Our goal is to encourage all people to take responsibility for their own healthcare, empower them to assist others and create a community of people worldwide dedicated to service, self awareness, and recognizing the equality of all humanity—thus forming a chain which shall go on indefinitely. Research shows that Bio-Touch is simple to learn with quick results to reduce pain and stress and to build immune system responses. It is time to reclaim your birthright to be healthy, happy and loved.
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To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? That seems to be the question.Bev & Paul share how using Bio-Touch can not only help you with your decision but can aid the body in working with that decision. No medical advise is being given in this presentation.
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Paul & Bev build on the Lymphatic Health workshop. Easy and simple ways to help stay healthy!
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A very informative workshop on Lymphatic Health with special guest Hillary Gooden. She is very inspiring and gives us some simple tools for our health. Then the second half of the workshop Bev & Paul teach you the Bio-Touch sets to best address Lymphatic Health.
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Grief, especially at the death of a loved one, can be devastating. Kai Cox, Certified Bio-Touch Instructor, shares with Bev & Paul how Bio-Touch helped her during this difficult time at the passing of her Mother.
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Dr. Zach Bush, MD speaks about the difference to our genetic expression between living in fear & guilt or hope.Bev & Paul speak more about this difference and gives us hope as we use of Bio-Touch Healing.
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Taken from Pre-Game speech from Brad Pitt, Bev & Paul talk about the Collective Spirit of our global community. Huddle up world, learn Bio-Touch.
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The one tool you carry at all times that can be used in a crisis is Bio-Touch. Bev & Paul talk about how Bio-Touch can be used for any situation, and used immediately.
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Simplicity is the key to practicing Bio-Touch. There are no levels in Bio-Touch. Bev & Paul talk about how Bio-Touch can be practiced by everyone, especially children. They also talk about bring Bio-Touch into the family.
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Michael Elissa Smotherman is a Case Manager at a methadone clinic, specializing in supporting individuals through all stages of addiction and recovery. Michael integrates evidence-based approaches with holistic techniques to empower clients on their journey toward lasting wellness.Bev & Paul then teach the few sets of points that can help work with…
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What should I eat for a long healthy life? Well, we heard of a 104 year old who drank Dr. Pepper. Bev & Paul talk about how Bio-Touch can help us begin to "listen" to our bodies for what is best for a healthy, long life.
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There is a new released study that shows that while people live longer, they live a greater number of years burdened by disease.Bev & Paul go over the research with Dr. Kenna Stephenson that shows Bio-Touch can add quality of life to our longevity.
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It has been a wonderful year and we are grateful for all the support.Thank you for sharing Bio-Touch with your friends and family.
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Bio-Touch is a gift to humanity. Bev & Paul invite us all to open that gift and share it with everyone.
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Controlling the mind in order to help another human seems counter-productive.Bev & Paul talk about the simple application of love as a means to profound healing.
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There is so much to be thankful for in sharing Bio-Touch with humanity. Join Bev and Paul as they share the gratefulness.
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There is not a more important time to learn Bio-Touch. Bev & Paul take us through all the ways to that you can begin.
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The American elections has given all of us an opportunity to acknowledge our reactions. Whether we are elated or distressed there is an effect on our nervous system which creates dis-ease. Bev & Paul talk about the importance, especially now, of bringing Bio-Touch into our lives.
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Patch Adams had an amputation of his foot and gives us many inspirational words on how to work with sickness. Bev & Paul share how Bio-Touch can bring fun into the healing process.
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Breast Awareness can help us learn what we can do for our health andw ellness. Bev & Paul review the last workshop and give a few more details on how Bio-Touch Healing can help with our Breast Awareness and pains.
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Bio-Touch is for everyone regardless of belief, philosophy or station in life. Join Bev & Paul as they share why this stance is powerful in the field of healing.
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Bev & Paul talk about the importance of touch in the healing of humanity.
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How do you measure a year? 525,600 minutes? Or better, in Love!Bev & Paul share how Bio-Touch is one of those ways of measuring a year in Love.
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How can you use all the aspects of "energy healing" as you pursue a diagnosis of cancer using radiation and other modalities, especially Love?Bev & Paul discuss this as Paul shares his personal journey.
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Our Guest is Martha Lewis, “THE SLEEP DETECTIVE”.https://www.thecompletesleepsolution.com/Bev & Paul then teach the few sets of points that can help address insomnia. Easy to learn and simple to use.
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Bev & Paul discuss what are the possibilities of living with Hope. How does it help us live in the present moment.
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8 years Bev & Paul have been sharing their life and their excitement for Bio-Touch with you every Monday. Come celebrate with them!
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What kind of "space" do you need whether physically or emotionally in order to be effective at using Bio-Touch?Join Bev & Paul as they discuss this.
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Bev is on the road so we interview Eileen Webster, Pharmacist and Instructor of Bio-Touch. She shares her journey and how Bio-Touch could be a great adjunct to the medical model.
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In our last workshop, Mara spoke about the importance of mindfulness in aiding our Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms.Bev & Paul talk about how Bio-Touch helps one come to a self-awareness and mindfulness...helping the body figure out what it needs in order to heal.
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Our Guest is Mara Concordia. She founded Peaceful Spirit to help people create shifts to transform their lives and health.Bev & Paul then teach the few sets of points that can help with discomfort of carpal tunnel syndrome.
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"Bio-Touch fosters a high level of love..." Dr Gary Schwartz.
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Unlike treatments that focus solely on symptom relief, Bio Touch aims to stimulate the body's overall healing mechanisms. This holistic approach may lead to sustained wellness and help resolve underlying issues.Bev & Paul discuss how this is accomplished with a simple touch!
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Coincidence or Synchronicity?Bev & Paul go over how folks are coming to be exposed to Bio-Touch. How did you find it?
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Menopause can create much stress and wack out our hormones. Bev & Paul go over the last workshop we had on Menopause and give more details on how the research shows Bio-Touch can have an effect on these stressors and Cortisol levels.
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Our Guest is Karen Austin from TopazFitnessAcadamy.com as she speaks to us about menopause and the role that cortisol levels play at this time of a woman's life. Her goal is to help midlife women to regain their zest for life, through exercise, nutrition & wellness.Bev & Paul then teach the few sets of points that can help during menopause.…
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From the Bio-Touch manual: The goal is to teach an individual "how" to touch certain points to facilitate healing, rather than "do" something.Bev & Paul discuss what this could possibly mean both in the Bio-Touch practice and life itself!
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This is a time crossroads in humanities history and is causing a lot of conflict within us and between us.Bev & Paul talk about how Bio-Touch can bring our relationships with ourselves and those around us for the purpose of healing.
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How much can we talk about Bio-Touch Healing? Until the end of time, but the important issue is JUST TOUCH!Bev & Paul talk about how words transform how we view the world and ourselves. This is why it is so important about how we present Bio-touch Healing.
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"Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others."Pema ChodronBev & Paul discuss the basis of Bio-Touch being about self-awareness and the equality of all humanity in their ability to practice this technique…
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Bio-Touch can be used to address Hashimoto's Disease. Author Debra Schildhouse share vital information about the disease including her own personal journey with it.Bev & Paul then teach the few sets of points needed to address this condition.
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Words written by Terry Tempest Williams are shared which gives us insights into how light touch can elevate the darkness.Bev & Paul talk about how the light touch of Bio-Touch is a perfect way to live in a world of so many unknowns while sharing a deep sense of care and support.
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Dr. Kenna Stephenson said she can prolong life, but can't do much for the quality of life. That is why she loved Bio-Touch.Bev & Paul talk about how Bio-Touch helps with encouraging the quality of life as we live longer and longer.
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"Users of the drug MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly) experience heightened sensations, distorted perceptions, and increased self-awareness as a result of the compound's increase in neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine."Bev & Paul talk about the experiences that folks have using Bio-Touch for increased self-awareness.…
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"The manifestation of creation is extraordinary." This is the last sentence in the Bio-Touch Healing training manual. Bev & Paul investigate this and other gems included in the Epilogue of the manual.
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Fibromyalgia was the last workshop we did and wanted to add many more insights into how Bio-Touch healing can help with this condition. Join Bev & Paul as they go over much more details of how to help a loved one with this condition.
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Some say that Gen Z is breaking the cycle of generational trauma, with high school students working to heal and break the cycle of trauma instead of passing it on. Bev & Paul talk about how this Generation can use Bio-Touch to break this trauma.
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"Real meditation is right relationship between human beings." Bev & Paul talk about how Bio-Touch is a mediation without the need for projected results.
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Posture Health Condition Workshop was very informative. Bev & Paul go over more about how to use Bio-Touch to improve our posture.
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Our guest speaker, Logan Yost, from Stretch Labs, talks to us about Posture, it mechanics and the importance of being aware of ourselves in order to correct our posture. The second half of the workshop you will be taught the few sets of Bio-Touch points that help with Posture.
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