City Central Church is a place where followers of Jesus Christ seek God's power and presence by adoring the Savior, becoming more like Him and contending for His kingdom. Based in Tacoma, Washington, City Central seeks to share the good news about Jesus with those who are lost, bring restoration and healing to those who are broken and build up and train the saints of God. This podcast features sermons originally delivered at City Central Church in Tacoma during Sunday morning worship service ...
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This week, Pastor Chris continued our Hebrews series with a powerful message on the dangers of unbelief. In the Old Testament, we see how unbelief kept the Israelites from entering the Promised Land—and the same can happen to us. Unbelief can gradually take root in our hearts, stealing away the abundant life God has for us. Pastor Chris challenged …
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This week, as Pastor Chris continued our Hebrews series, he invited us to reflect on the faithfulness of Jesus. Faithfulness is a defining characteristic of God’s nature, and Jesus stands as the ultimate example of steadfastness and reliability. Through exploring God’s promises to the faithful—promises of reward and empowerment—we are reminded of t…
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This week, Pastor Chris continued our Hebrews series, focusing on Jesus as our faithful High Priest. From the very beginning, God’s plan was to send His Son to live as both fully human and fully divine. Because of this, Jesus understands every struggle and temptation we face, yet still offers us His unwavering love and help. He is our advocate, our…
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This week, Pastor Chris continued our Hebrews series, teaching us about the importance of trusting the Lord. God’s perfect track record of faithfulness, goodness, and love proves that He is completely trustworthy. As we deepen our trust in Him, we are empowered to trust others, grounded in the assurance of His unwavering character. Even in the plac…
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This week, we had the privilege of hearing from City Central elder, Eric Jones, as he continued our Hebrews series, Victorious Jesus. Reflecting on the supremacy of Christ over sin and death, and the powerful gospel we've received, Eric reminded us that through Christ, believers can experience a deep and personal relationship with God. However, dri…
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This week, Pastor Chris continued our Hebrews series with a powerful message on angels. In His infinite wisdom, God created these heavenly beings to worship Him, protect us, and engage in spiritual warfare against the Enemy. By understanding the authority of angels, believers can gain a deeper understanding of their own authority in the Kingdom of …
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This week, Pastor Chris kicked off a powerful new series from the book of Hebrews titled Victorious Jesus. Throughout this series, we will dive into the supremacy of Jesus, discovering how He is not only God but the ultimate source of power, glory, and significance. Jesus is not just our Savior—He is Lord!…
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This week, Community Life Leader Casey Mock shared an inspiring message about the importance of Life Groups! She reminded us of what the Bible teaches about living in community—how the early church devoted themselves to the Word, to fellowship, and to encouraging one another in the Lord. We strive to create that same environment in our Life Groups …
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This week, Pastor Chris delivered a powerful message on praying in the Holy Spirit. At the heart of this kind of prayer is God's profound love—His gift of a pathway for His people to connect with Him on a deeper level. When we pray in the Spirit, it not only strengthens our faith but also draws our hearts closer to Jesus, deepening our intimate rel…
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This week, Pastor Chris delivered a powerful message on the transformative power of prayer as the bridge between us and the Kingdom of God. Through prayer, we become the conduit through which God's will is released into the world, inviting us into a partnership with Him. As we draw near to God in prayer, not only are we changed, but we also become …
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Youth Director Elijah Hippe delivered a compelling message on the power of prayer and the Kingdom of God. He reminded us that we are called to pray not only in times of struggle or moments of blessing, but at all times. Consistent prayer creates an open door for the Kingdom of Heaven to move in our lives. A life rooted in prayer leads to a deeper p…
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This week, Pastor Chris kicked off the new year with a powerful series titled Power Through Prayer, designed to guide us through our church-wide fast. As we embark on this journey, it's essential to check the posture of our hearts—ensuring they are soft toward God, ready to obey, and eager to love Him. It might be the perfect time for a spiritual r…
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This week at City Central, our Legacy Youth Ministry took over our services. Claire Mock who is a Junior in high school, leader of a Jesus Club at her school, and a leader in our youth program; brought an encouraging word about living out the authority that God has given us through Jesus.
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This week, Pastor Chris continued our Christmas series with a powerful message highlighting the humility of Christ and His heart for everyone to know Him. Jesus entered the world in a lowly manner and rather than announcing His arrival to the powerful or the elite, the Lord chose to reveal it to the humble shepherds. This demonstrates that He came …
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This week, Pastor Chris shares a powerful message about the hope of Christmas and how it leads us to worship the King. The Wise Men were among the first to encounter the newborn Jesus, and their response offers profound lessons for us today. Just as they bowed in humble worship before the Savior, we too are called to honor and glorify the Lord as w…
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This week, Pastor Chris continued our Christmas series The Thrill of Hope with a powerful message about how the light of Christ is the only true hope for a weary world. It's not hard to see that our world is broken and filled with darkness, desperately in need of hope. But the hope of Jesus shines through in His victory over sin and the world, a vi…
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This week, Pastor Chris launched our Advent season with the start of our Christmas series, The Thrill of Hope. At the heart of the Christmas season is the hope found in Jesus—His sovereignty and unshakable faithfulness. By placing our hope in God rather than in our circumstances, we can experience peace even in the darkest of times, with His presen…
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This week, we had the privilege of hearing from Darrin Miller with a word on generosity. God is so generous to us and designed generosity to be beneficial; generous people are healthier, happier, have lower stress, improved relationships and extend their lives to others. As we grow in a deep understanding of God’s lavish love and generosity toward …
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This week, Pastor Chris shared a message on the lavish generosity of God that frees us to live generously toward others. The flesh tells us that a preserved life is a thriving life, but God tells us that the most joy-filled people are those who give generously. As we obediently give, we witness God’s kind provision and we are a blessing to others.…
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This week, Pastor Chris continued in our Advancing Church series with a message about the power of Jesus to restore our hearts and set us free. Through Jesus we are forgiven and made new, no matter where we have been or what we have done. The good news doesn’t end there as the Lord wants to partner with us in our restoration from one degree of glor…
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This week, Pastor Chris continued in our Advancing Church series teaching about sharing the gospel and being aware of how the world can choke out our faith. As believers, we advance God’s kingdom through evangelism but must guard our hearts from the world so we can bear good fruit unto the Lord. God has great affection for each one of us and desire…
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This week, Pastor Chris started a new sermon series called Advancing Church. God has a great vision for the Church and wants to use His bride to establish His kingdom on earth. As we gather, we meet with the Lord through worship and prayer and build one another up for the works of the ministry. There is power in the gathering of God’s people!…
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This week, Pastor Chris finished our Romans series with a word on being aware of the Enemy’s schemes in our lives. Whether we realize it or not, we have an Enemy of our soul and are in a spiritual battle, which Jesus has already one. The Enemy desires to deceive, accuse and tempt us but we can expose his schemes, live in authority over him and walk…
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This week, Pastor Chris taught out of Romans 15 about overcoming selfishness. Our society emphasizes self-promotion and self-focus, but God desires for us to be emptied of pride and filled with love for others. The Lord gives us tools to help defeat the Self including carrying one another’s burdens, building others up, staying in the Word and shari…
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This week, Pastor Chris continued in our Romans series with a second teaching on how to love those with different opinions from ourselves. The Enemy aims to divide the Body of Christ though personal opinions and judgement, but the Lord wants us to walk well with one another in love.
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This week, Pastor Chris continued in our Romans series teaching us about God’s heart for the Church to be united. Christians can be so divided and unloving toward one another over issues that are not essential to the gospel, but there is a way forward! We can follow God’s command to love and respect one another by keeping our hearts humble, and our…
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Community Life Director, Casey Mock shared this week about the different Life Groups at City Central and how you can get plugged in. It is not our inheritance as believers to walk through life alone, rather God has a vision for the church to live in community! Today was a call for each of us to either join a Life Group if we haven’t already or eval…
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This week, Pastor Chris continued in our Romans series with a word about resetting our hearts on the Lord through His love and grace. Sometimes we grow weary in our walk with the Lord or start walking in our old ways. We need a fresh awakening and today is the opportunity! The first step to softening our heart towards God is to allow Him to love us…
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This week was Youth Takeover at City Central! Recent high school graduate and Legacy student leader, Lakiyah, brought the Word from Habakkuk. We spend a lot of time waiting and asking the Lord to move, and we learned from Habakkuk that God is gracious with our questions and ready with a plan. In these seasons of waiting, we can look to God’s charac…
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This week, Pastor Chris shared a message about being directed by the Word of God when facing the topic of political authority. As believers, we have dual citizenship- heaven and our country- and therefore, we walk in the tension of honoring both God and our government leaders. It is key to submit to God before a political party, check our hearts fo…
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This week, Pastor Chris continued in our Roman series with a powerful message on using our gifts to build up the Church, and the call to love others well. The Lord has loved us with an everlasting love and calls us to love and forgive one another. We could all use an upgrade in love and Romans 12 encourages and challenges us to humble ourselves for…
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This week, Adam Narciso brought the Word from Romans 12 about spiritual gifts. Jesus followers carry a special grace from God, known as spirituals gifts, that show up in our day-to-day functions. These gifts are meant to bless and build up the Church, but how we step into them matters.
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Pastor Chris continued in our Romans series with a word on God’s faithfulness to His people Israel from old testaments times to today, and how we as Jesus followers are grafted into God’s family. As we live in the end times, looking back at God’s faithfulness gives us peace and hope knowing He will fulfill His promises to us!…
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This week, Pastor Chris continued in our Romans series with a message about being transformed by Christ rather than conformed by the world. We are always being influenced by the world around us and must intentionally set our hearts and mind on Christ and godliness. Renewing our minds regularly keeps on the path of righteousness and helps us become …
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This week, Pastor Chris continued in our Romans series about sharing the gospel so that many can be saved, and so we can live a vibrant life in Christ. Just as our physical muscles atrophy from lack of use, our spiritual muscles also lose health and vitality when they are not regularly exercised. Evangelism and sharing our testimony help build thos…
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This week, Pastor Chris continues our Romans series with a message from Romans 9 about the relationship between God and believers, known as the Human-Divine Cooperation. This concept is seen throughout the Bible, as God partners with His people, demonstrating His grace and sovereignty while calling them to fulfill His will on earth through their fr…
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This week, Pastor Chris continued in our Romans series with a message about being secure in God’s love. The love of God is abounding and dependable, different from human love. If we are not careful, we can project our experiences with human love onto God, leading to a deceived and defeated life. With the Lord’s help we can tear down any wrong view …
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This week, Pastor Chris continued in our Romans series with a message about how the promise of eternity gives us hope in the struggles of today. Life can be difficult and painful, but Scripture describes a future for the believer that is better than anything we can imagine. The joy, peace and beauty of eternity with Jesus gives us hope in life’s tr…
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This week, we took a shift in our Romans series from understanding the weight and burden of sin to understanding how to walking free from condemnation. We can be our worst enemy, ready to let the hammer of condemnation and shame drop on our heads. Christ has the answer to set you free from condemnation through Jesus’ victory over sin and death, and…
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This week, Pastor Chris shared a message on Romans 7 about the tension of being fully alive in Christ but not a perfect person. Misunderstanding this passage can lead to living in compromise and bondage, instead of the abundance and victory God has for your life. As we partner with God through the Holy Spirit, we learn to walk in a transformed life…
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It was a fun time at City Central this week as we had our first ever Join The Team Sunday! Pastor Chris encouraged us with a message about the joy of giving our lives away through serving the church. God wants to advance the His Kingdom and impact eternity through His people’s time and talents. As we allow God to use us how He sees fit, we experien…
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One of our elders, Darrin Miller, brought the word this week from Romans 6 about the God who overcame the entanglements of sin on our behalf. In Christ, we are no longer controlled by the effects of sin, rather we are free to live by the Spirit. We can now choose to be dead to sin and alive to Christ.…
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This week, we had the privilege of hearing from a mama in our house, Carrie Jones, on the Hesed love of God. Motherhood (and life in general) can feel difficult and overwhelming, filled with great days, but also really hard day. Carrie encouraged us that even on our hardest days, God’s deep, steadfast love covers us and Jesus’ blood bridges the gap…
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This week Pastor Chris and one of our elders, Jarrad Mock, shared the next sermon in our Romans series. Many people have wrestled with questions of salvation- am I saved? How do I know I’m saved? How do I become saved? Romans tells us we can have assurance of salvation by trusting fully in God’s grace, evaluating the fruit of our lives, and yieldin…
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This week, Pastor Chris continued in our Romans series with a message about repentance and Jesus’ power to forgive. It is easy to see how something is deeply broken in the world around us, but often it is more difficult to see or acknowledge the brokenness in our own heart. Just as sin causes chaos in the world, it seeks to destroy our lives and re…
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This week, Pastor Chris continued in our Romans sermon series with a message about rejoicing in the hope of Jesus. When we lift our head and set our eyes on Jesus, we experience a living hope that carries us is a world marked by hardship and tragedy. In God’s sovereignty, he not only gives us hope in our suffering and hardship but also purpose, usi…
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We had the privilege of hearing from guest preacher Pastor Larry Jones this week as he taught about being justified by faith. We can easily think we have to earn our way to God by our own merit- through good behavior or works. However, we must recognize we can do nothing on our own to reach God and depend fully on Him for our righteousness. Living …
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This week, Pastor Chris continued in our Romans series teaching on the inspiring faith of Abraham. Chosen from a pagan culture far from God, Abraham became the prototype for how we are saved today- by faith through grace. Thousands of years later we still look at his faith journey to understand how we come the Lord, by faith in Jesus’ death and res…
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