An Exegetical teaching of God's Word
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*sensitive topic warning* After Jacob’s family settles in Shechem, his daughter Dinah goes out into the town and is violently assaulted. The predator then acts as if he loves her and wants to marry her. Additional Scripture: Genesis 1:26-28, Hebrews 12:6, Revelation 3:19, Proverbs 10:6, Proverbs 3:29-34…
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After the reconciliation with Esau, Jacob does not follow Esau to his home, but continues on into the heart of Canaan. Jacob knows God has called him and he wants to be obedient to the call. Additional Scripture: Romans 14:23, Hebrews 13:5-6, 1 John 4:8, Psalm 23:4, Proverbs 14:15, James 4:12Por Bryce Ferguson
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Jacob finally meets Esau and is surprised by Esau’s countenance. Esau welcomes Jacob to prove God matures those He has called, and also to prove there is no value in fearing the unknown. Both men have been blessed and it is God who has provided. Additional Scripture: Matthew 9:9-15, 19-34, Genesis 32:13-15…
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After Jacob sends his family and belongings on ahead of him, Jacob stays behind for the night alone. But in his struggle, a mysterious encounter changes him forever and removes his name for another. Additional Scripture: Luke 14:26Por Bryce Ferguson
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After prayer, Jacob sends forth a series of appeasing gifts toward Esau, in hope to dissuade what Jacob fears (but does not know), because he thinks it may help. Additional scripture: Col. 3:5-6, John 16:33, John 1:1-5Por Bryce Ferguson
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Jacob travels toward Canaan and deals with a spectrum of emotion, from faith to fear. God has called him to look ahead, but he starts looking down, when God has called him to look ahead. He prays, confessing his fear and heralding the truths God has promised to him before. Additional Scripture: Luke 18:1-8, John 10:10, 1 John 4:18, 2 Tim. 1:7, Matt…
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After Laban disobeyed God’s rebuke, after Jacob rightly also rebukes Laban, Laban proposes a protective agreement with Jacob now out of Laban’s fear. Laban sees he is outside of God’s favor, and he confesses Jacob is within God’s favor. Additional Scripture: James 5:12, Mark 4:24, Philippians 4:8, Deuteronomy 31:1-8, John 10:27…
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After Laban catches up to Jacob, and derides Jacob, Jacob responds with the plain truth. Jacob has endured mistreatment from Laban for up to 20 years, and God has been a witness to it all. The agreements Laban made multiple times with Jacob, according to Laban, meant nothing. Additional scripture: Matthew 12:34, Ephesians 4:26-27, 31, 1 Peter 5:5, …
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Jacob answers God’s call to leave for Canaan. When Laban finds out, he pursues Jacob in anger and because he believes Jacob has stolen his pagan idols. But God speaks to Laban in a dream, warning him not to speak to Jacob. Additional scripture: Matthew 22:35-39, Genesis 31:3-13, Exodus 20:3-16Por Bryce Ferguson
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After 20 long years, God calls Jacob to go. Jacob relays the commission to his wives, also recounting the oppression of their father, and affirms that as they go, God will go with them. Additional scripture: Genesis 29, Genesis 30, Exodus 29:45, Ezekiel 11:19, Ezekiel 37:25-27, James 5:12Por Bryce Ferguson
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After 14 years in service to Laban, Jacob requests his leave. Laban, taking control, refuses Jacob to leave and continues his abominable behavior against Jacob and his family. Additional Scripture: Romans 1:18-20, Genesis 29:14-25, Proverbs 12:20Por Bryce Ferguson
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After ten sons by other women, because the Lord opened Rachel’s womb, Jacob and Rachel have a son, Joseph, who is eleventh in the birth order, but will be the chosen one to lead the covenantal family line of faith behind Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Additional scripture: Proverbs 16:9, Hebrews 13:8, Exodus 20:18-21…
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Rachel and Leah continue in a polygamous marriage with Jacob, and add both of their servants as another two wives in the family. This is not God’s design, and yet, God opens the wombs of these women and gives Jacob ten sons, who would be the first ten of the future twelve tribes of Israel. Additional Scripture: Psalm 37:4…
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Faced with a terrible situation and a stressful life, Rachel lashes out in anger and runs to sin by essentially giving Jacob yet another wife, instead of turning to God. Jacob speaks truth to Rachel that the Lord is the one in control, yet Jacob participates in Rachel’s plan. Additional scripture: Genesis 16:1-6, Ephesians 4:26, James 4:11, Proverb…
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Once Leah and Rachel both marry Jacob, the Lord opens Leah’s womb and she conceives, while Rachel cannot. And the Lord loves them both. Additional Scripture: Psalm 24:1, 1 Samuel 16:7, Proverbs 31:30, and Ecclesiastes 2:10-11Por Bryce Ferguson
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*Sensitive topic warning* Jacob pursues Rachel through an arranged seven-year-long engagement, and, when the day of marriage arrives, Jacob is deceived in an act of evil by her father, Laban. And this controlling act of Rachel’s father will impact the lives of Jacob and Rachel for a very long time – because Laban chose evil.…
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Jacob leaves with his parent’s blessing to journey to Haran to meet Laban and marry one of his daughters. Before he arrives to his house, Jacob meets one of the daughters at a well, she, who is "beautiful in form and appearance," Rachel. Additional Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-2, 1 Corinthians 12:12-26…
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As Jacob flees from the great anger of his brother, he lays down to sleep in the wilderness and has an incredible dream. The dream is incredible because it is from the Lord, and the Lord speaks to Jacob as He reveals Himself at the top of a ladder in heaven. Additional Scripture: Genesis 15:18-19, 26:4, 13:14-16, 22:17, 12:3, and John 1:43-51…
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Despondent over Esau’s pagan wives, Rebekah and Isaac instruct Jacob to go back to get a wife from the house of Laban in Paddan-aram, because they will not permit him to marry a foreign woman. Esau, in turn, adds to his household another wife - this time a relative nearby. Additional Scripture: Genesis 13:7-13, 24:1-4, 26:34-35. 2 Corinthians 6:14.…
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The choice of Rebekah and Jacob to sin by means of the deception of Isaac changed their family forever. It turned Esau in great anger against Jacob, dishonored Isaac and shook his spirit, and betrayed the honor and respect of Rebekah's marriage and their family. Sin has consequences and sometimes the consequence is huge.…
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In the middle of Jacob’s deception, masquerading as Esau, Jacob receives Isaac’s blessing. And though Isaac believes he is blessing Esau, the prophetic blessing spoken from Isaac is a word from the Lord, and therefore later comes true in the life of Jacob. Additional Scriptures: Genesis 25:23, 28:10ff, 30:25ff, 32:22ff, 33:1ff, 32:28, 35:10, Ch. 42…
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After Rebekah plots deception against her husband, she and Jacob now bring this deception to pass before Isaac, bringing confusion and untruthfulness before him, before he is to give the blessing to Esau. In so doing, they do not bring truth and God’s word to Isaac, and therefore they do not act in holiness. Additional Scripture: Proverbs 14:25-26,…
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When Isaac is old, his focus continues to be for Esau. As his sight leaves him, he seeks to bless Esau. But Rebekah overhears Isaac’s intentions and, in a plot to deceive her husband and take advantage of his blindness, because her focus is Jacob, she recruits Jacob to pass himself off as Esau and be the supplanter. [note: technical difficulties pr…
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God appears to Isaac at Beersheba and reminds Isaac, “I am with you.” Isaac then receives an unexpected visit from Abimelech, who proactively reached out to Isaac for the purpose of peace. And the first words out of Abimelech’s mouth at their encounter is a testimony of the Lord.Por Bryce Ferguson
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Isaac follows God’s leading into the land of Gerar, and as he plants, God blesses his yield. From there, God continues to give Isaac more until he had great wealth. So, how will Isaac steward that which he has been given? Because it is the Lord who decides who is given how much. Additional Scripture Ref. Psalm 89:1,11 / Psalm 135:6-7 / Psalm 135:15…
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Isaac follows God’s guidance during a time of famine to the land of Gerar. But then, Isaac takes his eyes off God, creating and following his own assumptions instead, and walking a dangerous path. But, while Isaac and Rebekah dwell there among a pagan people, God works through a pagan king to accomplish God’s purposes, and correct Isaac and Rebekah…
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God appears to Isaac and affirms that His call to Abraham and His covenant with Abraham and the blessing for Abraham, is also for Isaac, and for Isaac's offspring. God affirms the continuity that the covenant is an everlasting covenant, the possession an everlasting possession, and God's relationship with His people is present every single day. To …
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After the brothers are grown, true to their nature in the womb, they continue to be divided as one is careless and the other is shrewd in a disrespectful transaction over the birthright. Impulsively, Jacob asks for the birthright from Esau, and over a simple meal, Esau throws it to the wind. Additional scripture: Hebrews 12:14-17, 25, 28-29, and Ex…
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In God’s chosen family line, Isaac encounters the same barrier his parents did, and he knew that God had promised in the covenant for a large nation of descendants – yet Rebekah was barren. And as they prayed to the Lord, they had to wait, a long time. When God brought about Rebekah’s pregnancy, God spoke to Rebekah, telling her the two children wo…
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When Abraham dies, his estranged son returns along with the son of his household. Both Ishmael and Isaac come together in respect to grieve and arrange the burial of their father. Two different lines of Abraham produce very different paths.Por Bryce Ferguson
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After the servant’s long journey to find a wife for Abraham’s son, Isaac is comforted after his mother’s death, by his joining together in marriage with Rebekah. Each had sought the Lord first, and now they will seek Him together, in marriage.Por Bryce Ferguson
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As Abraham’s servant is about to leave on his journey back with Rebekah, to fulfill his commission, her family asks that she stay. The faith from the night before is now being tested at the moment of departure. The line of the covenant is at hand. And Rebekah says, “I will go.” Reference texts: Matthew 14:25-33 Genesis 22:17-18…
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The servant continues his mission in testifying to Rebekah’s family of God’s sovereignty and God’s leading, His provision and His goodness. The God of the covenant has led him here.Por Bryce Ferguson
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When Rebekah answers Abraham’s servant about her family line, the servant sees God has fulfilled his commission from Abraham. The initial faith of Abraham has now passed to his servant, and the servant testifies to Rebekah.Por Bryce Ferguson
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Before the servant was finished praying, Rebekah arrives at the well. The boldness of his prayer is met with a bold answer. Additional scripture: James 4:2-6, Matthew 7:7-8, Luke 6:33-36, Matthew 22:35Por Bryce Ferguson
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Abraham’s servant swears to Abraham that he will venture the long distance to Mesopotamia to take a wife for Abraham’s son, Isaac. And it will be an adventure of faith. As the servant nears the destination his prayer to God builds into a very bold request.Por Bryce Ferguson
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God has set Abraham’s gaze forward, tied to the covenant, tied to the promises, and tethered to God’s desires. In his spiritual maturity, Abraham focuses his gaze on being a provisional patriarch. Ref. Genesis 15:17-20, 17:7-8Por Bryce Ferguson
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Abraham’s faith in God propels him to seek a godly wife for his son, Isaac. He knows the importance of a godly spouse and he knows the covenant of God will be continued through Isaac. Reference Scripture: Genesis 22:1-18 Matthew 10:37-38 Proverbs 22:6Por Bryce Ferguson
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After the child of the promise was born, after the dramatic test of Abraham’s faith on the mountain with Isaac, after the Lord stayed Abraham’s hand and provided a ram, there were many more years, and then came the death of Sarah. While grieving her loss, Abraham arranges her burial in this foreign land, and leads in the testimony of his faith. Deu…
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The origin story of mankind and earth is from God. The reason we are here is for God. The purpose is to glorify God. And our testimony is to proclaim His excellencies before all mankind. Note: Please join me in prayer as we consider and step forward toward 501(c)3 non-profit ministry status later in 2024.…
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Every single person on earth is struggling in some way, carrying a burden, affected by the sin of others and their own sin. In the sadness, depression, and loneliness, God reaches down to man, to be the ever-present Friend, the ever-present Guide, and the ever-present God to them. No longer need any single person be alone. Jesus has made the accept…
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After God brought forth the long-awaited child of the promise unto Abraham, God now commands something extremely costly from Abraham concerning this child. It surely must have been mysterious to Abraham that God would ask this, but God did. So, the real question is, how will Abraham respond - because how he responds will reveal the authenticity of …
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After previous tension with Abraham, Abimelech approaches him for the purpose of a covenant. He desires Abraham to always be true with him and treat him well, and Abraham responds in faith. And when a dispute over a well is addressed, Abraham gives a gift to show the truth.Por Bryce Ferguson
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Jealousy flares again in Abraham’s household because there is one “wife” too many. God had previously set forth the child of the promise, and God affirms the child of the promise will indeed be the chosen line. And in the departure of Hagar, we witness God’s affirmation of the words He spoke also to her.…
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After a period of waiting, which turned out to be 25 years, God brings to Abraham and Sarah exactly whom He promised: their son, Isaac. God was faithful. And God was true.Por Bryce Ferguson
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Genesis 20 / Abraham's fatal fear of man
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1:00:31As Abraham and Sarah journey to a new land, Abraham’s faith is put to the test again, and he chooses the way of man. Despite the reckless behavior of both he and his wife, God intervenes to defend and to protect and to honor.Por Bryce Ferguson
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*sensitive topic warning* Lot finally flees up to the hills, where the angel had instructed, because even Lot thinks Zoar too dangerous. While living in a cave with the only family he has left, Lot’s daughters devise a plan to deceive and to harm, predicated on a lie.Por Bryce Ferguson
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After Abraham interceded for the righteous still in Sodom, after the angelic visitors encountered all the deviant and violent people of Sodom, and after Lot, his wife, and his daughters finally leave the city, God brings destruction. It is righteous. And it is just.Por Bryce Ferguson
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The historical testimony of the Holy Bible gives us the answers to how the earth was made, how mankind came to be, the purpose of mankind, the purpose for this world, and that God is very much involved in His mission in this world every single second of every single day. And He is calling us all to turn away from sin, and trust in Him.…
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After a horrific encounter in the city of Sodom, the two angels tell Lot their mission to get him and his family out because God is going to bring judgment upon Sodom. In a foreshadowing of eternity, God, through the angels, saves them before the fire of judgment arrives.Por Bryce Ferguson
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