Bringing you vital facts and perspectives on Islamist extremism and how to combat it directly from leading activists in the field. Clarion Podcast is brought to you by Clarion Project, dedicated to challenging Islamist extremism and promoting dialogue with Muslim human rights activists.
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Jeff Schoep is the former commander of the largest Nazi party in the United States. In a one hour conversation, Schoep and Qudosi cover the rise of the Proud Boys and delve into the culture of violence that supports extreme polarity pivoting groups of people against each other. What can heal the polarity and how can the media better approach these …
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"In the war of ideas, people become the terrain."Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.In episode 10, I speak with Derek Goeriz, a form…
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ENDEAVOR Ep. 9: [UNCUT] Arno Michaelis on Fatherhood, Vulnerability, and Shaping the Future
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Episode 9 of Endeavor Against Extremism is particularly special for two reasons. First, we speak with former extremist Arno Michaelis on how becoming a father pulled him out of extremism. The preventing/countering violent extremism sector often enough looks at the role of gender in extremism, but only through the lens of motherhood. When it discuss…
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Episode 8 features a clip of Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) educator Shireen Qudosi on Hill TV, speaking to the issue of childhood/youth extremism, and how to help parents understand the challenges their children might be facingPor Clarion Project
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The Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) sectors long abandoned the conveyor belt theory -- that there is a straight pathway on which an individual becomes radicalized. However, when that story was discarded it wasn't replaced with anything that captured the communities we need fighting on the frontlines. In an …
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