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ChinesePod makes learning Mandarin fun and easy. It isn't your typical language learning resource - we think you'll be entertained as well! If you’re just trying to learn some survival Chinese or looking to start a lifelong relationship with the language, this ChinesePod - Beginner Level Podcast Channel is where to start. Expand your Mandarin Chinese learning experience by also SUBSCRIBING to ChinesePod - Intermediate and ChinesePod - Advanced Podcast channels. For more lessons, go to ...
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ChinesePod makes learning Mandarin fun and easy! In this Intermediate Level Podcast Feed, explore broader contexts and applications of frequently used expressions needed to navigate comfortably in a Mandarin speaking environment. Deepen your knowledge on current affairs while learning and increase your confidence level in speaking Chinese. Expand your Mandarin Chinese learning experience by also SUBSCRIBING to ChinesePod - Beginner and ChinesePod - Advanced Podcast channels. For a more in de ...
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ChinesePod makes learning Mandarin fun and easy. It isn't your typical language learning resource - we think you'll be entertained as well! In this Advanced Level Podcast Feed, lessons are the black-belt of ChinesePod - You can already speak circles around your friends, but are looking for “complete” fluency Chinese. Expand your Mandarin Chinese learning experience by also SUBSCRIBING to ChinesePod - Beginner and ChinesePod - Intermediate Podcast channels. For a more in depth Mandarin Langua ...
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雾霾不仅是国际会议桌上的一纸议案,而是与老百姓的生活息息相关的事,雾霾天还是得冒着吸入众多污染物的危险出门工作,市井小民也只能苦中作乐,期望有一天领导们能找出两全其美的好办法了。 Episode link:
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Strangers going through your budget reports, investigating your cash flow? Questions about last month's revenue? It must be an audit! Not to worry - there's nothing to hide... or is there? Join us today to learn all about this common [often dreaded] workplace event. Episode link:…
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You feel like you've won the battle by actually getting one to stop--though you had to beat off your street corner contenders to do it. All is fair in the battle for the cab... you claimed this curb first. But now, as you settle into the not-so-white white seat covers, don't lose the war. In this podcast, learn how to tell your taxi driver where yo…
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几十年前,能吃到“肉”表示你吃得“好”、吃得“有营养”,但是随着经济发达、食品加工技术提高,愈来愈多提倡少吃肉、多吃菜的声音出现在传播媒体上,吃肉究竟好不好?让我们听听这篇报道怎么说。 Episode link:
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The biggest question you'll ever answer is not "Do you wanna take this outside, buddy?" or "Does this dress make me look fat?" It's "will you marry me?" In today's podcast, learn how to answer in Mandarin Chinese. And if you just can't get enough lunar representation, check out John's blog for a detailed look at this classic song . Episode link: ht…
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We assume that, as a beginner, deciphering the schedule for the airport bus might be just a little stressful, so put off breaking into that duty-free you bought for 10 minutes or so and get yourself far, far away from the mayhem that is an Asian airport. In this podcast, you will learn how to find a taxi, in Mandarin Chinese. Then, sit back and enj…
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During the holidays, many people on the Chinese mainland head to one of eight special mountains. Perhaps the best know are the four Buddhist mountains, like Huangshan and Emei Shan. Not to be neglected are their siblings, the four Taoist mountains. In today's lesson, learn all about one of these very special travel destinations. Who knows - we migh…
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曾子说:“吾日三省吾身,為人謀而不忠乎?與朋友交而不信乎?傳不習乎?”如果你喜欢中国的成语或俗语,那你得知道,这些成语、俗语有许多来自孔子、孟子及庄子的话,换句话说,是从中国古代思想来的。这一课我们要带大家从儒家思想家的话里,更加认识中国人对个人生命价值的看法 Episode link:
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我们一定都曾经遇到过“爱抱怨”的人,这样的人往往也不是坏人,只是忍不住想要对着旁边的人诉说他的烦恼和不幸,以及他所看到的种种问题,面对这样的人,就仿佛面对着一堆负面情绪,实在让人不知道该怎么办呐! Episode link:
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Everybody's workin' for the weekend... oh, no, wait a sec, that's just us... slaving away for your daily Chinese podcast dose. But we're not bitter, we love you. Pay us back by allowing us to live vicariously through you and your eventful full meaningful lives. Here, a lesson on living for the weekend. Listen in, then tell us your plans too in the …
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当我们有了新的技术、新的流行,往往也就代表着某个或是某些产业将走入历史、步向衰落,这一课我们会学到一个正式的报道会怎么描述产业的兴起和落没,同时也可以学到不少好用的商用口语。 Episode link:
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The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in China. Whether it's expats opening a company, or local Chinese doing the same, the waiting periods, the paperwork, and the registration with different departments can all be a huge headache! Join us at ChinesePod today as we explore some of the terminology that surrounds opening a company in China. Ep…
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找对象的方法有许多种,你知道几种?又试过几种呢?其实有种由来已久且老一辈十分相信的办法,就是相亲,有时儿女不急着结婚,倒是家里的叔伯阿姨等长辈急得要命,就会给安排相亲了,听听两代人对相亲有什么不同的看法吧。 Episode link:
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Being able to talk people into giving you money is a special skill. Especially when you're talking to professionals who say "no" for a living. In today's ChinesePod lesson, learn the key phrases and unorthodox "techniques" that will help you smooth talk any banker (or land you in jail). Soon you'll be basking in the glow of your success! (Maybe.) E…
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Meat-laden fourth of July barbecues may have caused you to consider a jump onto the pescetarian bandwagon. It's so much more than vegetarianism for underachievers. To make the move easier, let's not learn how to say pescetarian in Chinese, and learn instead how to spurn meat and switch to fish, in this podcast. Episode link: https://www.chinesepod.…
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在这个网络交流蓬勃发展的时代,你还只会用“高雅大方、英俊挺拔”来形容帅哥美女的话,只能说你是远远被时代给仍在后边了,赶快来看看网络时代的人们怎么表达对一个人的外表和气质的整体印象吧。对了,这可是现在最流行的造句法,不懂可不行! Episode link:
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Jenny demanded that we teach you how to say that you enjoy your work, but not your boss--due to his temper. While we’re busy looking further into this matter, we’ll go ahead and teach you how to "moan about the man." Listen in to this podcast and learn how to talk about your bad-tempered boss, in Mandarin Chinese. Episode link: https://www.chinesep…
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Start your day off right with ChinesePod as we greet the sun and slip into the lotus position! If you haven't already guessed, we're at yoga class. If you've ever wondered what to call yoga positions in Chinese, or if you ever find yourself getting lost with your Chinese-speaking yoga instructor, then have we got a lesson for you! Episode link: htt…
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What's in a name? If you're speaking Chinese, a lot. In the land of homophones, seeing characters as bits and pieces is an essential skill. In this podcast, learn about "three dot water" and "double person" radicals and explain your name in Mandarin Chinese. Episode link:…
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讲到十一就想到旅行、消费,与背后庞大的商机,但当然也不得不想到那人山人海的画面,除此之外,还有些你不常听到的节期顺口溜,今天就跟着中文播客的课程来近距离了解一下这个人人期盼的长假期吧! Episode link:
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So a banker, a lawyer and a model walk into a bar… seriously. We won't make you the funniest guy in the room, but we will do our best to make you conversational, at least. In this podcast, learn to ask and answer the "what do you do?" query in Mandarin Chinese. And should you actually be a lawyer, we’ll also help you learn how to apologize profusel…
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Are you bullish about learning Chinese? Stop dragon your feet, and listen to our podcast about the Chinese zodiac. It won't boar you, we promise. Learning Mandarin with ChinesePod is more fun than a monkey midwife. Just ask our legions of rabbit fans! There's no use snake-ing away. Scream yourself horse with the top-rated Chinese learning system. S…
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You've just gotten off your train in a strange city, and darkness is falling. You're tempted to follow the paunchy gent with the cigarette in his lips. Turning up the charm, he grunts as he gestures toward the cab with no meter. Do you dare hop in? Listen to today's Mandarin podcast and learn about illegal cabs, in Chinese! Episode link: https://ww…
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Life can look better through drunk colored glasses. Teetotalism of course has its merits, but many a Shanghai reveler would agree that Mandarin flows better through liquor-loosened lips. In this podcast, for the happy drunks amongst us, a little inebriated Chinese to teach you how to open your heart and mouth to those loved ones around you. Tie one…
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The bachelor party is, in many ways, a rite of passage. Celebrated in movies and books for its wild and crazy traditions, this is an event that helps a man (or, in the case of a bachelorette party, a woman) say "farewell" to youth and "hello" to married life! Join us today as we join a group of guys planning such a party (and find out what the wife…
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晚婚虽然是现代社会普遍的现象,但许多关于结婚的传统观念仍存留在人们心中,新旧观念的冲击下,晚婚的女性往往要面对更多的挑战,既想追求自己的理想,又又结婚年龄的压力,于是“剩女”、“败犬”这类的新词汇一一出现,女孩子如何面对被婚恋市场“剩下来”的情况并调适自己的心态就变得很重要,今天就来听听两个女孩子怎么看待成为“剩女”这件事。 Episode link:
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How much of the Chinese language could you learn if you spent half as much time with ChinesePod as you do with "Neighbors," "COPS," and "MTV"? Television is a brain-washing machine. If you want to kill your soul, watch the boob tube. If you want to learn Chinese, listen to this podcast. ChinesePod is revolutionary, and it is not televised. Episode …
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The familiar screech of tires on pavement. The last minute, albeit futile, 'wei, wei, wei!' In a place where safety rarely comes first, a little verbal warning exercise can go a long way. In this podcast, learn how to holler at someone in Mandarin Chinese... for their own good, of course. You may get more practice on this lesson than you bargained …
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Do you ever find yourself only using the English-Chinese side of your dictionary? Do you sometimes feel intimidated by the seemingly arcane system of naming parts of characters? Well then ChinesePod's got a lesson for you today. Join us to learn all about looking up characters by radical! Episode link:…
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Hanging up the telephone can be a drawn-out affair in China. Both sides seem reluctant to end the conversation, and may linger over best wishes, warnings, and advice. All the while, they insist that they are going to hang up now. In today's podcast, learn how to terminate a call in Mandarin. Episode link:…
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九月份中国纪念抗日战争胜利,北京城四处封街举行大阅兵,报纸新闻大篇幅报道,可以说是全国上下的大事,当然也是中国人民的好话题,这一课我们一起来听听老百姓怎么看这个阅兵活动,也听他们说说阅兵典礼的规模和精彩的内容。 Last month we saw the 2015 China Victory Day Parade, a day where we saw incredible displays of China's military might. Listen to two people chat about the parade and learn useful Chinese phrases for describing epic scenes that really stir up on…
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