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Episode 31 by Buncha SavagesPor Buncha Savages
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Woo Hoo we made it! 30 "consecutive" weeks of podcasting goodness!Por Buncha Savages
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Part two of Episode 29!In this part we get Scott's (from the UK) opinion on Americas gun laws from the outside and we talk a whole lot about Brexit.Cheers!Por Buncha Savages
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Boom! We are back with another awesome episode of the podcast! This week we are joined by Kardell Thomas (@kardellthomas), an LSU prospect and an all around nice guy. We talk football, game day rituals, and do a post interview joined by Amanda Griffin (@amgriffi) Cheers!Chris Maraboli (@chrismaraboli)Brendan Ryan (@brendanryanisfun)Diesel (diesel_s…
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No new podcast this week, but we want to wish you happy holidays! And we'll be back next week with a very special guest!Por Buncha Savages
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