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The eight elements of communications in face to face and machine assisted communications.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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Identify, define, and describe the function of each element in the communication process - a sender, a process of encoding, a message, a channel, a process of decoding, a receiver, feedback, and noise.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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Understand how culture liberates and limits the individual. Understand how culture defines, divides, and unites us. And understand the difference between the dominant culture and sub-cultures.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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Understand the role of mass communication in forming a "Common Culture".Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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Exactly what is culture? It's learned behavior. By individuals. Of a given group or groups.Por Prof. Terry Dugas
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Technical orientation for IDS 3301, Issues in Culture and SocietyPor Prof. Terry Dugas
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