City of Steel follows the story of five supernaturally-savvy investigators in Sheffield as they discover secrets, solve mysteries and combat vampires, demons and rogue wizards to bring peace to the Steel City. We tell this story as an actual-play podcast using the Dresden Files RPG system.
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After interrogating the Necromancer and discovering the Winter King's Spear is due to be auctioned at Renishaw Hall later that night, the team try to infiltrate the stately home, but will Tarquin Xandor's forces manage to stop them before its too late?Jay narrates and the rest of the cast is as follows:Ally - Eira Eriksson, Knight of the Winter Kin…
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After ambushing and kidnapping a Necromancer seemingly allied with the Cabinet and their operatives, Eira and Valko try to find out what this Lawbreaker knows, and what Tarquin Xandor is planning to do with the Winter King's Spear. Jay narrates and the rest of the cast is as follows:Ally - Eira Eriksson, Knight of the Winter KingLlewelyn - Valko Ni…
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The Editor makes a terrible Archers reference.Por City of Steel Podcasting Team
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Following a brief but brutal confrontation with the four Cabinet operatives sent to surveil the quiet house, Eira and Valko discover a potential lead on the Winter King's Spear and Tarquin Xandor, and venture out to find Asset Grey. Jay narrates and the rest of the cast is as follows:Ally - Eira Eriksson, Knight of the Winter KingLlewelyn - Valko N…
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After receiving a peace offering in the form of an address linked to Tarquin Xandor, and discovering the house is abandoned and being surveilled by Cabinet operatives, the investigators decide to take the bait and investigate the empty house. Jay narrates and the rest of the cast is as follows:Hannah - George Riley, Psychic InvestigatorAlly - Eira …
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With Eira and George temporarily at a loss for how to find Tarquin Xandor - leader of the Cabinet Operatives - and Valko and Rupert having dealt Terrence Molvard and his Black Court vampires a temporary blow, the crew meet at a pub where a would-be enemy makes a peace offering. But can the Steel City investigators trust this gift? Jay narrates and …
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Valko and Rupert discover the identity of the mysterious Vampire-beheading stranger, and enact a plan to stymie Terrence Molvard's operations. Jay narrates and the rest of the cast is as follows:Llewelyn - Valko Nikolov, Fugitive LuxomancerOliver - Sergeant Rupert Sewell of the South Yorkshire IPDThe Dresden Files RPG is the property of Evil Hat Pr…
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