A show where nothing is made up and the points do matter. Because it's all about Jesus. Theology for the masses...not just for the Masses.
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Ep. 79: Answering the Critques of Gavin Ortlund on Lutheran Christology, Pt. 2
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1:06:02Part Two of Answering Gavin Ortlund's Critiques of Lutheran Christology. What are the Major differences between Lutheran and Reformed views of the Two Natures of Christ in the one Person of Jesus? Get More Awesome Content - Subscribe ➜ http://bit.ly/1UZjzXi Donate at https://streamlabs.com/brandonwarr/tip Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Parler…
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Part One of Answering Gavin Ortlund's Critiques of Lutheran Christology. What are the Major differences between Lutheran and Reformed views of the Two Natures of Christ in the one Person of Jesus? Get More Awesome Content - Subscribe ➜ http://bit.ly/1UZjzXi Donate at https://streamlabs.com/brandonwarr/tip Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Parler…
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A quick review of the Debate between Christian Scholar Wesley Huff and Conspiracy Peddlar Billy Carson. This quick review is just to get some thoughts out and encourage the listener to dive into apologetics with their Pastor and Church in a fruitful and Christ-centered way. Links to videos mentioned: The Full Debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v…
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Ep. 76: 4th Annual Synod And Colloquium Special!
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1:04:37This is the 4th Annual Synod and Colloquium episode. This one is Special as we cover much of what has gone into the upcoming Augustana Service Book and Hymnal. Get More Awesome Content - Subscribe ➜ http://bit.ly/1UZjzXi Donate at https://streamlabs.com/brandonwarr/tip Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Parler @RevBWarr Join "The Bookcase Behind …
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On today's episode, Pastor Warr discusses the life and doctrine of St. Patrick of Ireland. This episode also introduces a new segment on the goings on of the week as Pastor Warr discusses the deception of the Modern Red Pill movement, Proverbs 31 and Femininity, as well as how to enjoy your hobbies as Christian. Get More Awesome Content - Subscribe…
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In this Episode, Pastor Warr is joined by Pastor Dan Mensing of Faith Lutheran Church in Oregon to discuss St. Augustine and the Distinctions of Grace which Augustine put forth to defend the biblical doctrine of Grace against Pelagius. Get More Awesome Content - Subscribe ➜ http://bit.ly/1UZjzXi Donate at https://streamlabs.com/brandonwarr/tip Foll…
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In this Episode, Pastor Warr is joined by Deacon Anthony Oncken of Salem Lutheran Church in Malone, Texas, to discuss St. Laurence and the Office of Deacon in the Lutheran Church. Get More Awesome Content - Subscribe ➜ http://bit.ly/1UZjzXi Donate at https://streamlabs.com/brandonwarr/tip Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Gab and Parler @RevBWarr Jo…
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In this Episode, we hear the presentation Pastor Brandon Warr gave at the 2023 ELDoNA Summer Camp on New Media and Missions. This is meant to be an Introduction on how to get started as a Christian Content Creator and how to have a biblical, confessional, and faithful mindset if you desirte to start releasing content online from a Christian Perspec…
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Ep. 71: 3rd Annual ELDoNA Synod and Colloquium Extravaganza!
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1:14:37Pastor Warr is back at the 2023 Synod and Colloquium of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America (ELDoNA) to discuss with the various Pastors of the Diocese questions such as... -How to Handle Conflict in the Church? -What is the Lutheran understanding of Divine Call? -Mission Parishes, Preaching Stations, and the State of the Church.... .…
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On this Episode, Pastor Warr is joined by his wife, Delina, to discuss the history behind St. Valentine and the roles of Men and Women in biblical Marriage. Disclaimer: I am a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America and, unless otherwise stated, my opinions are my own and I do not speak as a representative for my Diocese. That i…
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On this Episode, Pastor Warr is joined by Pastor Jerry Dulas of Sts. Peter and Paul Lutheran Church to discuss the pre-Lenten Sundays of Gesimatide. We discuss the history of the Gesima Sundays, their meaning, and why they have seemed to fall out of fashion in the Church at large. Disclaimer: I am a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of Nor…
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Ep. 68: Not Indifferent on Adiaphora
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1:00:49In this Episode of the Bookcase Behind Me, Pastor Brandon Warr is Joined by Pastor Josiah Scheck of Christ Lutheran Church in Richmond, Missouri to discuss the topic of Adiaphora. This topic is much more complex than "I can do whatever I want" as Pastor Scheck explains the philosophical, ecclesiastical, and civil realms of how adiaphora relates to …
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In this Episode, Pastor Brandon Warr reveals the revelation of the deep meaning in Epiphany. What is the Festival of Epiphany? How many wise men were there? What happens during the Season of Epiphany? All this and more on this deep dive episode of BCBM! Disclaimer: I am a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America and, unless other…
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A clip show highlighting some of the topics in 2022 and get a sampling for what is to come for BCBM in 2023! Disclaimer: I am a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America and, unless otherwise stated, my opinions are my own and I do not speak as a representative for my Diocese. That is what my Bishop is for. For more information on…
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BCBM Makes its long awaited return with a Christmas Spectacular! Pastor Brandon Warr gives the Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ's Birth on December 25th, Debunks pagan myths about the celebration of Christmas and overall has a jolly good time! Disclaimer: I am a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America and, unless othe…
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Ep. 64: The Decline of Mainline Protestant Denominations [Ft. Josh from Ready to Harvest]
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1:12:57In this episode, Pastors Warr and Alvarez reach out to an expert to discuss the history and trends of decline within the Mainline Protestant Churches in America. This expert is Josh of the 'Ready to Harvest' YouTube channel which discusses Denominations in an unbiased and straightforward way. His channel is a great resources for the facts on what d…
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In this bookSHELF special, Pastor Alvarez gives his musings on the appropriate use of secular politics and patriotism for the average Christian as well as clergy.
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Pastor Warr reports from the 2022 Synod and Colloquium of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America to discuss various topics with the attendees such as... Vocation with Pastor Handrich of Holy Cross Lutheran in Peoria, IL Family Values with Pastor Rutowicz and his daughter Katie Lutheran Orthodox Fathers woth Deacon Jackson of Good Shepher…
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On this Episode, Pastors Warr and Alvarez have a grab-bag episode discussing multiple topics including Local Customs in the Philippines, Lenten Practices, and Ancient Pagan Cultures.
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Pastor Filmore Alvarez entertains himself on this bookSHELF by discussing Christian Liberty and Entertainment.
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Pastor Alvarez take the driver seat on this episode to act as questionnaire on a subject that makes Pastor Warr break out in hives. That subject is infant communion.
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Pastor Alvarez rides solo to talk about Home Altars and Family Altars because Pastor Warr had to attend to a late night D&D session with his family which resulted in feelings of drowsiness and upset stomachs the next day. Awesome.
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On this episode, the dudes Pastor Warr and Alvarez discuss opinions held by Christians that are neither mentioned nor forbidden in the Scriptures (Not just Semper Virgo!)
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Introducing the BookSHELF Specials where Pastors Warr and Alvarez do not have time to record a full episode so, instead of skipping a week, they discuss an easy topic in a shorter time frame. This epsidoe catalogs Pastir Warr's trip to South Dakota and the First Article blessings of the Internet.
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Pastor Alvarez takes over hosting duties in order to do a Birthday Bombardment of Pastor Brandon Warr. Laughs are had, tears are shed, everyone now lives with regret. If you ever wanted to learn how to lose friends and alienate people, this is the life story to inspire you!
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Text discussed is Romans 12:1-5 Recorded on the First Sunday after Epiphany, 2022 at St. Patrick Lutheran Church, Chipley, FL
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Today, Pastors Warr and Alvarez discuss the Gospel reading for the First Sunday after Epiphany. Seems simple right? Well, it goes off into a discussion on the Gnostic gospels, the Qu'ran and why everyone wants to know more about Jesus' younger years. Though even that is not as crazy as it sounds.
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This episode focuses on some well-known and not so well know Advent traditions in the Church and in the Home. What is up with Germans and the Christ Child? Where did the Advent Wreath come from? Why is the Pastor wearing PINK? And more!
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Ep. 50: The Office of the Keys and Church Discipline [Ft. the Rt. Rev. James Heiser]
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1:14:58It's a JUMBO celebration for our 50th Episode as we welcome the Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America-the Rt. Rev. James Heiser- to discuss Church Discipline and the Office of the Keys. As this is also our Reformation Episode this year, we discuss the role of discipline in the Reformation and on down to our day as Pastors stri…
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In a BCBM First, we have 2 GUESTS to tackle the topic of funerals, death and burial of the body. Pastor Dan Mensing (Faith Lutheran, Tigard, OR) as well as Layman Jacob Glass (St. Patrick, Chipley, FL) help discuss the most frequent questions including the biblical view on Cremation and Burial as well as some more disturbing aspects of death. Sorta…
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In this Episode, Pastors Warr and Alvarez discuss the good Ignatius, not the bald one who was a counter-reformation hack fraud from Loyola. St. Ignatius of Antioch is worth remembering and studying for his devotion and teaching even if some papists abuse him or confuse him for the other guy.
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In honor of the Festival of St. Michael and All Angels, Pastor Warr and Alvarez discuss biblical Angels, some misconceptions of Angels and how these heavenly hosts point us to the Great Salvation found in Jesus Christ.
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Jonathan, the illustrious Kuster of St. Mary's, joins Pastors Warr and Alvarez to discuss Christians in the Military. This will be the last show (for a while) that Jonathan will guest on because... surprise! He is going into the Military!
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Pastors Warr and Alvarez muse on the term 'Lutheran' and why we are stuck with a not so stellar name for our Church and Confession. Why are we called 'Lutheran' and what does it mean? Is it a term worth saving or reclaiming? Find out and muse with us!
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The official start to our Sermon Special series, Pastor Alvarez preaches to St. Mary's Lutheran Mission in Singapore on the Gospel reading for the 15th Sunday after Trinity.
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On this Episode, the audience listens to the Schadenfreude of Pastors Warr and Alvarez trying to do a new segment of BCBM. This new segment involves reacting to the Left's insane take on Abortion and the new law in Texas which limits the murdering of children in the womb. There is very limited editing on this episode other than cleaning up the audi…
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The title says it all! Pastors Warr and Alvarez discuss the life of a Seminarian with Ben Henson who is currently preparing for the Ministry at St. Ignatius Lutheran Theological Seminary. If you are thinking of going to Seminary and considering the Office of the Ministry, this episode is for you! For More info on St. Ignatius Lutheran Theological S…
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On this Episode, Pastors Warr and Alvarez air some grievances about Clichés and complaints they often experience as Lutherans.
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In this episode, Pastors Warr and Alvarez are joined by frequent guest Jonathan, Kuster of St.. Mary's, discussing the MOTU PROPRIO TRADITIONIS CUSTODES and why it matters for Lutherans. Has the Pope gone too far? Well...Yes...we've been saying that for 500 years.😐😐😐
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This is Part Deux of Pastors Warr and Alvarez discussion on Church Buildings. This time around they are conversing about the Exterior of the Church Building and what certain traditions mean. Obligatory Adiaphron notice is in order so, with that, enjoy the info!
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On this episode, Pastor Warr rides solo as he embodies the Crazy Charlie meme to explain his research and theories regarding Markan priority while constantly mispronouncing both Markan and Matthean priority theory. Yay!
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Buildings. Buildings? Yes, we are discussing the types of Church Buildings and it is more fun then you may first assume. From Chapels to Cathedrals, why do we have these names for different types of Church Buildings? Find out with Pastor Warr and Pastor Alvarez or something.
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Pastor Alvarez rides solo once again to interview Jonathan, layman and Kuster for St Mary's, to discuss prayer in this follow-up to our Rogation episode.
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This week, we are raptured to St. Patrick Lutheran Church in Chipley FL during their Sunday Morning Bible Class to discuss the errors of Dispensationalism.
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On this Episode, Pastors Warr and Alvarez examine the Athanasian Creed in Preparation for Trinity Sunday!
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Today we discuss Rogationtide. What is it? Why is it? When is it? And what are the connection between Rogation Days and Prayer? This one is for all you Lutheran Trads out there to pick up on this observation of Rogation.
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Since the topic has come back, like a drunken old hag that won't leave you alone, Pastors Warr and Alvarez have invited Pastor Joshua Sullivan to slay the beast of ONLINE COMMUNION once and for all!! No Synodical Statements or Lengthy "recommendations" required. Just a plain reading of Scripture and the Confessions and a call to Repentance to all w…
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